It's supposed to be a parody of Alfonso Cuaron's latest film, "I am Autism".
Hello, my name is Autism. You may have heard of heard of me before in a much more negative tones, as a robber of child development and parental hopes. I hope to make myself much more understood by this.
People say that I am a communication handicap. However, I am fixation and sensitivity, with great attentiveness to detail. I happen in varying strength and weaknesses; this is why I'm a spectrum.
The people I touch are falsely accused of being without emotion. The diagnostic criteria clearly state that nonverbal communication is impaired, and makes it look that way. My people could easily be understood, if those not like them would use context and understanding.
Not all Autistics are mentally deficient. In fact, I have raised up some noted geniuses. Daniel Tammet, the man who computed Pi better than a computer, and learned Icelandic in seven days. Stephen Spielberg, Physicist. Bill Gates, of course, of Microsoft fame. Unfortunately, not all of us get to be savants or geniuses. This is another example of my spectrum hood.
In closing, I should like to say that all people in the world should be understood. Almost none get this comprehension, that they so desperately need in some cases. My own people already have the western world's already flawed communicative system very much against them. Please, be understanding of neurologically diverse people, so that they might begin to understand you.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
Your result for Which Knight Are You?...
Hero of the East
Samurai were mighty warriors of Japan. Most often they worked for Shoguns, which were feudal japanese warlords. A Samurai who had no boss was a Ronin. The samurai could kick any Ninja's ass any day, and were the reason that Ninjas had taken to hiding in the shadows. Another thing of beauty we owe to the japanese, in addition to Sake and Sushi, was the Samurai outfit, although I'm sure you wouldn't think so if you had one coming after you!
I'm an Introverted-Sensing-Thinking-Judging
ISTJ - The Planner, Inspector
Introverted Logic, Extroverted Sensing
You can test your friends and then read about your relationships with them:
Click here for descriptions of how you relate to the other types
I think for the most part I try to make my life pretty structured, and one thing that other people can depend on is that I have a very strong sense of duty.
I’m a team player but I work best with some time alone. I like it when everything is laid out and I can just concentrate on doing the job. I hate it when I don’t know where I am going, and I like feedback so I know I’m on the right track. If part of the job entails ambiguity, that’s fine just as long as the goal is to reduce ambiguity. I like being financially secure with the bills paid on time so my family can enjoy the things that we like to do. I like to have a fallback plan. I do like to laugh and have fun too, but work is more important to me, and then I make my little jokes. I always think I have to get my work done before I can go out or go home, when I can just sit down and relax without anything hanging over my head. I take responsibility seriously, and if I’m going to put my name on something, my desire is to insure it’s as good as it can be.
A sense of right and wrong is extremely important, and I will not just stand by and watch people doing things wrong. It really tears me apart. I tend to want things in order and people doing the right things. I want to have some rules. I always wanted to please people, and a safe environment to me is where I don’t have to compete with anyone else’s wishes. If I get into a situation where I feel very strongly and can’t articulate the words or can’t win, I just don’t say anything. I tend to put up with conflict rather than deal with it. I try to deal with stress, but I am not necessarily a good confronter. I would like to be more of a stress avoider.
I find myself duty bound sometimes and find that I do things because of what’s expected of me. People can trust and count on me, and I am very dependable, almost to a fault. I strive to keep balance between work and home, and if I’m going to provide for my family I’m going to have to swallow some things at work. When I see families that really want to be together, that’s a relationship that those people worked at for many years to achieve. Being a friend means caring enough about an individual to call them to see how they are doing, and if I can see someone has held true to their word, then they’ve probably gained my trust. If you were to ask me to define the word love, you would get responses like caring, responsibility, and loyalty.
I am a very private person and I don’t like a lot of attention. Although I enjoy being with people, observing them, and just being a part of the group, I really like some solitude. People who don’t know me perceive me as pretty formal and rigid, and then I’ll get out of character and people don’t know how to deal with that. They misinterpret my subtle sense of humor. I do have some ability to improvise every once in a while. I take a lot of pleasure in the simple things.
With a problem, I will try to look at all the parts and line them up to insure I don’t miss something. I have to force myself to look at the big picture and solve it before I can say, “Yes, this is going to work.” I’m not the idea person, but if I have experience I will give my opinion about how I think it should be done. If it’s new, I am very much apt to sit back and take it all in and sit on it and think about it. I try to catch myself, but it’s so unnatural for me to see the good side of things, and turning around my perspective takes a lot out of me. I want a rock-solid case for why I feel the way I do. A lot of my ideas are very practical, not theoretical—the down-to-earth stuff people really need to know. Sometimes when people don’t see my point, I tend to withdraw or stand back.
I can’t stand people who don’t care for others, who are irresponsible or rude, who shoot their mouth off without knowing what they are talking about or who don’t do what they are supposed to do and want something for nothing. I especially can’t tolerate people who don’t take other people’s time or privacy into consideration.
I get up in the morning and do my routine. And I take time at the end of each day to try to plan what’s happening the next day, what I’m going to be working on first, second, third, and so on through out the day, to eliminate the unexpected. Sometimes I might carry a book or something in case I have to wait somewhere. That makes life easy and full. Stability is important to me and change may not be that easy, but variety is good too. I seek advice when I need to change.
Introverted Logic, Extroverted Sensing
You can test your friends and then read about your relationships with them:
Click here for descriptions of how you relate to the other types
I think for the most part I try to make my life pretty structured, and one thing that other people can depend on is that I have a very strong sense of duty.
I’m a team player but I work best with some time alone. I like it when everything is laid out and I can just concentrate on doing the job. I hate it when I don’t know where I am going, and I like feedback so I know I’m on the right track. If part of the job entails ambiguity, that’s fine just as long as the goal is to reduce ambiguity. I like being financially secure with the bills paid on time so my family can enjoy the things that we like to do. I like to have a fallback plan. I do like to laugh and have fun too, but work is more important to me, and then I make my little jokes. I always think I have to get my work done before I can go out or go home, when I can just sit down and relax without anything hanging over my head. I take responsibility seriously, and if I’m going to put my name on something, my desire is to insure it’s as good as it can be.
A sense of right and wrong is extremely important, and I will not just stand by and watch people doing things wrong. It really tears me apart. I tend to want things in order and people doing the right things. I want to have some rules. I always wanted to please people, and a safe environment to me is where I don’t have to compete with anyone else’s wishes. If I get into a situation where I feel very strongly and can’t articulate the words or can’t win, I just don’t say anything. I tend to put up with conflict rather than deal with it. I try to deal with stress, but I am not necessarily a good confronter. I would like to be more of a stress avoider.
I find myself duty bound sometimes and find that I do things because of what’s expected of me. People can trust and count on me, and I am very dependable, almost to a fault. I strive to keep balance between work and home, and if I’m going to provide for my family I’m going to have to swallow some things at work. When I see families that really want to be together, that’s a relationship that those people worked at for many years to achieve. Being a friend means caring enough about an individual to call them to see how they are doing, and if I can see someone has held true to their word, then they’ve probably gained my trust. If you were to ask me to define the word love, you would get responses like caring, responsibility, and loyalty.
I am a very private person and I don’t like a lot of attention. Although I enjoy being with people, observing them, and just being a part of the group, I really like some solitude. People who don’t know me perceive me as pretty formal and rigid, and then I’ll get out of character and people don’t know how to deal with that. They misinterpret my subtle sense of humor. I do have some ability to improvise every once in a while. I take a lot of pleasure in the simple things.
With a problem, I will try to look at all the parts and line them up to insure I don’t miss something. I have to force myself to look at the big picture and solve it before I can say, “Yes, this is going to work.” I’m not the idea person, but if I have experience I will give my opinion about how I think it should be done. If it’s new, I am very much apt to sit back and take it all in and sit on it and think about it. I try to catch myself, but it’s so unnatural for me to see the good side of things, and turning around my perspective takes a lot out of me. I want a rock-solid case for why I feel the way I do. A lot of my ideas are very practical, not theoretical—the down-to-earth stuff people really need to know. Sometimes when people don’t see my point, I tend to withdraw or stand back.
I can’t stand people who don’t care for others, who are irresponsible or rude, who shoot their mouth off without knowing what they are talking about or who don’t do what they are supposed to do and want something for nothing. I especially can’t tolerate people who don’t take other people’s time or privacy into consideration.
I get up in the morning and do my routine. And I take time at the end of each day to try to plan what’s happening the next day, what I’m going to be working on first, second, third, and so on through out the day, to eliminate the unexpected. Sometimes I might carry a book or something in case I have to wait somewhere. That makes life easy and full. Stability is important to me and change may not be that easy, but variety is good too. I seek advice when I need to change.
Shasta...?? Oh, nevermind..

As Shasta you may be a little stubborn and are frightened of the opposite sex, but you have a healthy thirst for adventure! (Artwork by Andrew Knapp)
Now that's a LITTLE bit more likely!
As Puddleglum the marshwiggle, you are very much pessimistic and paranoid! However, you're respected and trusted, and have a heart of gold.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Friday, September 18, 2009
Neurotypical understanding of other types of brains
"Members of this loosely defined faction agree that autism is a neurological condition, but so, after all, is the state of what they call neurotypicals. Most people who will read this essay are, despite our oddities, neurotypicals. It is also true that many people who will read it can, like its author, notice autistic traits in themselves. For millennia we neuro- typicals have refused to acknowledge neurodiversity and so (it is said) do not understand even ourselves."
From Ian Hacking’s paper “Humans, Aliens & Autism.”
Why should we bind ourselves to what they think of us, then? Has he not stated our opinion very well himself?
Why should we not try to figure out the things they've forbidden us?
The human brain? There is so much that psychologists haven't discovered yet. The conditions, the what ifs.... What if they are ours to discover. What if we developed a theory of mind? One that was better than theirs? What if we were to use our stims to express ourselves (as I think we mostly already do) and also develop a solid system of understanding them and ourselves?
Neurotypicals argue. We should take our fixative capacities, stick it to them, and become curious about the communication they've already given us an aversion to. Imagine if we could beat the system, and form our own style of communication, that could be unique for every person, and still retain the peace that comes with having some things standardized? What if? Who wants to beat the system with me? I want to. I desperately want to.
We could quite possibly become more familiar with the types of minds of other individuals. Right now, we're just as, or less interested, than they are, in the minutiae of the mind. I certainly hope I won't be an outcast for this.
From Ian Hacking’s paper “Humans, Aliens & Autism.”
Why should we bind ourselves to what they think of us, then? Has he not stated our opinion very well himself?
Why should we not try to figure out the things they've forbidden us?
The human brain? There is so much that psychologists haven't discovered yet. The conditions, the what ifs.... What if they are ours to discover. What if we developed a theory of mind? One that was better than theirs? What if we were to use our stims to express ourselves (as I think we mostly already do) and also develop a solid system of understanding them and ourselves?
Neurotypicals argue. We should take our fixative capacities, stick it to them, and become curious about the communication they've already given us an aversion to. Imagine if we could beat the system, and form our own style of communication, that could be unique for every person, and still retain the peace that comes with having some things standardized? What if? Who wants to beat the system with me? I want to. I desperately want to.
We could quite possibly become more familiar with the types of minds of other individuals. Right now, we're just as, or less interested, than they are, in the minutiae of the mind. I certainly hope I won't be an outcast for this.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Something I posted on a dating website.
The personality trait that makes me unique is the fact that I am an inattentive Aspergian, probably. Either that, or the fact that I'm Apostolic. Maybe that I'm an Innatentive ADHD Apostolic Aspie?
I would best describe my lifestyle as very very difficult at the moment. Life is complicated, and I have approximately one, and two quarter's tracks in my brain. Life is pressuresome. The tracks break really easily.
My most personally outstanding talent is my capability to understand. Sometimes, I hear, see, and read meaning in things that other people don't. I used to be able to apologize my way out of anything. Yeah, It's either my understanding/comprehending/communicating triad, or the fact that my senses are really really good. Don't-sneak-up-on-me-as-I-will-nearly-go-into-cardiac-arrest-type-good.
To me, romance means understanding. If one doesn't fit like a puzzle piece, and make up for those curves and flaws, then one can't really be a match. Understanding a person, and loving them anyway, is like the romantic existence between God and the Church. That's the kind of love I'm asking the Wind to blow me.... Not that it's likely...
The 3 things I want to do in my lifetime are Build a House On a Solid Rock, and fill it with a pack. Get quite a few books published, and live an experimental lifestyle. Well, Good evening!
I would best describe my lifestyle as very very difficult at the moment. Life is complicated, and I have approximately one, and two quarter's tracks in my brain. Life is pressuresome. The tracks break really easily.
My most personally outstanding talent is my capability to understand. Sometimes, I hear, see, and read meaning in things that other people don't. I used to be able to apologize my way out of anything. Yeah, It's either my understanding/comprehending/communicating triad, or the fact that my senses are really really good. Don't-sneak-up-on-me-as-I-will-nearly-go-into-cardiac-arrest-type-good.
To me, romance means understanding. If one doesn't fit like a puzzle piece, and make up for those curves and flaws, then one can't really be a match. Understanding a person, and loving them anyway, is like the romantic existence between God and the Church. That's the kind of love I'm asking the Wind to blow me.... Not that it's likely...
The 3 things I want to do in my lifetime are Build a House On a Solid Rock, and fill it with a pack. Get quite a few books published, and live an experimental lifestyle. Well, Good evening!
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Laws I found on another blog.
Doug and Marsha's law:
Anytime scientific evidence from a reputable and bonafide source is provided, people who range from proponents of the vaccine autism theory to outright anti-vaccination people will immediately cover their ears and go la-la-la-la and close their eyes and run to their conspiracy theory sites to find more comforting scary information that says everyone in the world is out to get them.
Any poster who argues against a mythical, magical neurodiversity movement that posits that parents of autistic children (children with autism) believe nothing should be done to help said children achieve their potential and that therefore the poster is the better parent/person/martyr/victim immediately loses any credibility and proves his/her priority is not the child but him/herself.
Anytime scientific evidence from a reputable and bonafide source is provided, people who range from proponents of the vaccine autism theory to outright anti-vaccination people will immediately cover their ears and go la-la-la-la and close their eyes and run to their conspiracy theory sites to find more comforting scary information that says everyone in the world is out to get them.
The mythical, magical Neurodiversity Movement Law:
Any poster who argues against a mythical, magical neurodiversity movement that posits that parents of autistic children (children with autism) believe nothing should be done to help said children achieve their potential and that therefore the poster is the better parent/person/martyr/victim immediately loses any credibility and proves his/her priority is not the child but him/herself.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Tell me what you think?
This is what I've been doing of late...
Just wondering. Hope whoever gets this message (particularly the sisterly types) is doing well!
Just wondering. Hope whoever gets this message (particularly the sisterly types) is doing well!
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About Me

- De Chao
- Live Long and Prosper! I am an eccentric. I like Jewish/Hebrew music, focusing on whatever special interests I have, especially if it concerns my friends. Quintessentially, I love my gifts from God. I dislike it when people dislike the lives of their own children, and torture them in the name of training and treatment. My dreams for the future are to become a Professor, writer, wife and mum. May the Force be with you!