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Saturday, December 24, 2011
I am this Uncommon, and I suppose that that was already a given.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Open Letter to Michael Bloomberg
Dear Mr. Bloomberg:
I am speaking on behalf of a great majority. Once upon a time, not so long ago, this great nation was on its' knees. We were mourning the loss of our comrades on 9/11. During this troubling time, many of us turned to prayer. It is fitting, therefore, in memory of those lost to us on that drreadful day, we turn to prayer again.
Prayer, as I understand, is highly controversial. It can be seen as a right of free speech, or as an endorsement of a state religion. However, prayer needn't necessarily indicate a state endorsement. I would like to suggest, that in lieu of no prayer at the memorial, representatives of as many faiths as permissible, pray for the souls of the departed in their own way.
Thank you for your time. Sincerely yours,
Transica Hester.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
The Apprentice, the Master, and the Man of Great Skill
Cho Ukklomgyuso, cho Nucgol, umja cho Num eh Tuloug Cpyura
Emso akem u gyuno, yum u cnura byurauto, cholo quuc um elkfumoja tyulr. Jao geh cho rusp eh locealsoc yum cho gequm, vech nugolyuur umja ruveal-quyuco, fol ryuho quuc geh gupo um yumgolocgot galm. Cholo quuc emo num yum cho quoero gequm quoe'ja obol gluboraoja, fuja u nucgoli eh u glujo, umja quoeh quuc amukklomgyusoja urlouji. Fo tuyumoja fol uc um ukklomgyuso, jao geh cho gequm seamsyur'c cgugoja jocyulo hel nelo koekro quoeh quolo urceh nucgolc geh tulequ cho gequm. Faneleacri, uc ceem uc choi vosuno nucgol umja ukklomgyuso, cho rohg gequm geh teh u'leunot.
Fo quucm'g u vuja nucgol, uc nucgolc teh. Uso tuloqu amjol fyun, umja fo yunkusgoja fol joboreknomg yum u nudel quui. Glachharai, fequobol, necg eh cho tulequot uso jyuja uhgol chug yumyugyuur yunkusg quuc dacg melnur, mugalur tulequch. Uso jyuja meg vreen el glari hrealyuus, vag uso tuloqu usulk, uc um yumcglanomg vomg emri hel vuggro umja quul.
Fequobol, fol nucgol fuja meh hunyuri, umja choi tuloqu srecol umja srecol. Cenogyuno, yug vosuno uc cheatf choi quolo uc huchol umja juatfgol, umja roais ryupo gouseol umja kakyur. Umja em choyul numi glyukc, fyuchol umja iem, uso quearja cyug mozg geh fyun yum cho semboiumso, umja lahhro fyuc fuyul.
Ura choco teeja gyunoc quolo crequri jluquot geh um omja. Boli wyuspri, yug coonoja chug cho ukklomgyuso'c quelrja sluusoja yum em fol fouja. Numi chotc, obyur, byuro, teeja umja hara eh vouagi jyuja uso coo vosuaco eh chyuc. Cho obyurmoais umja cyuspmoais eh cho quoero uhhuyul guatfg fol chug dei quuc quelch ceh naseh nelo chum necg koekro searja pmequ. Cho byuromoais umja atryumoais eh cho quoero uhhuyul guatfg fol chug T-j'c lojoonot tuluso searja kalseuco fol hloojen hlen cenochot obom uc fellyuvro uc yug quuc.
Chyuc ura fukkomoja necgri eagcyujo cho oioc eh cho nucgol. Fo searja coo emri kulg eh fyuc seyurj'c joboreknomg, umja fo jyujm'g obom pmequ quoi! Fo searjm'g pmequ quoi. Fo searja mobol pmequ quoi. Fo quuc geh vo vryumja.
Halchol yuaisaoc quolo geh seno vogquoom chon. Cho Nucgol quuc utoja, umja searja meh remtol ferja jequm quelp. Fo quuc jyucuvroja, umja yum keel fourch. U num searja emri ryubo ceh remt.
Yum cho gyunoc quoom fo quuc vujri ehh, uso quuc guatfg vi u solguyum num eh tuloug cpyura umja fyuc feaco. Uso losyuoboja fyuc umja fyuc hunyuri'c gouseotc quyuch tuloug dei, umja tuloqu ura cho nelo vosuaco eh yug; uso vreaisenoja, umja tuloqu cglemt umja vouagyuhar quyuch chon. Jalot ura chyuc, uso searja meg fork vag gli geh lononvol cho nucgol quoeh fuja voseno fol huchol.
Uso cuqu yug senot. Uso cuqu fyuc josryumo, dacg uc uso cuqu folcorh tulequot yumgeh um yunnomco srecomoais quyuch cho num eh tuloug cpyura umja fyuc equm. Uso cuqu cho jokch eh cho klenyuco vogquoon chon, uc quora uc cho queamjot cujmoais eh jouch...
'T-ja... YU jem'g quumg geh ucp quoi... vag YU rebo fyun. YU jem'g hoor ryupo recot fyun... chyuc quyura vo u remt leuja hel no... umja chump Iea,' uso urnecg searjm'g chyump. 'hel quulmot no!'
Uso quuc ura uremo, ceh uso searja vulori vo coom geh quyumso uc uso seboloja fol oioc umja rog cho goulc hura.
Uso quuc lyutfg. Uhgol u hoqu ioulc fuja kuaisoja, cho num eh tuloug cpyura fuja urnecg neboja yumgeh kruso geh gupo ebol fol ukklomgyusousyuk, umja fol huchol-- fol nucgol-- quuc jiot. Uhgol cho juic hel fyuc nealmot fuja kuaisoja, cho num eh tuloug cpyura forkoja fol, umja uso votum geh cgumja akem fol equm gqueh hoog. Cholo quuc u jokch eh rebo giot fol geh fyuc hunyuri quyuch urnecg yunkeaisyuvro seljc. Umja uso tuloqu cglemt, geh cgumja u ryuggro vyug vofyumja cho num eh tuloug cpyura, unemtcg fyuc equm. Uso quearja hyutfg uremtcyujo fyuc hunyuri, geh fork fyun klegosg chon, umja fol equm quolo uc choyul equm. Cho quullyueloais, quoeh quuc meh remtol um ukklomgyuso, velo gqueh munoc: cho muno eh fo quoeh fuja fuja fol hyulcg, umja cho muno eh cho feaco eh cho num eh tuloug cpyura.
Emso akem u gyuno, yum u cnura byurauto, cholo quuc um elkfumoja tyulr. Jao geh cho rusp eh locealsoc yum cho gequm, vech nugolyuur umja ruveal-quyuco, fol ryuho quuc geh gupo um yumgolocgot galm. Cholo quuc emo num yum cho quoero gequm quoe'ja obol gluboraoja, fuja u nucgoli eh u glujo, umja quoeh quuc amukklomgyusoja urlouji. Fo tuyumoja fol uc um ukklomgyuso, jao geh cho gequm seamsyur'c cgugoja jocyulo hel nelo koekro quoeh quolo urceh nucgolc geh tulequ cho gequm. Faneleacri, uc ceem uc choi vosuno nucgol umja ukklomgyuso, cho rohg gequm geh teh u'leunot.
Fo quucm'g u vuja nucgol, uc nucgolc teh. Uso tuloqu amjol fyun, umja fo yunkusgoja fol joboreknomg yum u nudel quui. Glachharai, fequobol, necg eh cho tulequot uso jyuja uhgol chug yumyugyuur yunkusg quuc dacg melnur, mugalur tulequch. Uso jyuja meg vreen el glari hrealyuus, vag uso tuloqu usulk, uc um yumcglanomg vomg emri hel vuggro umja quul.
Fequobol, fol nucgol fuja meh hunyuri, umja choi tuloqu srecol umja srecol. Cenogyuno, yug vosuno uc cheatf choi quolo uc huchol umja juatfgol, umja roais ryupo gouseol umja kakyur. Umja em choyul numi glyukc, fyuchol umja iem, uso quearja cyug mozg geh fyun yum cho semboiumso, umja lahhro fyuc fuyul.
Ura choco teeja gyunoc quolo crequri jluquot geh um omja. Boli wyuspri, yug coonoja chug cho ukklomgyuso'c quelrja sluusoja yum em fol fouja. Numi chotc, obyur, byuro, teeja umja hara eh vouagi jyuja uso coo vosuaco eh chyuc. Cho obyurmoais umja cyuspmoais eh cho quoero uhhuyul guatfg fol chug dei quuc quelch ceh naseh nelo chum necg koekro searja pmequ. Cho byuromoais umja atryumoais eh cho quoero uhhuyul guatfg fol chug T-j'c lojoonot tuluso searja kalseuco fol hloojen hlen cenochot obom uc fellyuvro uc yug quuc.
Chyuc ura fukkomoja necgri eagcyujo cho oioc eh cho nucgol. Fo searja coo emri kulg eh fyuc seyurj'c joboreknomg, umja fo jyujm'g obom pmequ quoi! Fo searjm'g pmequ quoi. Fo searja mobol pmequ quoi. Fo quuc geh vo vryumja.
Halchol yuaisaoc quolo geh seno vogquoom chon. Cho Nucgol quuc utoja, umja searja meh remtol ferja jequm quelp. Fo quuc jyucuvroja, umja yum keel fourch. U num searja emri ryubo ceh remt.
Yum cho gyunoc quoom fo quuc vujri ehh, uso quuc guatfg vi u solguyum num eh tuloug cpyura umja fyuc feaco. Uso losyuoboja fyuc umja fyuc hunyuri'c gouseotc quyuch tuloug dei, umja tuloqu ura cho nelo vosuaco eh yug; uso vreaisenoja, umja tuloqu cglemt umja vouagyuhar quyuch chon. Jalot ura chyuc, uso searja meg fork vag gli geh lononvol cho nucgol quoeh fuja voseno fol huchol.
Uso cuqu yug senot. Uso cuqu fyuc josryumo, dacg uc uso cuqu folcorh tulequot yumgeh um yunnomco srecomoais quyuch cho num eh tuloug cpyura umja fyuc equm. Uso cuqu cho jokch eh cho klenyuco vogquoon chon, uc quora uc cho queamjot cujmoais eh jouch...
'T-ja... YU jem'g quumg geh ucp quoi... vag YU rebo fyun. YU jem'g hoor ryupo recot fyun... chyuc quyura vo u remt leuja hel no... umja chump Iea,' uso urnecg searjm'g chyump. 'hel quulmot no!'
Uso quuc ura uremo, ceh uso searja vulori vo coom geh quyumso uc uso seboloja fol oioc umja rog cho goulc hura.
Uso quuc lyutfg. Uhgol u hoqu ioulc fuja kuaisoja, cho num eh tuloug cpyura fuja urnecg neboja yumgeh kruso geh gupo ebol fol ukklomgyusousyuk, umja fol huchol-- fol nucgol-- quuc jiot. Uhgol cho juic hel fyuc nealmot fuja kuaisoja, cho num eh tuloug cpyura forkoja fol, umja uso votum geh cgumja akem fol equm gqueh hoog. Cholo quuc u jokch eh rebo giot fol geh fyuc hunyuri quyuch urnecg yunkeaisyuvro seljc. Umja uso tuloqu cglemt, geh cgumja u ryuggro vyug vofyumja cho num eh tuloug cpyura, unemtcg fyuc equm. Uso quearja hyutfg uremtcyujo fyuc hunyuri, geh fork fyun klegosg chon, umja fol equm quolo uc choyul equm. Cho quullyueloais, quoeh quuc meh remtol um ukklomgyuso, velo gqueh munoc: cho muno eh fo quoeh fuja fuja fol hyulcg, umja cho muno eh cho feaco eh cho num eh tuloug cpyura.
Saturday, July 23, 2011
I Accept the Spiritual Surgery
I thought about her that way. It didn't make me happy, even though that used to be a synonymous term for happy. Yeah. I thought I'd be completely alone from a packed house, when Bro. H said for anyone struggling with that to come forward. Luckily, somewhere around 8-10-20 came forward.
Guilt and shame? Do you know what mine and my best friends relationship was and is based on? Mine and Sis. P's? Mine and J's? Mine and K's and.... L's? The power of the special interest is the love that I've poured into KNOWING each of you.
The power of the special interest after I've finished really, really, getting to know all but the last ones, is the desire to be a fighter for those people. For L, I hadn't finished figuring her out before the determination to protect came.
It was enough to keep me fixated on her, have all of my attention wasted (poured out completely, not the other use) on trying to get her back to emotional safety and *I STILL HAVEN'T FIGURED HER OUT YET* was also a somewhat major underlying concern..
The separation is MURDERING us!!!! *howl*
Now, we hop in our time machine, and fast forward to last night, after I've accepted Pastor F's decision to separate us.
Guilt and shame? Do you know what mine and my best friends relationship was and is based on? Mine and Sis. P's? Mine and J's? Mine and K's and.... L's? The power of the special interest is the love that I've poured into KNOWING each of you.
The power of the special interest after I've finished really, really, getting to know all but the last ones, is the desire to be a fighter for those people. For L, I hadn't finished figuring her out before the determination to protect came.
It was enough to keep me fixated on her, have all of my attention wasted (poured out completely, not the other use) on trying to get her back to emotional safety and *I STILL HAVEN'T FIGURED HER OUT YET* was also a somewhat major underlying concern..
The separation is MURDERING us!!!! *howl*
Now, we hop in our time machine, and fast forward to last night, after I've accepted Pastor F's decision to separate us.
I put all of my energy into loving and wanting to know those people. It wasn't enough. GOD is the only one that can satisfy my love-thirstiness.
I desired .... something I never should have. I lost one of my dearest friends, the rest of my first innocence, and my view of myself. I became incapable of helping, protecting solidly.... I became twisted. Because I didn't put God first.
I didn't put God first. If I had been listening to the Audio Bible, and writing something good and Godly, I wouldn't have read that fic. I read a yuri lemon, allowed it to tempt me, and I was forever changed. It was training. Through the darkness, God showed me light. By running and fighting against the darkness, I learned to love the best things... God Himself, more.
When I was young, I decided that I would give less to God so that I'd be able to give God more later.
This was as wrong as it could have gotten. God always deserves my all. I put my friends before God.... Now look where it's gotten me.
The Devil's tempted me with a divergent lifestyle, and because of that, I lost my other god. My mind.
My mind was highly efficient and capable once. I lost some of my capabilities due to the way I responded to myself once I started looking at certain ones the wrong way. I hated myself, and the mind that thought those things. I used to be a head banger, and not the kind that does it against air. What part of my brain is at the forefront? The maturity centre! I used to have a lot of impulse control. It was flushed down the toilet, basically.
Then, I started losing closeness to L because of my issues. Eventually, I'd go to my Pastor, tell him about the temptation, and this would change my life again. He said, "Stay away from her." We have spoken to each other no more than seven times since then.
I finally badgered my Pastor into letting me speak to her again. I never even got to ask her if she would be my friend again. "Yes, he did," she said. "The answer is no."
She went on a missions trip and came back. I was still hurting, natch. I was also sleepy. I murmured to myself, "Nee-chan janai desu," which is to say, "She's not my sister," in Japanese. I disowned her. My, that hurt, but it was a necessary amputation. Better to make it to Heaven with a Sasori (puppet) body than to go to Hell with my family intact. That was the main issue of what Bro. H preached tonight.
Throw Jezebel down, and kill Joram while you're at it too. Joram is your worst issue, metaphorically speaking. Jezebel is beyond the worst. Joram would've been the temptation. Jezebel is the not-putting-Jesus-first thing.
I'll be putting Jesus first! I'll learn to get help.... and I'll throw down Jezebel! Well, I'll have help, but she will be overthrown.
On this night, a visiting minister who knows us very well told us not to call our Pastor "Bro. D." anymore, like we always have. "From now on, this is Pastor F." he said, or something incredibly similar. I felt a strong remorse-like feeling for all the times in my past I'd been frustrated and resentful towards him from a distance in my past. I am very sorry for disliking him so badly. He was watching for my soul. I had no right to be so frustrated and maybe even angsty about it. I'm sad so much time was wasted, but so thankful the hurting, angsty part's all over.
God really does work everything out to the good of those who love him, and are called according to His Word! Do you think you'd have as many issues accepting God's will and your Pastor's decision if he made a decision to split you from someone you consider your family?
Friday, July 15, 2011
I love my geekishness.
Your result for The Ultimate Star Trek Test...
Your VOY Rating is 100%, Your DS9 Rating is 83%, Your ENT Rating is 63%, and your TNG Rating is 86%.
Thanks for taking the test! Anything higher than a 70% in each category demostrates mastery of useless trivia for that particular series!
Take The Ultimate Star Trek Test at HelloQuizzy
Just what I wanted
Your result for Science-Fiction Spaceship Command Test...

Go Boldly Where No One Has Gone Before!
91% Enterprise-EYou command the flagship of the fleet, capable of multiple mission profiles including scientific research, defense and diplomatic. You prefer a family-style command with yourself as the father/mother figure.
Take Science-Fiction Spaceship Command Test at HelloQuizzy
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Introducing my Character, Tilde
Tilde is suspiciously similar to you as you'd like to be. She isn't really very cool: she blends into crowds, she hangs out on the fringes at parties, and wearing shades after dark makes her run into things. She may have sometimes thought that she was special, or destined for greater things, but probably dismissed the idea as a fantasy. She's come in for her share of hurt, but gotten off with minor damage. And she's gotten no slack from you.
In general, you care deeply about Tilde, but you're smart enough to let her stand on her own, without burdening her with your personal fantasies or propping her up with idealization and over-dramatization. Tilde is a healthy character with a promising career ahead of her.
In general, you care deeply about Tilde, but you're smart enough to let her stand on her own, without burdening her with your personal fantasies or propping her up with idealization and over-dramatization. Tilde is a healthy character with a promising career ahead of her.
Score Breakdown
She's Got My Nose 14
You Mean Plaid Is Out? 4
I'm Destined For What? 9
Can't Complain 4
Momma HATES Her! 0
Total: 31
She's Got My Nose 14
You Mean Plaid Is Out? 4
I'm Destined For What? 9
Can't Complain 4
Momma HATES Her! 0
Total: 31
Lantern Corps Quiz results
Which Lantern Corps Do You Belong To?
Your Result:
Indigo Tribe
You belong the Indigo Tribe (yes, it isn't technically a corps). Indigo is the color of compassion. You care a lot for others. You go out of your way to help any one and every one. You are a true saint.
Take theWhich Lantern Corps Do You Belong To?
Fun Quiz at
Blue Lantern Corps The Blue Lanterns embrace the power of Hope. With faith and conviction, you can soothe hearts full of fear and hate. You heal the wounded, both of their physical injuries, and of the emotional wounds they bear inside. You can even bring youth back to a dying star, giving Hope to all who bear witness. The Oath of the Blue Lantern Corps: In fearful day, in raging night, With strong hearts full, our souls ignite. When all seems lost in the War of Light, Look to the stars... For Hope burns bright! |
Your result for Which DCU Lantern Corps Is For You? ...
Indigo Lantern Corps!
Which Corps Best Suits You
Love conquers all!
The light within your heart must not go out! Join the Star Sapphires and save love like yours across the cosmos. Show others the joy it brought you. Remember, follow your heart!
The blue lantern corps
The blue lantern corps is based around hope, however you can't use your power unless your with a green lantern. Oath: "In fearful day, in raging night, with strong hearts full, our souls ignite! When all seems lost in the War of Light,
look to the stars, for hope burns bright!"
Members: Saint Walker, Broyher Warth and even the Flash.
look to the stars, for hope burns bright!"
Members: Saint Walker, Broyher Warth and even the Flash.
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Somewhat Adventurous
Your result for The Adventuresome Test...
Dedicated to Growth
You scored 69% adventurous!You like to broaden your horizons, deepen your perspective. You realize the importance of being exposed to fresh ideas and opinions, you challenge yourself in a healthy way. You are likely consiously or unconcsiouly dedicated to personal growth and success, although your definition of success may deviate from the standard. Good for you!
Take The Adventuresome Test at HelloQuizzy
Saturday, April 30, 2011
My Political Stance
You are a Social Moderate (56% permissive) and an... Economic Moderate (41% permissive) You are best described as a:
Link: The Politics Test on Ok Cupid Also: The OkCupid Dating Persona Test |
Thursday, April 21, 2011
The Case for Later Genetic Testing
As we all know, Autism Speaks is an organization that advocates for Autism Awareness, and works toward a cure. As they are having issues finding the latter, they have decided to work for early intervention. Early intervention isn't wholly a dangerous thing, though one worries about crushing the developing spirit. What one really needs to worry about is prenatal testing that happens too early.
The normal test for genetic abnormalities is the amniocentesis. It isn't really all that viable. You usually have to wait 'till weeks 15-20 to do this. There's a miscarriage risk. However, a blood test can be done on just the mother to see if a baby has Down Syndrome. It could be used for Autism quite easily, if we knew all the genes involved.
This would be where Autism Speaks comes in. They have a site and a way of studying Autistic genes. They have a site called "The Autism Genetic Resource Exchange (AGRE)". This is a gene bank of info made available to worldwide autism researchers. They can use this to figure out the genes that go into Autism.
Now an Amniocentesis happens only a few short weeks before abortion typically ceases to be legal, at the age of viability. However, with the mother's blood test, it can happen even earlier, making abortion that much easier for prospective mothers of Autistics.
Now, if the motive for testing is so that mothers can get early intervention for their special needs child, from the day of their birth, the test itself could be put off until after the legal age of viability. I want to see genetic testing for developmental disorders be made illegal until after the age of viability. That way, the early intervention can happen as described, but no baby will be lost because of their difference.
All I'm asking for is a little time so that my desires can be made law. DON'T let Autism Speaks use your money to get prenatal Auties killed before they can LEARN to speak.
The normal test for genetic abnormalities is the amniocentesis. It isn't really all that viable. You usually have to wait 'till weeks 15-20 to do this. There's a miscarriage risk. However, a blood test can be done on just the mother to see if a baby has Down Syndrome. It could be used for Autism quite easily, if we knew all the genes involved.
This would be where Autism Speaks comes in. They have a site and a way of studying Autistic genes. They have a site called "The Autism Genetic Resource Exchange (AGRE)". This is a gene bank of info made available to worldwide autism researchers. They can use this to figure out the genes that go into Autism.
Now an Amniocentesis happens only a few short weeks before abortion typically ceases to be legal, at the age of viability. However, with the mother's blood test, it can happen even earlier, making abortion that much easier for prospective mothers of Autistics.
Now, if the motive for testing is so that mothers can get early intervention for their special needs child, from the day of their birth, the test itself could be put off until after the legal age of viability. I want to see genetic testing for developmental disorders be made illegal until after the age of viability. That way, the early intervention can happen as described, but no baby will be lost because of their difference.
All I'm asking for is a little time so that my desires can be made law. DON'T let Autism Speaks use your money to get prenatal Auties killed before they can LEARN to speak.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
How I Wish It Would Have Happened
Warning: This story is HIGHLY personal, and involves the breakage of a rather serious Judeo-Christian moral taboo. DO NOT read, or look up a translator for if you can shut down my social life in any measure, do not know my worst secret, and would be upset with this sort of thing. Thank you.
"Dui, YU mooja geh gurp geh iea uveag cenochot."
"Epui, Suchur, Gurp geh no," Dui lokryuoc.
"Dui," YU cui, gluyurot ehh. "Cho jobyur gonkgoja no. YU pmequ iea urlouji pmequ chug, vag iea mooja geh pmequ quyuch quoug.. Yug'c meg ryupo yug'c u cyum yuh iea jem'g jeh yug, vag cenogyunoc, YU dacg hoor ceh yunnomcori quoup!"
"Teh ufouja," Dui cuic, glokyujugyuem nulpojri yum fol kecgalo umja ozkloaisyuem.
"Yug... Antoo," Suchur cuic, huraot geh fol fumjc umja pmooc, huso vrump-- ozsokg hel cho houl chug kolnougoc yug.
"Tog ak."
Cenofequ uso numutoc geh.
Uso cuqu cho falg umja vogluiur yum Dui'c oioc, vag yug quucm'g wyugo ebol iog. Quyuch chug, u Protem leul valcg hlen Dui'c ryukc, cheatf fol oioc quolo usojjot Fanum goulc. Uso hramt fol ulnc uveag Suchur'c mosp, nealmot hel cho hlyuomjusyuk choi fuja recg. Suchur deyumoja fol slyuoc.
Dacg uc cajjomri, yug leco hlen cho uusoc uc choyul slyuoc yumgolnotroja. Choyul poomot, reais hyuraoja quuyurc vosuno glyuankfumg senkumyuemuvro vuggro leulc. Choi vosuno cglemtol, srotot geh ouseh echol, urnecg pmespot cho echol ebol yum choyul onvluso. Choi quolo moqu koekro quyuch u moqu lorugyuemusyuk. Choyul ryuboc quearja voseno nelo semsomglugoja vi chyuc, vag meg mosoaisulyuri quelco. Uc u nuggol eh husg, yug quuc geh tog voggol.
"Dui, YU mooja geh gurp geh iea uveag cenochot."
"Epui, Suchur, Gurp geh no," Dui lokryuoc.
"Dui," YU cui, gluyurot ehh. "Cho jobyur gonkgoja no. YU pmequ iea urlouji pmequ chug, vag iea mooja geh pmequ quyuch quoug.. Yug'c meg ryupo yug'c u cyum yuh iea jem'g jeh yug, vag cenogyunoc, YU dacg hoor ceh yunnomcori quoup!"
"Teh ufouja," Dui cuic, glokyujugyuem nulpojri yum fol kecgalo umja ozkloaisyuem.
"Yug... Antoo," Suchur cuic, huraot geh fol fumjc umja pmooc, huso vrump-- ozsokg hel cho houl chug kolnougoc yug.
"Tog ak."
Cenofequ uso numutoc geh.
Uso cuqu cho falg umja vogluiur yum Dui'c oioc, vag yug quucm'g wyugo ebol iog. Quyuch chug, u Protem leul valcg hlen Dui'c ryukc, cheatf fol oioc quolo usojjot Fanum goulc. Uso hramt fol ulnc uveag Suchur'c mosp, nealmot hel cho hlyuomjusyuk choi fuja recg. Suchur deyumoja fol slyuoc.
Dacg uc cajjomri, yug leco hlen cho uusoc uc choyul slyuoc yumgolnotroja. Choyul poomot, reais hyuraoja quuyurc vosuno glyuankfumg senkumyuemuvro vuggro leulc. Choi vosuno cglemtol, srotot geh ouseh echol, urnecg pmespot cho echol ebol yum choyul onvluso. Choi quolo moqu koekro quyuch u moqu lorugyuemusyuk. Choyul ryuboc quearja voseno nelo semsomglugoja vi chyuc, vag meg mosoaisulyuri quelco. Uc u nuggol eh husg, yug quuc geh tog voggol.
What would u do if u knew ur best friend was in an abusive relationship?
I'd get in his' face at the least. I'd get a few good slugs in. She'd probably try to pull me off him. I'd whale on him a great deal, if I was feeling rather violent. In one of my "special" moods, I'd probably come pretty close to killing him. If I was in a state of rage and carelessness to beat almost anything, I would conspire to commit murder in a ghastly and sickening fashion.
Ask me anything, even anonymously
Ask me anything, even anonymously
Sunday, March 27, 2011
"If u could bring anyone back from the dead, who would u bring back?"
My innocence? Idk.
Ask me anything, even anonymously
Monday, March 21, 2011
Your result for The Angel or Demon Test...

Congratulations! You scored ###!You're nice, kind, idealist and good. You watch for others and like to be helpful, love is the purest form of bliss given to humanity and a soul is the most important so that it must be well cared.
You represent the light side. The Yang side of nature. Life, light. Your goodness makes you necessary for cosmic balance.
Note that the higher your Score Range, the more good you are, so, if your score is around 60, you're perfectly nice but not too different from most people, yet more inclined to that side of reality. In the other hand, if your score reaches one hundred for some reason... gods, maybe you are a real angel.
In a second note, if you're really HIGH in your score, just remember not to sacrifice too much. You're way too special to go away in a single burst, so watch yourself and good luck.
Take The Angel or Demon Test at HelloQuizzy
You represent the light side. The Yang side of nature. Life, light. Your goodness makes you necessary for cosmic balance.
Note that the higher your Score Range, the more good you are, so, if your score is around 60, you're perfectly nice but not too different from most people, yet more inclined to that side of reality. In the other hand, if your score reaches one hundred for some reason... gods, maybe you are a real angel.
In a second note, if you're really HIGH in your score, just remember not to sacrifice too much. You're way too special to go away in a single burst, so watch yourself and good luck.
Could I Kill?
Your result for The Can You Kill a Man? Test...
As neccessary.
You scored 33% Cold and 71% Level-Headed!If threatned, you will respond with equivalent force, and most likely have the nerves to carry you through the act.
Take The Can You Kill a Man? Test at HelloQuizzy
Sorting Hat Test again
Your result for The Sorting Hat Test...

You scored 12% Slytherin, 16% Ravenclaw, 48% Gryffindor, and 36% Hufflepuff!You might belong in Gryffindor,
Where dwell the brave at heart,
Their daring, nerve, and chivalrySet Gryffindors apart.
Gryffindors are known for their courage, audacity, and devotion to what is good and honest.
Take The Sorting Hat Test at HelloQuizzy
Where dwell the brave at heart,
Their daring, nerve, and chivalrySet Gryffindors apart.
Gryffindors are known for their courage, audacity, and devotion to what is good and honest.
Religion Founder
Your result for The Religion Founder You Resemble Test...

You two would probably really get along!Founder of Jainism
"Non-violence and kindness to living beings is kindness to oneself. For thereby one's own self is saved from various kinds of sins and resultant sufferings and is able to secure his own welfare."
Take The Religion Founder You Resemble Test at HelloQuizzy
"Non-violence and kindness to living beings is kindness to oneself. For thereby one's own self is saved from various kinds of sins and resultant sufferings and is able to secure his own welfare."
Sunday, March 20, 2011
My friend could fit into all four houses!
Your result for The Sorting Hat Test...

Menage a quatre
You scored 53% Order/Chaos, and 51% Moral/RationalYou're split both between order and chaos, and between morality and rationality. Surely the real Sorting Hat would know where to put you, but this test is baffled. On the upside, you're clearly a very balanced person.
You may want to sort yourself according to my 4-grid:
Take The Sorting Hat Test at HelloQuizzy
You may want to sort yourself according to my 4-grid:
Chaotic | Orderly | |
Moral | Gryffindor | Hufflepuff |
Rational | Slytherin | Ravenclaw |
You're an Animal
Your result for The You're an Animal! Test...

You scored 10 Powerful, 30 Playfulness, 60 Tranquility, and 0 Grandiosity!You're good-natured, and don't worry much what others think of you. You are physically demonstrative and enjoy exchanging jokes with others. Although you're easy-going and not easily ruffled, you can stand your ground when you must. You are something of a homebody, preferring to be around your family at home or with groups of friends in familiar places. You are the Walrus, koo-koo-ka-joo.
Fun fact: Walruses have been around for over 15 million years and "drill" for clams by squirting water from their mouths.
Take The You're an Animal! Test at HelloQuizzy
Fun fact: Walruses have been around for over 15 million years and "drill" for clams by squirting water from their mouths.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
:) I'm not clinically psychotic
Your result for The Are You Clinically Psychotic Test...
Firmly Grounded: 20%
You scored 15 of 100. You were 15% Psychotic.You are firmly grounded, with very few psychotic tendencies at all! You have a firm grasp of reality, and are well below average in the normal psychotic tendencies that everyone possesses.
On the final question, you may be interested to know that this exact question was asked of more than 700 inmates either on death row or sentenced to life in prison for violent homicides. Approximately 90% of the inmates did not hesitate in their answer, choosing to say that the reason the daughter killed her brother was to stage another funeral and meet the man again.
A score of 13-20% psychotic-ness indicates you only answered 5-7 questions of 34 that had any psychotic tendencies at all. This is far below what the average person's score of 30%, or 9-12 questions.
Note that your score is weighted. Men are more likely to be psychotic than women. Sorry guys. So if you are a guy and got this score -- that's even more impressive. Furthermore, it may be a relief to you to know that if you are 27 years of age or older, that it is FAR less likely for you to develop new psychotic tendencies. Becoming psychotic is a young person's game.
Still, it's not a bad idea to come back and take this test often. Just to be on the safe side, eh?
Take The Are You Clinically Psychotic Test at HelloQuizzy
On the final question, you may be interested to know that this exact question was asked of more than 700 inmates either on death row or sentenced to life in prison for violent homicides. Approximately 90% of the inmates did not hesitate in their answer, choosing to say that the reason the daughter killed her brother was to stage another funeral and meet the man again.
A score of 13-20% psychotic-ness indicates you only answered 5-7 questions of 34 that had any psychotic tendencies at all. This is far below what the average person's score of 30%, or 9-12 questions.
Note that your score is weighted. Men are more likely to be psychotic than women. Sorry guys. So if you are a guy and got this score -- that's even more impressive. Furthermore, it may be a relief to you to know that if you are 27 years of age or older, that it is FAR less likely for you to develop new psychotic tendencies. Becoming psychotic is a young person's game.
Still, it's not a bad idea to come back and take this test often. Just to be on the safe side, eh?
My Apparent Mental Health Status
Your result for The Mental Health Test...

The Twitchy Eye
Your insanity rating: 42%!Twitchers are perfectly fine for the most part, but can have some fairly odd moments. Maybe you get fairly uncomfortable when your personal space is violated, to the point of shouting at someone. You might suffer mood swings and hold irrational feelings towards people. There's more people out there like you so don't worry about it.
PS: I am in no way trained or otherwise authorised to perform psychological evaluations, so feel free to ignore these results.
Take The Mental Health Test at HelloQuizzy
PS: I am in no way trained or otherwise authorised to perform psychological evaluations, so feel free to ignore these results.
Alexander the Great
Your result for The What Military Leader Are You? Test...

Alexander the Great
You scored 4 ruthlessness, 14 tactics, and 7 charisma!Alexander the Great (in Greek Μέγας Αλέξανδρος, transliterated Megas Alexandros; (Birthplace: Pella, Macedonia, Greece - July 20 or 26, 356 BC, June 10, 323 BC), King of Macedon 336323 BC, also Alexandros Philippou Makedonon, was arguably the most successful military commander of ancient history, conquering most of the known world before his death. Born in 356 BC in Pella, Macedonia. Alexander is also known in Zoroastrian Middle Persian works such as the Arda Wiraz as "the accursed Alexander" due to his destruction of the Persian Empire and its capital Persepolis. He is also known in Eastern traditions as Dhul-Qarnayn (the two-horned one), apparently due to an image on coins minted during his rule that seemingly depicted him with the two ram's horns of the Egyptian god Ammon. In Iran, north-west India and modern-day Pakistan, he is known as Sikandar-e-Azam (Alexander the Great) and many male children are named Sikandar after him.
Following the unification of the multiple city-states of ancient Greece under the rule of his father, Philip II of Macedon, (a labor Alexander had to repeat - twice - because the southern Greeks rebelled after Philip's death), Alexander conquered the Persian Empire, including Anatolia, Syria, Phoenicia, Gaza, Egypt, Bactria and Mesopotamia, and extended the boundaries of his own empire as far as the Punjab. Alexander integrated non-Greeks into his army and administration, leading some scholars to credit him with a policy of fusion. He encouraged marriage between Greeks and non-Greeks, and practiced it himself. This was extremely unusual for the ancient world. After twelve years of constant military campaigning, Alexander died, possibly of malaria, typhoid or a viral encephalitis. His conquests ushered in centuries of Greek settlement and rule over non-Greek areas, a period known as the Hellenistic Age. Alexander himself lived on in the history and myth of both Greek and non-Greek peoples. Already during his lifetime, and especially after his death, his exploits inspired a literary tradition in which he appears as a towering legendary hero in the tradition of Achilles
Take The What Military Leader Are You? Test at HelloQuizzy
Following the unification of the multiple city-states of ancient Greece under the rule of his father, Philip II of Macedon, (a labor Alexander had to repeat - twice - because the southern Greeks rebelled after Philip's death), Alexander conquered the Persian Empire, including Anatolia, Syria, Phoenicia, Gaza, Egypt, Bactria and Mesopotamia, and extended the boundaries of his own empire as far as the Punjab. Alexander integrated non-Greeks into his army and administration, leading some scholars to credit him with a policy of fusion. He encouraged marriage between Greeks and non-Greeks, and practiced it himself. This was extremely unusual for the ancient world. After twelve years of constant military campaigning, Alexander died, possibly of malaria, typhoid or a viral encephalitis. His conquests ushered in centuries of Greek settlement and rule over non-Greek areas, a period known as the Hellenistic Age. Alexander himself lived on in the history and myth of both Greek and non-Greek peoples. Already during his lifetime, and especially after his death, his exploits inspired a literary tradition in which he appears as a towering legendary hero in the tradition of Achilles
I'm Invisible.
Your result for The Super-Power Quiz!...

You're adept at remaining undetected, and being unseen makes you unstoppable. If they can't see you coming, they can't prepare for you and that's where you draw your strength. You can outwit almost anyone, and your resourcefulness is unmatched.
Take The Super-Power Quiz! at HelloQuizzy
What Do I Know About Kids?
Your result for The What Do You Know About Children, Anyway? Test...
72% kid smarts
When it comes to raising children, everyone has his or her own belief system in place. This may be due to your parents' positive influence on your life, or their subsequent negative influence. Perhaps you always approached something from a certain angle, and one of your life experiences has led you to see things from a different perspective.
Many of these questions were subjective -- the answers were scored equally among those that were in the best interest of the child in question.
There is one important thing I will point out here, due to the overwhelming number of emails I received inquiring about the subject. Any child, particularly under the age of 10 (or prepubescent), but not necessarily limited to that age, who tells you that he or she has been sexually assaulted in ANY way...has above a 98% honesty rate. How do I know? I've worked extensively with both adult and juvenile sex offenders, as well as victims of child sexual abuse. Oftentimes, the victims become the offenders. Don't ever doubt a child. Yes, there have been cases where the child fabricates a story...but you know what? I'll bet that anyone who searched deep enough would find that the child had been abused by someone at some point in time.
Ok, off my soapbox. Hope you enjoyed the test. Yes, I could've made categories. Yes, I could've gone into greater detail about the scoring system. If anything, this test made you think about some uncomfortable things; when we're uncomfortable, we act.
Take The What Do You Know About Children, Anyway? Test at HelloQuizzy
Many of these questions were subjective -- the answers were scored equally among those that were in the best interest of the child in question.
There is one important thing I will point out here, due to the overwhelming number of emails I received inquiring about the subject. Any child, particularly under the age of 10 (or prepubescent), but not necessarily limited to that age, who tells you that he or she has been sexually assaulted in ANY way...has above a 98% honesty rate. How do I know? I've worked extensively with both adult and juvenile sex offenders, as well as victims of child sexual abuse. Oftentimes, the victims become the offenders. Don't ever doubt a child. Yes, there have been cases where the child fabricates a story...but you know what? I'll bet that anyone who searched deep enough would find that the child had been abused by someone at some point in time.
Ok, off my soapbox. Hope you enjoyed the test. Yes, I could've made categories. Yes, I could've gone into greater detail about the scoring system. If anything, this test made you think about some uncomfortable things; when we're uncomfortable, we act.
Your result for The Disney Villain/Villainess Test...

36% evil #1, 41% evil #2, 62% evil #3, 0% evil #4Movie: Sleeping Beauty
This villainess is one that pretty much has it. Just look at her, she fits the part so well. Those devil-like horns and that greenish-tinted skin. The woman is pissed because she wasn't invited to a celebration. I think that alone tells you how horrible she is. Also, the scene where she turns into a dragon is pretty awesome.
Take The Disney Villain/Villainess Test at HelloQuizzy
This villainess is one that pretty much has it. Just look at her, she fits the part so well. Those devil-like horns and that greenish-tinted skin. The woman is pissed because she wasn't invited to a celebration. I think that alone tells you how horrible she is. Also, the scene where she turns into a dragon is pretty awesome.
I will die of Old Age
Your result for The How You Will Die Test...

Old age
29 extrovert, 54 intelligence, 15 risk taker, 67 god-favourYou are the perfect citizen. Quiet, intelligent, not a risk taker, and you have god-favour.
Due to these traits you will probably die whenever the hell you want to die - but most likely from old age.
Take The How You Will Die Test at HelloQuizzy
Due to these traits you will probably die whenever the hell you want to die - but most likely from old age.
Yin Yang Gender
Your result for The Masculine/Feminine Test...

Ying Yang
Congratulations! You scored ###!You are a paradigm of balance between your Masculine and Feminine sides, which is what most people strive to be. Most of your aspects - tastes, habits, and style - reflect a certain equilibrium that makes you who you are. You can get along with a variety of personalities without totally clashing, because you understand and appreciate a little of both sides. It is what makes you who you are.
Take The Masculine/Feminine Test at HelloQuizzy
How Normal Are You
Your result for The How normal are you Test...
The Free Thinker
61 Anti-Normal PointsYou are quite strange indeed and not very normal at all. You are cool. We have a few things in common, so send me a message. You are very open minded, creative, and intelligent. People like you and secretly want to be you, because of your overwhelming coolness. Just watch out the world doesn't suck out your originality.
Take The How normal are you Test at HelloQuizzy
I'm Someone's Dream?
Your result for The WOMAN Test...
Dream Girl
You scored 42% Estrogen, 68% Grace, 86% Sexiness, and 81% Intelligence!You have a realistic sense of your femininity so that you can still hold rational conversations about things other than hair. Plus, you're sexy and kind to everyone you meet. When you walk into a room, people are sure to look and smile. You go, girl!
Take The WOMAN Test at HelloQuizzy
Your result for The In-Depth HP Personality Test...
Nymphadora Tonks
You scored 51% Maturity, 87% Goodness, and 58% Abilities!You're Tonks, you've got the ability to change your facial features at will, and you're part of the Order of the Phoenix. Even though you're one of the youngest in the Order you hold your own nicely, even if you did have some troubles passing parts of your Auror test.
Take The In-Depth HP Personality Test at HelloQuizzy
Your result for The New DC Comic Book Superhero Test...
Your stats:
Autonomy: 45%
Image: 45%
Ideology: 62%
Perspective: 48%

Well, Supergirl did use to be my nic.
Power Girl
Your stats:
Autonomy: 45%
Image: 45%
Ideology: 62%
Perspective: 48%
Name: Power Girl
Alter Ego: Kara Zor-L
Abilities: Superhuman strength, speed, stamina, vision and hearing; invulnerability; X-ray vision; Heat-vision.
Team player. Introverted. Idealistic. Focused.
Like Superman, Power Girl is a Kryptonian, whose powers come from the rays of the earth's yellow sun. However, there the similarities end. Power Girl is not the upstanding vestige of morality her superkinsman is. Everything about her (both physically and mentally) has been destroyed, rebuilt and destroyed again, and subsequently she has never been the one-woman army many expected her to become. Instead, Power Girl prefers a support role, providing strength and protection to small teams or individuals who don't have the luxury of superhuman strength or invulnerability.
Take The New DC Comic Book Superhero Test at HelloQuizzyAlter Ego: Kara Zor-L
Abilities: Superhuman strength, speed, stamina, vision and hearing; invulnerability; X-ray vision; Heat-vision.
Team player. Introverted. Idealistic. Focused.
Like Superman, Power Girl is a Kryptonian, whose powers come from the rays of the earth's yellow sun. However, there the similarities end. Power Girl is not the upstanding vestige of morality her superkinsman is. Everything about her (both physically and mentally) has been destroyed, rebuilt and destroyed again, and subsequently she has never been the one-woman army many expected her to become. Instead, Power Girl prefers a support role, providing strength and protection to small teams or individuals who don't have the luxury of superhuman strength or invulnerability.
Well, Supergirl did use to be my nic.
I am... the Ice Man. Dash, I wanted Superman
Your result for The What Super Hero/Villan Are You Test...

2 Mutant, 4 Flight, 3 Strength, 3 SpeedSuper Hero
An Omega-level mutant, Iceman can freeze moisture in the air around him and turn his body into solid hard ice. Although potentially a very powerful mutant, insecurity, possibly due to rejection from his parents, has held him back and also possibly lead to his jokester mentality.
Iceman is one bad-ass Mutant
Take The What Super Hero/Villan Are You Test at HelloQuizzy
An Omega-level mutant, Iceman can freeze moisture in the air around him and turn his body into solid hard ice. Although potentially a very powerful mutant, insecurity, possibly due to rejection from his parents, has held him back and also possibly lead to his jokester mentality.
Iceman is one bad-ass Mutant
Morality Test
Your result for The True Morality Test...
Generally Righteous
You are 79% truly moral. Really.Well, now, you're a pretty decent person. The kind of guy or gal I would trust to housesit...maybe. There's still a little bit of potential for taking the lower road in that mind of yours, maybe because sometimes you feel like you deserve something, maybe because you feel like the rules don't apply in some situations. Either way, you did good. This is actually where most people seem to wind up, which makes it a little easier for me to get out of bed in the morning. Anyway, have a cookie.
Not that I doubt you, but if you like this test you should now try my newest one:
The Will YOU Cheat? Test
Take The True Morality Test at HelloQuizzy
Not that I doubt you, but if you like this test you should now try my newest one:
The Will YOU Cheat? Test
Slytherdor: I am still Beatific
Your result for The Sorting Hat Test...

You scored 18% Order/Chaos, and 49% Moral/RationalChaotic with a moral/rational split. Outside rules and regulations bug you, but how you determine conduct for yourself depends - you have a dose of self interest in you, but you've also got a streak of solid morality. Your strengths arise from being able to see past strict rules, but this also can be a weakness when people don't know if they can trust you to follow procedure and aren't sure for what reasons you might deviate.
The 4-grid I used to determine this is as follows:
Take The Sorting Hat Test at HelloQuizzy
The 4-grid I used to determine this is as follows:
Chaotic | Orderly | |
Moral | Gryffindor | Hufflepuff |
Rational | Slytherin | Ravenclaw |
Tough as Nails
Your result for What Gender do you Think and Feel Like?...

Tough as Nails
Male Heart, Female BrainYour feelings are male, but your thoughts are female. Such combination can make you tough and fiesty.This test is not about physical sex, but gender, which has nothing to do with what body you were born into or what your sexual orientation is. However, you express yourself in a very balanced way.
Take What Gender do you Think and Feel Like? at HelloQuizzy
I Love Gandalf
Your result for The LOTR Character Test...

You scored 48% Sturdyness, 61% Influence, 59% Supernatural, and 14% Evil!You are Gandalf, skilled wizard and certainly not human. You are anicent, wise and skilled both with magic (master of fire) and the sword. You are everything one could ask for on a mission, and allways have good advise. The problem is however, that your struggle for what's good causes you to have many places at a time to attend, so you're not allways reliable - but you allways seem to show up at the right time, bringing courage to lost souls!
Take The LOTR Character Test at HelloQuizzy
I'm The Wizard, I guess.
Your result for The Pop Culture Archetype Personality Test...

The Wizard
Ninja, Robot, Zombie, CowboyThe self-confidence of the wizard is often mistaken for arrogance, but it is a confidence rooted in expertise. The perfectionist wizards focus on specialized knowledge, and are willing to work at things and improve until they are masters of their domain. They know what they know, and they know what they don't know. Yet wizards are not all about logic; they combine intuition and imagination with reliability, and turn everything they work on into a personal moral cause. To this end, they will disregard authority if it suits their purposes, even pretending to conform while secretly working in their own unconventional, opportunistic ways. Anything is possible, and paradoxes are seen as a source of amusement, not an obstacle. With people, wizards have no tolerance for slackers, and their lack of appreciation for social rituals, small talk and flirtation means that personal relationships are their Achilles heel. They are deeply private and impassive, and their unempathetic self-confidence and expectation for directness means that they turn off many, leaving them with only a few close friends.
Wizards are prone to Schizotypal behaviors, wherein they feel extreme discomfort in close relationships and often experience strange cognitive and perceptual experiences and eccentric appearance and behavior. They may see chance happenings as being related to their own experiences, and react with odd, magical beliefs and thinking. Their paranoid, suspicious natures leave them with few close friends, and their odd speech and inappropriate behaviors often drive away others, leading to increased anxiety in social situations.
Famous wizard types include Dan Akroyd, Augustus Caesar, Chevy Chase, Arnold Schwarzenegger and John F. Kennedy.
Take The Pop Culture Archetype Personality Test at HelloQuizzy
Wizards are prone to Schizotypal behaviors, wherein they feel extreme discomfort in close relationships and often experience strange cognitive and perceptual experiences and eccentric appearance and behavior. They may see chance happenings as being related to their own experiences, and react with odd, magical beliefs and thinking. Their paranoid, suspicious natures leave them with few close friends, and their odd speech and inappropriate behaviors often drive away others, leading to increased anxiety in social situations.
Famous wizard types include Dan Akroyd, Augustus Caesar, Chevy Chase, Arnold Schwarzenegger and John F. Kennedy.
I'm not a Serial Killer
Your result for Serial Killer Profiling Test...
Not Serial Killer Material
Sorry, you only scored 25% killer, you'll never make it.You'll never make it in the exciting fun filled world of serial killing. Below are your scores for the various areas in serial killing, although since they don't apply to you they don't really matter.
You should read for more information on serial killers.
Take Serial Killer Profiling Test at HelloQuizzy
You should read for more information on serial killers.
- Serial Killer Potential: 25% Killer
- Type of Serial Killer:
- 20% Organized
- 67% Disorganized
- 0% Medical Professional
- Killing Motivation:
- 100% Visionary
- 100% Mission
- Hedonistic
- 100% Hedonistic/Lust
- 0% Hedonistic/Thrill
- 0% Hedonistic/Comfort
- 100% Power
Your result for The Are You an Psychopath Test...
You scored 9 out of forty on the psychopathy scaleOh Gods!! You're actually normal. In studies control populations of, normal people, show an average score of around 5, so be happy. You may be dull, but you aren't insane. Try to get and do something, have an orgy, kill a kitten, just enjoy yourself.
Take The Are You an Psychopath Test at HelloQuizzy
Your result for The Which State Are You Test...

62 State PersonalityNew York may not be your bag, but Chicago has everything you need to feel like you're in the heart of it all. You like the change of seasons but like the warm weather too. You have no problem with a quiet boating trip on the lake or a more wild jet ski adventure! You are definitely the more versatile of the state personalities.
Take The Which State Are You Test at HelloQuizzy
Apparently, I'm Spawn.
Your result for The Look In The Mirror And Discover Your True Self! Test...

You scored 39% True DarknessA CIA agent killed by his own boss for witnessing his corruption, Al Simmons was sent to hell. To see his wife one more time, he made a deal with the demon Malebolgia to become an undead "hellspawn". Spawn has tried to retain his own humanity while finding a way out of Malebolgia's control and battling a variety of enemies, both supernatural and crime-related. The series began with a very superhero-like tone, but the title character evolved into a more flawed anti-hero.
Well, you sure do feel some restraints. You would like to be a little less of a good guy/girl. And you probably tend to hold things inside sometimes. Maybe you should care less what other people think and go out there. You wouldn't be the typical nice guy/girl anymore, but you wouldn't be so bad, you would still know right from wrong
Categories you could get:
Phoney Bone 0-11%, the Hulk 12-22%, Catwoman 23-33%, Spawn 34-44%, the Darkness 45-55%, Magneto 56-66%, Darth Vader67-77%, Morgan Le Fey 78-88%, Sephiroth 89-100%.
Link to My Other Tests
If the link doesn't work, please copy/paste this:
Take The Look In The Mirror And Discover Your True Self! Test at HelloQuizzy
Well, you sure do feel some restraints. You would like to be a little less of a good guy/girl. And you probably tend to hold things inside sometimes. Maybe you should care less what other people think and go out there. You wouldn't be the typical nice guy/girl anymore, but you wouldn't be so bad, you would still know right from wrong
Categories you could get:
Phoney Bone 0-11%, the Hulk 12-22%, Catwoman 23-33%, Spawn 34-44%, the Darkness 45-55%, Magneto 56-66%, Darth Vader67-77%, Morgan Le Fey 78-88%, Sephiroth 89-100%.
Link to My Other Tests
If the link doesn't work, please copy/paste this:
I Am the Heart
Your result for The What Organ Are You? Test...

The Heart
You scored 62% sanguine, 67% phlegmatic, 30% melancholy, and 46% choleric!You are the Heart. As you probably know, the Heart is a muscular organ responsible for mantaining blood circulation.
You've been matched to this organ because you scored high on three axes: sanguine, phlegmatic, and choleric. Traditionally, the sanguine humor was associated with the Liver, the phlegmatic humor was associated with the Lung, and the choleric humor was associated with the Spleen. Personality characteristics include a tendency towards extroversion, and while you can be impulsive, you're mostly easy-going and thoughtful.
My thoughts? The Heart is certainly the most romantic organ in the body, but it's also one you can rely on. It has a steady beat that will increase when you need it, decrease when that's appropriate, and can keep beating on without input from the brain. Congrats! You're one of the most important organs in the body!
Take The What Organ Are You? Test at HelloQuizzy
You've been matched to this organ because you scored high on three axes: sanguine, phlegmatic, and choleric. Traditionally, the sanguine humor was associated with the Liver, the phlegmatic humor was associated with the Lung, and the choleric humor was associated with the Spleen. Personality characteristics include a tendency towards extroversion, and while you can be impulsive, you're mostly easy-going and thoughtful.
My thoughts? The Heart is certainly the most romantic organ in the body, but it's also one you can rely on. It has a steady beat that will increase when you need it, decrease when that's appropriate, and can keep beating on without input from the brain. Congrats! You're one of the most important organs in the body!
Very Short Purity Test Result
Your result for The Original Purity Test...
Take The Original Purity Test at HelloQuizzy
You are 79% pure!
Take The Original Purity Test at HelloQuizzy
Your result for The "What's Your Inner Blood Type" Personality? Test...

Type B
More Common In: China, Indonesia, Hungary, Korea, Vietnam
Less Common In: Great Britain, Portugal, Ireland, Brazil, Scandinavia
Best Traits: Creative, selfless, passionate, animal loving, usually more optimistic, devoted, flexible, fun, easy-going, individualist
Worst Traits: Forgetful, irresponsible, careless, sometimes clueless, often lazy, tends to procrastinate
Element of Strength: Water
Season of Strength: Autumn
Feeling of Strength: Emotion
Arcana of Strength: Cups
Signs of Strength: Pieces, Cancer, Scorpio
Sins of Fault: Sloth, Gluttony
Famous B’s: Akira Kurosawa, Paul McCartney, Leonardo DiCaprio, Mia Farrow, Tom Selleck
Summery: Type B’s thrive on doing what it takes to achieve the happiness they want. For them, living a satisfying, fulfilling life is the most important goal out there. There’s no point in getting that job, being with that person, or taking that path if they can’t be happy and do what they enjoy and love to do. They believe choosing a path just because money or fame lies at the end of it is taking the foolish path, and will lead to consequences of dissatisfaction and unhappiness.
B’s are fun and easy to get along with. If they know someone doesn’t like them, they don’t whine, throw insults, or plot revenge, they simply laugh it off or merely ignore the person without making a big deal about it. After all, who cares what they think, right? Their loss.
Type B’s, however, may often have a problem taking things seriously at times. Most make great friends, but have a tendency to laugh or let their attention wonder when the timing is inappropriate. They may do it with intentions of cheering another person up and only end up making the person feel worse. B’s can be very careless, and jump right into something without putting enough thought into what they’re getting themselves into. The same way A’s pay too much attention to detail and miss the big picture, B’s are the exact opposite in often forgetting all about the detail. They see the big picture of things right from the start, and see no reason to take it apart just to be able to understand the image.
Type B’s are the most selfless type. They care very much for the well-being of their family, friends, and partners, and like to see and make them happy. If they have a friend or family member get down or enter a period of depression, they’ll do whatever they can to help snap them out of it. If the person in need fails to respond, type B’s will eventually become fed-up and angry, and result to using their harsher side. It angers them very much to see others screwing-up their lives and hear them hopelessly complain about it when they’re making no real effort to fix it. When Type B’s throw anger fits, they can be very extreme and drastic. B’s ESPECIALLY get angry when someone they care about is in real danger. B’s are initially more dominant than submissive, but are overall the most evenly split between the two. They know when to step forward, but still know there are times when it’s better to step back.
However, when B’s are hit by a big misfortune it can affect them greater than it affects the other types. The reason for this is the fact that type B’s are usually not nearly as accustomed to dealing with serious problems for themselves as the other types, as great as they are at helping others with their problems. They don’t mind helping others through the tough times, they just don’t want any real tragedy for themselves. Because of this, a type B may opt to runaway from confronting certain problems for long periods of time, thinking that if they run long enough, the problems will eventually stop chasing them and disappear.
The nature of type B’s often makes them more prone to acts of carelessness and foolishness. Being the most open-minded, type B’s often don’t mind trying new things, despite the number of risks that may be involved. However, they may once again jump foolishly into something without putting enough thought behind their actions or what they could potentially be getting themselves into, only to later find themselves in a big mess. Type B’s also tend to have the poorest memory recollection (or just 'short-term memory' in general). They may open the refrigerator and decide they need some milk, go to the grocery store, and then get back with a ton of other things only to realize they forgot to buy the milk. They aren’t especially good with staying ‘on schedule’ and often find themselves arriving late somewhere or remembering something at the last second. They also tend to remember faces better than names.
Type B’s are also sometimes prone to being lazy. Once in awhile, they may spend hours at a time in front of the television or on the computer, or in something like meditation or simply spending time sitting at a favourite spot admiring the scenery. They may go to bed two hours early or wake-up two hours late. B’s are the best at relaxing, and love all the more to relax; mind, body, and spirit. They often find themselves tired in the morning, throughout the day, or earlier than they’d like to be, especially after a long day at work or school. B’s are often drawn to products containing sugar and caffeine, such as chocolates and coffees.Take The "What's Your Inner Blood Type" Personality? Test at HelloQuizzy
Blood Type B
% 54More Common In: China, Indonesia, Hungary, Korea, Vietnam
Less Common In: Great Britain, Portugal, Ireland, Brazil, Scandinavia
Best Traits: Creative, selfless, passionate, animal loving, usually more optimistic, devoted, flexible, fun, easy-going, individualist
Worst Traits: Forgetful, irresponsible, careless, sometimes clueless, often lazy, tends to procrastinate
Element of Strength: Water
Season of Strength: Autumn
Feeling of Strength: Emotion
Arcana of Strength: Cups
Signs of Strength: Pieces, Cancer, Scorpio
Sins of Fault: Sloth, Gluttony
Famous B’s: Akira Kurosawa, Paul McCartney, Leonardo DiCaprio, Mia Farrow, Tom Selleck
Summery: Type B’s thrive on doing what it takes to achieve the happiness they want. For them, living a satisfying, fulfilling life is the most important goal out there. There’s no point in getting that job, being with that person, or taking that path if they can’t be happy and do what they enjoy and love to do. They believe choosing a path just because money or fame lies at the end of it is taking the foolish path, and will lead to consequences of dissatisfaction and unhappiness.
B’s are fun and easy to get along with. If they know someone doesn’t like them, they don’t whine, throw insults, or plot revenge, they simply laugh it off or merely ignore the person without making a big deal about it. After all, who cares what they think, right? Their loss.
Type B’s, however, may often have a problem taking things seriously at times. Most make great friends, but have a tendency to laugh or let their attention wonder when the timing is inappropriate. They may do it with intentions of cheering another person up and only end up making the person feel worse. B’s can be very careless, and jump right into something without putting enough thought into what they’re getting themselves into. The same way A’s pay too much attention to detail and miss the big picture, B’s are the exact opposite in often forgetting all about the detail. They see the big picture of things right from the start, and see no reason to take it apart just to be able to understand the image.
Type B’s are the most selfless type. They care very much for the well-being of their family, friends, and partners, and like to see and make them happy. If they have a friend or family member get down or enter a period of depression, they’ll do whatever they can to help snap them out of it. If the person in need fails to respond, type B’s will eventually become fed-up and angry, and result to using their harsher side. It angers them very much to see others screwing-up their lives and hear them hopelessly complain about it when they’re making no real effort to fix it. When Type B’s throw anger fits, they can be very extreme and drastic. B’s ESPECIALLY get angry when someone they care about is in real danger. B’s are initially more dominant than submissive, but are overall the most evenly split between the two. They know when to step forward, but still know there are times when it’s better to step back.
However, when B’s are hit by a big misfortune it can affect them greater than it affects the other types. The reason for this is the fact that type B’s are usually not nearly as accustomed to dealing with serious problems for themselves as the other types, as great as they are at helping others with their problems. They don’t mind helping others through the tough times, they just don’t want any real tragedy for themselves. Because of this, a type B may opt to runaway from confronting certain problems for long periods of time, thinking that if they run long enough, the problems will eventually stop chasing them and disappear.
The nature of type B’s often makes them more prone to acts of carelessness and foolishness. Being the most open-minded, type B’s often don’t mind trying new things, despite the number of risks that may be involved. However, they may once again jump foolishly into something without putting enough thought behind their actions or what they could potentially be getting themselves into, only to later find themselves in a big mess. Type B’s also tend to have the poorest memory recollection (or just 'short-term memory' in general). They may open the refrigerator and decide they need some milk, go to the grocery store, and then get back with a ton of other things only to realize they forgot to buy the milk. They aren’t especially good with staying ‘on schedule’ and often find themselves arriving late somewhere or remembering something at the last second. They also tend to remember faces better than names.
Type B’s are also sometimes prone to being lazy. Once in awhile, they may spend hours at a time in front of the television or on the computer, or in something like meditation or simply spending time sitting at a favourite spot admiring the scenery. They may go to bed two hours early or wake-up two hours late. B’s are the best at relaxing, and love all the more to relax; mind, body, and spirit. They often find themselves tired in the morning, throughout the day, or earlier than they’d like to be, especially after a long day at work or school. B’s are often drawn to products containing sugar and caffeine, such as chocolates and coffees.
Fenced heart
Your result for The Fence Around Your Heart Test...

Chain-Link Fence
Your Heart is 56% GuardedYou're right in the middle of the categories. You have struck a good balance between opening up your heart and keeping it protected. Some things in your past have hurt you, but you've managed to keep a realistic view. When someone tries to steal your heart, they'll have to prove to you that they're worthy by making the effort to climb over. And that's just fine.
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The Are You a Polite Online Dater Test
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The Are You a Polite Online Dater Test
the quiz result marathon continues.
Your result for The What Is Your MPAA Film Rating? Test...

You scored 33 due to language, 44 due to violence, 7 due to nudity, and 21 due to adult themes!PARENTS STRONGLY CAUTIONED: Some Material May Be Inappropriate For Children Under 13. "A PG-13 film is one which leaps beyond the boundaries of the PG rating in theme, violence, nudity, sensuality, language, or other contents, but does not quite fit within the restricted R category. Any drug use content will initially require at least a PG-13 rating. A film's single use of one of the harsher sexually-derived words, though only as an expletive, requires at least a PG-13 rating."
Take The What Is Your MPAA Film Rating? Test at HelloQuizzy
Friday, March 18, 2011
The Strange world I should've lived in!
Your result for The Which Imaginary World Fits You Test...

Thomas Covenant
Your world is 53% Sophisticated, 61% Unconventional, and 60% Intense!You're the unfortunate recipient of a one-way ticket to The Land. It sounds generic, but never fear: genericism is one thing you will not be subjected to. Nor will a lack of intensity. Believability, well... that's a little more scarce, but hey! At least this way if you ever contract leprosy (and you will) you'll have some moss to cure it. You'll have magic powers named after jewellery, a nemesis called Lord Foul and if you're anything like the protagonist you'll probably end up raping some poor girl within the first few days because you're probably not very likeable. Okay, so maybe you're not as bad as Thomas Covenant, but you're still going to end up a leper.
Take The Which Imaginary World Fits You Test at HelloQuizzy
Meh. D & D
Your result for The *D&D Race* Test...

You scored 1 STR, -11 DEX, -9 CON, and -4 CHA!Most humans are the descendants of pioneers, conqurors, traders, travelers, refugees, and other people on the move. As a result, human lands are a mix of people - physically, culturally, religiously, and politcally. Hardy or fine, light-skinned or dark, showy or austere, primitive or civilized, devout or impious, humans run the gamut.
Remember your race, as well as your STR, DEX, CON, and CHA scores. You will need them when you take my D&D Class Test. D&D Class Test
Take The *D&D Race* Test at HelloQuizzy
Remember your race, as well as your STR, DEX, CON, and CHA scores. You will need them when you take my D&D Class Test. D&D Class Test
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- De Chao
- Live Long and Prosper! I am an eccentric. I like Jewish/Hebrew music, focusing on whatever special interests I have, especially if it concerns my friends. Quintessentially, I love my gifts from God. I dislike it when people dislike the lives of their own children, and torture them in the name of training and treatment. My dreams for the future are to become a Professor, writer, wife and mum. May the Force be with you!
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- Apparently, I'm Spawn.
- I Am the Heart
- Very Short Purity Test Result
- Am I REALLY Type B?
- Fenced heart
- the quiz result marathon continues.
- The Strange world I should've lived in!
- Meh. D & D