Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Monday, December 27, 2010
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Friday, December 24, 2010
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
"If u had to write a children’s story book, what would it be about?"
Three abnormal kids befriend each other, and surreptitiously kick the posteriors of those who think they're freaks.
Ask me anything, even anonymously
Ask me anything, even anonymously
Have u ever made a friendship bracelet for someone?
No, but I have emotionally bound myself to others using much stronger methods than a friendship bracelet ever could have hoped.
Ask me anything, even anonymously
Ask me anything, even anonymously
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
The Sorting Hat and Those who Trek
AN: I just read a story in which Beverly Crusher was sorted into Hufflepuff. That just didn't fly. So, I made this.
I don't own HP or ST TNG. Wish I did own TNG. 'Nuff Said.
Once upon a time, the bridge crew of the Enterprise and others were turned into eleven year olds under a very strange circumstance. It was in a highly unusual energy flux. Everything was malfunctioning except Sick Bay. Suddenly, Dr. Selar felt a strong influx of emotions. It wasn't unique to her. Everywhere on the Enterprise, strange things were happening. Suddenly, the ship lurched into the disruption. It was a quantum energy flux.
They appeared on a Planet, inside it's atmosphere. It was very strange, as several newly young Vulcans noted audibly. It was decided that the doctors would run tests on everyone, then Captain Picard would go and speak to whomever was in charge.
The tests got in; everyone had access to all of their adult memories with almost the same degree of recall, and only their forebrains, and thus, their maturity, had had major regression.
"And so, we should try to get all systems back online as soon as possible, with a priority on Mr. Data. He is the only non-reduced person here, and he is a valued crew member."
Naturally, their attempts to bring them back online failed. The area they were in was magical, and thwarted their energies. Well, unless you're counting the telepathic abilities of some non human crew members. That worked just fine.
So, Captain Picard crawled out of a narrow Jeffries' tube opening to have a look at where they were.
It was... Beautiful. This castle, the lake, all of it was somehow magical!
Captain Picard suddenly heard a loud "Halloo," from across the field. A greatly sized man was walking toward him at a nice trot.
"Huh, hu..." the giant of a man panted after reaching him. "Professor Dumbledore, that's the Headmaster, would like to see you up at the castle, young master."
"Ah," Captain Picard pronounced. "I take it this is some some of private boarding school?"
"Yeh, it is," said Hagrid. "It's one of the best schools for magic there is."
What? You thought Picard was going to react strongly? He's used to telepaths in his everyday life. He's been called a Borg. He has made First Contact with over a dozen alien races.
"I'm sure it looks just as beautiful inside as it does outside," said the Captain.
They finally got to meet the Professor. After Picard explained the fix of every Enterprise crew member, he received an explanation and a suggestion.
"Our magic has shorted everything out, including your Mr. Data.Why do you not take the time to re-age and learn our magics? From what my sensors indicate, every awake person on the ship should be able to at least learn a simple levitation charm," said Dumbledore, eyes twinkling.
"But what about Mr. Data?"
"I'll get some specialists to see if they can get him to run on magic."
It was made so.
It was decided, that since the crew of the Enterprise totalled over 1,000, they would all be sorted early. Also, the dorms had to have spaciousness charms placed on them. The year was1991.
"Barclay, Reginald," Professor McGonagall called. The poor eleven year old Reg was half nervous, half exited!
"Hmm. You have an intense desire to learn, but at times, loyalty and sheer hard work have been the only things that have kept you in Starfleet. You are a very mixed bag of tricks... Better be.... RAVENCLAW!
"Crusher, Beverly!"
"Hmm... Definitely not a bad mind, obviously Doctor. But that isn't your defining quality, I see. Intense loyalty to patients, hmm, able to think on the fly, very brave... where do you want to go? Better be... Gryffindor!"
"Crusher, Jay!"
"Great loyalty I sense in you, but also a thirst for knowledge. You really would be better off a Raven. Oh, alright! BETTER BE HUFFLEPUFF!"
"Crusher, Wesley!"
"Hmm, you're the spitting mental image of your mother. Able to take risks, though not as loyal, there's a great thirst for knowledge, but also great ambition. Alright, better be... RAVENCLAW!"
"Mr. Data!"
It got to a millimetre of his head before screeching "RAVENCLAW!"
"Ms. Guinan!"
Amazingly, Guinan didn't even let the hat get close. "HUFFLEPUFF!"
"Mr. Hugh!"
This time, the Sorting Hat made it down to the cyborg's head, though it was twitching from all the synapses firing.
"Of course, being a Borg, you have a great intellect. However, I sense an even greater heart. You have an incredible work ethic and a loyal heart. Only one place for you, HUFFLEPUFF!"
"LaForge, Geordi!"
"Hmm, very loyal, not a bad mind either. You wish to be loyal to your friend? Very well. RAVENCLAW!"
"Picard, Cathal!"
"I see intense loyalty, bravery, ambition, and desire for knowledge. However, the latter is bound up in the loyalty. You desire to know as much about those you love as is possible and decent, which is loyal, brave, and ambitious. Where to... Ah, HUFFLEPUFF!"
"Picard, Jean Luc!"
"So, this is the infamous Captain. You have survived many trials, and can make very tough decisions under pressure. I see this Picard Manoeuvre; it takes guts and technical skill. You are extremely bright, but are not necessarily driven to pursue knowledge... Intense ambition, bravery of a true lion, and an incredible loyalty... Alright, well, if you insist, BETTER BE GRYFFINDOR!"
"Riker, Barash!"
"Hmm, non definitive but strong mental skills. You have a relatively strong version of that bravery that almost every child possesses, but your definitive qualities are... HUFFLEPUFF!"
"Riker, William!"
"I know just where you belong, you bluff master. GRYFFINDOR!"
"Ro, Laren!"
"Intense loyalty to your people and Captain Picard I sense... BETTER BE HUFFLEPUFF!"
"Troi, Deanna!
"You have bravery but you had to train yourself to be brave. You are extremely intelligent, but not thirsty for more knowledge. You are best suited to... HUFFLEPUFF!"
"Mr. Worf!
Once again, the hat came within a whisper of his head before it screamed,"GRYFFINDOR!"
And so was the Crew of the Enterprise D Sorted.
Monday, December 20, 2010
If you were pregnant, but the doctor said your child would be born with some kind of disease or sumthing bad, would you have an abortion or keep it no matter what?
Let's face it: I would LIKE my child to be born different. I am strongly pro-life and want to be a mother. Discovering my child to be would have something like Autism would make me happy, if concerned I wouldn't be able to raise him/her right. They would get my Autism genes anyway.
Ask me anything, even anonymously
Ask me anything, even anonymously
"Ha Tikva" or "The Hope"
Every time I listen to "Ha Tikva", or, "The Hope", I seem to feel this compelling urge to stand up and put my hand over my heart. I am a grafted Bat Avraham, and I feel like it!
Sunday, December 19, 2010
The Significance of the new Signature
So, what do you think of my new signature?
It kinda spoke to me when I read it.
""Once down the dark path you start, forever will it dominate your destiny. Made his choices your father has. Live with the consequences he must."
"So it's impossible for him to change?
"Not impossible, but difficult. And always marked by the dark side will he be. Consumed him it has, and feel his effects forever he will."
"But hope for him there remains... so long as hope for him you do."" -- Walk Like Men, the story of how Luke Skywalker is raised to adulthood by Sand walkers.
Yeah, you know what I'm thinking about what this means for me don't you?
Oh, NO! I'm Darth Vader!
It's not that bad.
Let me translate it for you.
I mean, negative-has-become-good, I've derived a purpose from my worst secret.. Yes, it is dominating where I'm going. I .. just.. intensely desire to help all those people that I'm connected to now. This has changed my life, in a not wholly bad way. However, I miss my best friend. That's just one of the consequences... The others are all in my head, lols.
It wasn't impossible for me to change, and it wasn't impossible for him to change. I was nearly seduced to the dark side. But I got off that path, and it was tough. I'll always have the scars, because I was consumed. I'll feel the effects for the rest of my life! That's not all bad, that's not all good. But... as long as I know there are people believing in me... That helps more than y'all know. I love humanity.
Friday, December 17, 2010
What is my Patronus?
Your result for The What is Your Patronus Test...

35% Impulse, 94% Compassion, 97% Loyalty and 41% Ignorance!Congratulations, you've scored the phoenix!
Good for you! If more people were like you, the world may be a better place.
"The phoenix has hope, can wing her way through the desert skies and still defy fortune's spite, revive from ashes and arise."
More calculating than impulsive: You usually consider all options before making a decision, thinking the consequences through before acting on your gut feeling.
More compassionate than apathetic: You wish no harm to others, and feel sorry for those who are in bad situations. You feel no one deserves to suffer, even if they’ve made some mistakes. We’re all human and we should all strive to help each other.
More loyal than self-serving: You honor your allegiances and friendships, even when the consequences for doing so may be difficult to face. You keep your word and stay true to your friendships, relationships, and yourself.
More knowledge-seeking than ignorant: You love learning. You love learning for work, you love learning for fun; learning is just another hobby to you. You probably feel a day gone by where you didn’t learn anything is, if not impossible, a total waste of a day.
Take The What is Your Patronus Test at HelloQuizzy
Good for you! If more people were like you, the world may be a better place.
"The phoenix has hope, can wing her way through the desert skies and still defy fortune's spite, revive from ashes and arise."
More calculating than impulsive: You usually consider all options before making a decision, thinking the consequences through before acting on your gut feeling.
More compassionate than apathetic: You wish no harm to others, and feel sorry for those who are in bad situations. You feel no one deserves to suffer, even if they’ve made some mistakes. We’re all human and we should all strive to help each other.
More loyal than self-serving: You honor your allegiances and friendships, even when the consequences for doing so may be difficult to face. You keep your word and stay true to your friendships, relationships, and yourself.
More knowledge-seeking than ignorant: You love learning. You love learning for work, you love learning for fun; learning is just another hobby to you. You probably feel a day gone by where you didn’t learn anything is, if not impossible, a total waste of a day.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Big Crunch or Endless Expansion: What is your theory on the fate of the universe?
Well, I believe that something outside of our universe will be able to affect that. So, we can't really know how it will end.
However, hypothetically, I believe that there is a Heaven outside of our universe. That's an interesting prospect.
Ask me anything, even anonymously
Ask me anything, even anonymously
Do you believe in ghosts?
Ghosts? Ghosts. Spirits.
I've been tempted by a spirit of Yuri.
I've delightedly celebrated the presence of God's Spirit.
So, yeah.
Ask me anything, even anonymously
Ask me anything, even anonymously
Who do u want to marry right now?
That's a serious question, baka!
Well, I have this crush on this awesomely geeky Pentecostal economist boy.
He knows his Star Wars, and his Star Trek!
And he's Pentecostal!!!
Ask me anything, even anonymously
Ask me anything, even anonymously
Who’s yer favorite TV doctor?
Dr. Beverly Crusher! Maaaan, she's a rockin' character. Look up the Star Trek TNG conspiracy episode.
Ask me anything, even anonymously
Ask me anything, even anonymously
What Top 10 List are you most qualified to compile?
Top ten most beautifully spirited characters in the fandoms I'm a part of.
Ask me anything, even anonymously
Ask me anything, even anonymously
Is there anything ur really looking forward to right now?
I'm looking forward to feeling that loving, redemptive feeling that comes with me living my life!!! And being loved and accepted despite myself.
At Christmas, this feeling is extremely potent.
Ask me anything, even anonymously
Ask me anything, even anonymously
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About Me

- De Chao
- Live Long and Prosper! I am an eccentric. I like Jewish/Hebrew music, focusing on whatever special interests I have, especially if it concerns my friends. Quintessentially, I love my gifts from God. I dislike it when people dislike the lives of their own children, and torture them in the name of training and treatment. My dreams for the future are to become a Professor, writer, wife and mum. May the Force be with you!
Blog Archive
- Have u ever fallen out of a tree?
- What song can you absolutely NOT stand?
- Do u love pie? =P
- Have you ever visited any other country?
- Which one of ur friends are u most like?
- How many kids do u think u’ll have?
- "If u had to write a children’s story book, what w...
- Do u believe in unicorns? ;)
- Have u ever made a friendship bracelet for someone?
- The Sorting Hat and Those who Trek
- If you were pregnant, but the doctor said your chi...
- "Ha Tikva" or "The Hope"
- What’s yer fav comic?
- "If u knew ur friend was going to make a REALLY ba...
- Do you have any brothers or sisters?
- Do u believe in soul mates?
- The Significance of the new Signature
- What is my Patronus?
- What’s the worst emotional pain you’ve ever experi...
- Big Crunch or Endless Expansion: What is your theo...
- Do you believe in ghosts?
- Who do u want to marry right now?
- Do u think u ever broke neone’s heart?
- Who’s yer favorite TV doctor?
- Do you think nurses are sexy?
- What Top 10 List are you most qualified to compile?
- Do u think you're cute?
- Is there anything ur really looking forward to rig...