Sunday, February 21, 2010

Multiple Quiz Results

Captain Jean-Luc Picard"Make it so!"

You are Lieutenant Uhura. Wow, you are a sweety. You are a quiet supporter of those you care about, and are always ready to listen. You have a secret yearning for the spotlight, and a fine talent, but you tend to find yourself in supportive roles. More of us should hear yoursong, so make sure you get up there and belt it out every once in awhile. It's good for your ego and our ears.

Captain Kirk
Hikaru Sulu
Dr. McCoy
Pavel Chekov
Nurse Chapel
Montgomery Scott--"Scotty"

You are Jean-Luc Picard
Jean-Luc Picard
James T. Kirk (Captain)
Will Riker
Mr. Sulu
Beverly Crusher
Deanna Troi
Geordi LaForge
Mr. Scott
Leonard McCoy (Bones)
An Expendable Character (Redshirt)
A lover of Shakespeare and other
fine literature. You have a decisive mind
and a firm hand in dealing with others.

My #1 is:Captain Jean-Luc Picard

You Scored as DataYou are logical, highly intellegent and unemotional. You wish you understood other people more, but you find computers easier to work with.

Geordi LaForge
Jean Luc Picard
Deanna Troi
William T. Riker
Beverly Crusher

My #1 is:Geordi    Books, etc.
My #2 is:Picard    Books, etc.

Which Star Trek Character are You?
Your Result: Captain Jean-Luc Picard
You are a natural leader and are very good in a crisis. You can be a little old-fashioned occasionally. You have a fondness for the good things in life and appreciate what you have. You care deeply about the people around you.
William Riker
Dr Beverly Crusher
Deanna Troi
Geordi La Forge
Which Star Trek Character are You?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz

Which Star Trek Captain Are You?

You’re a Captain Picard!
Magnanimous and introspective, you take the time to really think things out, sometimes to a fault. Intellectually curious with a special reverence for the past, you see the future as a series of perfectly formed grapes just waiting to be plucked from the vine.

Jean-Luc Picard. You command your ship with a bigger heart 

than most may think, and the children love you.

Your Result

You are: Captain Jean-Luc Picard.

Jean-Luc Picard

You're Mr. Spock!!

result image
You are very intelligent, calm, and cool. You may seem one way to people at first glance, but once they get to know you they love you. You work hard and are very loyal.

                Take the Star Trek Quiz
YAY! Much Picardliness!!!!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Which Star Trek Series Do I Belong In

Your result for The Which Star Trek Series Do You Belong In Test...

The Next Generation

10% Originality,  40% Next-Generationality,  30% Deep-Spaciousness,  20% Voyagocity and  0% Enterprisability!
You belong in The Next Generation.  This means that you have very strong interests in both science and philosophy.  Some people might find technology interesting, but you find the way humankind uses it more interesting.  You probably also feel an insaciable urge to continue to attain greater levels of enlightenment.

Kudos to you!  Exploring the uncharted sectors of the human mind is no easy task.  After all, "you will never come up against a greater adversary than your own potential."
Take The Which Star Trek Series Do You Belong In Test at HelloQuizzy


Your result for The Ultimate TNG: Character Test...

Jean-Luc Picard

You scored 16 Physically Able, 24 Mentally Able,  and 26 Morally Good! (30 is max)
You're Captain Picard!                          
Physically: Medium
Mentally: High
Morally: High

Picard is the smart, righteous, somewhat arrogant captain of the Enterprise.  He's very capable with a stunning intellect and a great sense of right and wrong.  Picard will, undoubtedly, have high school across the quadrant named after him.

Well, if you're anything like Picard, and this test says you are, you're a great, warm, and mentally stimulating person.  You love learning about an array of different things, from philosophy to archeology.  You are admired by everyone and envied by some.  You have it together, so much so, that everyone else thinks your life is very easy.  They just don't realize you are where you are through hard work.  You don't mind getting your hands dirty when the need arises, but prefer to solve your problems verbally instead of physically.  You're a light on the hill, and all that stuff, and you should stay that way.  You've got the will, the smarts, and the driving desire to change the world for the better, 'make it so'!

The character most unlike you is: Kivas Fajo
Take The Ultimate TNG: Character Test at HelloQuizzy

Well, Riker's okay, I guess

Your result for The Ultimate TNG: Character Test...

William Thomas Riker

You scored 17 Physically Able, 19 Mentally Able,  and 24 Morally Good! (30 is max)
You're Riker!                          
Physically: Medium
Mentally: Medium
Morally: High

Will Riker is the career orientated, charismatic, able minded, first officer on Enterprise.  He's pretty smart, not a shabby fighter (although he does get knocked out by Ferengis in season 1- I think) and has a good sense of right and wrong. (best illustrated in his encounter with the Borg)          

Well you got Riker, a good result, if you ask me.  Your physical abilities are balanced with your mental ones, and you do what you can to bring good into the world.  Like Riker, you're probably very popular, only annoying a few people with your slight smug attitude and sense of style.  Well, irregardless, you're destined for great things.  Rock on!    

The character most unlike you is: Gul Lemec
Take The Ultimate TNG: Character Test at HelloQuizzy

Blast... Janeway! Let's see if I can make Picard.....

Your result for The Which StarTrek Captain Are You Test...

Capt Kathryn Janeway

You scored 39 Daring, 57 Intellect, and 65 Compassion!
Kathryn Janeway was the Captain of the USS Voyager, thrown into the furthest reaches of the Delta Quadrant, decades of travel from Earth.

Scoring a Kathryn Janeway shows you've got a lot of Brains and Heart, which balances the riskier captains like Kirk.
Take The Which StarTrek Captain Are You Test at HelloQuizzy

Which Captain am I?

Your result for The Which Star Trek Captain Are You? Test...

You scored 82% with Picard and 53% on Janeway!

The percentages shown show how much you are like each of the three Star Trek captains. Your highest percentage is which captain you are, at heart.

Picard- You are no slave to fashion! No slave to personal appearance, a determined consensus builder, taking in everyone's opinion. Bold, yet forgiving, in complete command of your emotions, your intellect. Unfortunately, underneath it all, there's a major concern. Your nausicaan won mechanical heart prevents you from a solid relationship with your CMO.
Take The Which Star Trek Captain Are You? Test at HelloQuizzy

Janeway- It may be a man's world, but sometimes a woman's got to do it. Your descisions tend to be based more on your rulebook and your moral compass than the opinions of those around you. You're good at using the best you've got at hand- even if that means using the Borg to save yourself. One flaw- you tend to blame yourself and brood more than others. So next time you find yourself"contemplating your situation", take that cup of coffee to the mess hall and flirt with the tattooed man, for once.

What Star Trek Race Am I

Your result for The What Star Trek Race Are You? Test...


You scored 20
An intensely logical and analytical species. Common belief says that the Vulcans have totally removed their emotions, but that is false. In fact, every Vulcan goes through a process that suppresses their emotions. Emotions are seen as carnal and inappropriate, therefore favoring a cold manner of dealing with issues. Regardless of this, they are loyal friends and loyal mates, honoring their marriages with their significant others.
Take The What Star Trek Race Are You? Test at HelloQuizzy


Your result for The what star trek charactor are u Test...


Congratulations! You scored ###!
Take The what star trek charactor are u Test at HelloQuizzy

How Into Trek Am I

Your result for The How Into Trek Are You Test...

Commander Riker

You are 90% Trekker!
You are the stud of the Star Trek universe.  Despite your better than average Trekker knowledge, however, you still fall short of a true command of the Star Trek universe, and will always be secondary to a Picard.  You have style and panache, enjoy it, and revel in your alternate title of "Number One".
Take The How Into Trek Are You Test at HelloQuizzy

Friday, February 19, 2010

Guinan and Spock.

Which Star Trek: The Next Generation Character Are You? - Guinan
Result: Guinan
You are a very wise and mystical person. You may not reveal every facet of yourself to other people. You are probably very in tune with what's going on around you and may have a knack of predicting that something's going to happen before it actually does. People come to you for advice, because you're an excellent listener.

Suzaku took the "Who Are You From Star Trek?" quiz and the result is Mr. Spock.
Whether or not you truly are, you consider yourself a hyper-intelligent being and make a point of showing people their mistakes. You are a computer whiz which unfortunately means you spend much of your time thinking and less time conversing so you don't fully understand how to interact in social situations. However, when it comes to problem solving people look to you for a straight-forward and logical conclusion; why mix emotion into something that is black and white, right?

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Picard vs. Kirk!

1. Picard can speak intelligently with his officers about anything on the Enterprise

2. When Picard senses that Wesley is having emotional problems he sits down and talks it out with him. When Kirk sensed that Charlie X was having emotional problems he took him to the gym and threw him around on the mats.

3. Kirk wouldn't wear a kilt as easily or as naturally because people would have laughed at his legs.

4. Picard’s Enterprise was destroyed by a time/space anomaly to save humanity. End of story.

5. Picard outsmarted Moriarty.

6. When Picard was in the Academy he survived getting stabbed in the heart..

7. Picard would rather sing to children to comfort them than kill them.

8. Picard is into swashbuckling. And he looks better than Kirk doing it!

9. Picard is awesome.

10. Picard admits he's made mistakes. It takes a real man to admit their errors.

11. Picard is a man of reason, who is not afraid to show his strength when necessary, but only when necessary.

12. When Picard blew up the Borg, it didn't blow up the Enterprise.

13. Kirk was a pretty okay first draft. Picard is the refined, edited version.

14. Kirk chastises omni-powerful super beings for not being polite to women. And then proceeds to make a hypocrite of himself by snogging every single pretty girl he comes into contact with.

15. Picard chats with a crew member on a regular basis.

16. Kirk worries about his own vanity. Well, so does Picard... A little...

17. Kirk didn't have the brains to read AND appreciate a book as well as Picard does..

18. Kirk very likely has a violently deadly disease in connection to his Y Chromosome, and doesn't let it slow him down in getting more.

19. When it’s time for shore leave, Picard is awesome enough to get muddy, drunk, and messy with his older brother.... on camera!

20. Picard’s name is known and respected throughout Klingon space.

21. The only Klingon serving on Kirk’s bridge would probably kill him.

22. Two words: Line delivery.

23. Kirk would never forgive an acting ensign for locking out his command codes.

24. Picard quotes Shakespeare for fun. Kirk quotes Shakespeare out of luck.

25. Picard had the sense to get rid of the ugly doctor and get Beverly back.

26. Picard once complimented the daughter of his captor.

27. Kirk defies superior alien beings on an almost daily basis. But never a nation, in his' head.

28. Q would have killed Kirk mistaking him for his twin brother.

29. Kirk is on a first name basis with every single admiral in Starfleet. Picard ARRESTED an admiral from Starfleet.

30. Picard doesn't need to wear a wig to feel like a man.

31. When Sarek with Bendii Syndrome mind melded with Picard, Picard could stand it and recover quickly enough with a moment with his best girl. If it had been Kirk, he would have taken all night and into the day, because HIS' Doc has a Y chromosome and his' soulmate's DEAD!!!

32. Picard can be in two places at once!

33. Picard’s engineer wears implants that help him to see better than most humans. Kirk’s engineer wears a kilt and drinks a cognitive depressant on a regular basis. Who cares if Scotty has a super accent? Geordi's a Geek!!!!!

34. If Geordie has a headache it’s because he's been working too hard. If Kirk’s engineer has a headache it’s because he took his depressant to the point of illness last night.

35. Kirk looks cool in sideburns. Picard's classy dome beats out George Foreman's.

36. Picard drinks the real stuff. All Kirk can get is Brandy.

37. Picard arrests Federation bureaucrats that he doesn’t like.

38. Picard once became a super guy with implants. And then beat him.

39. Picard can beat a collective in control of himself.

40. Kirk’s love affairs have given him so many health issues, it's a wonder he still has them.

41. Kirk’s dress uniform looks UUUGLY.

42. Kirk looks good in a ripped shirt. But Picard is more appealing with it. That speaks volumes about his' character, if you know what he looks like unclothed.

43. Picard has tossed away beautiful women because they were airheads.

44. If Deanna read Kirk's thoughts, she would find he never had an original thought.

45. When Klingons invaded Picard’s Enterprise he carefully neutralized them, and prevented danger to his crew.

46. Kirk has fought evil duplicates of himself, but never multiples inside his' brain.

47. Kirk’s greatest nemesis was alcohol and females. Picard’s greatest nemesis was himself. And he beat himself. Really good.

48. Kirk has punched out at least one member of over three thousand known alien races. Picard knows how to make friends of them, and also how to blow them out of the water. Without touching them.

49. Picard doesn't believe himself to be omniperfect.

50. Kirk probably has an illegitimate child somewhere on every planet he's visited. Picard doesn't feel the need to knock up every gal capable of doing that sort of thing he sees.

51. Girls swoon for "Make it so," and "Engage." Boys just get this weird look in their eyes with the "Beam me up," line.

52. Picard’s first officer has a name that means "Powerful Leader," and has an awesome nickname. What does Spock have that Data doesn't, aside from looks? Data and Riker managed to get their girl, and Spock (unfortunately) didn't get that!

53. Picard sounds like a wizard.

54. Kirk is rude.

55. Kirk could never have handled a first officer like Riker. Riker would have grown impatient with his halting, gasping sentences and thrown him out the cargo bay.

56. Kirk would never have allowed an episode involving a dream sequence in which Deanna and Worf become lovers. It would have taken away too attention from him.

57. Picard's ships logs contain more syllables per word than Kirk's.

58. The women on Picard’s ship are allowed to preserve their dignity, if they so desire. On Kirk’s ship, Shorter skirts are mandatory. He doesn't know the meaning of the word dignity.

59. Kirk’s middle name is Tiberius, which is the name of a Roman tyrant. Picard has a middle name that means light, and has also been had phonetically by a writer of one of the four Gospels.

60. Picard can spell not only Luc properly, but also Tiberius.

61. Picard is taller than Kirk.

62. Kirk’s medical officer can do almost anything. Doctor Crusher could beat that, AND helped a BORG develop a sense of identity, against her Captain's wishes.

63. Kirk lost his' best girl, because if he hadn't, a quantum anomaly would have eaten him and the solar system. Picard crossed wits with an almost divine being, and HAD A LEARNING EXPERIENCE WHILE SAVING THE HUMAN WORLD, and probably the milky way, too.

64. Picard has lasted more seasons as the Captain of the Enterprise for a reason. He's more classy and beautiful.

65. Picard once wore formal Klingon robes for a Klingon ceremony. If Kirk ever wore Klingon robes it would be because he stole them off a dead Klingon. Kirk is less accepting.

66. Wesley Crusher would have been running the Enterprise had Kirk been his captain, and Kirk would never have known.

67. Kirk wouldn't have put up patiently with Wesley Crusher, and he CERTAINLY wouldn't have promoted him to ensign just because he deserved it.

68. Picard can stand among hundreds of Klingons and argue with them.

69. Kirk is scared by tribbles.

70. Beverly Crusher would have TOTALLY zapped Kirk had he made a move on her.

71. The emotional content level of Kirk’s speeches is an average of 0 times higher than the level of Picard’s speeches. If he’s talking about revolution, exploration or diversity, it is still 0 times higher.

72. When Picard has an alien delegation on board he invites them to a quiet dinner, and their favourite music. When Kirk has an alien delegation on board he gets plowed on Romulan Ale, and probably hits on their females as well.

73. Kirk is familiar with 60's slang. Picard is familiar with 17nth century slang.

74. Kirk is vane for dates, not diplomacy.

75. Picard can care and think and understand.

76. Picard is a Frenchman with an English accent. Kirk only wishes he had an accent and voice that rockin'.

77.Picard is vane for diplomacy, not dates.

78. Kirk eats multicolored nutrition squares because he’s too busy fighting stuff to eat decently. Picard is cool enough to make sure his people get 200%.

79. Kirk destroyed 672 uniform tunics during the Enterprise’s first five year mission.

80. 347 of those tunics were destroyed during combat with Klingons. The rest were destroyed by various women. Thankfully, Picard is sensual enough not to destroy his clothes before he gets into the interesting part of his definitely better relationship.

81.When Kirk fought the Borg he just blew up their planet. When Picard fought the Borg he got assimilated, and STILL managed to beat them!

82. When Kirk was sent to the prison camp on Rura Penthe, he was in for days. Why didn't anyone rescue him?

83. When Abraham Lincoln appeared floating in space in front of the Enterprise, Kirk didn’t even blink. Picard would have been more concerned for his crew.

84. Picard can speak in several languages-- and he knows more than just the swear words for each one.

85. When Kirk used a cloaking device, he stole it and used it to escape to Federation space. When Picard did that, he arrested an admiral.

86. Professor X. He isn't an egotist, and he is a leader. A good one, at that.

87. A holodeck would have been a waste to Kirk.

88. Picard can pilot the Enterprise though a mine field.

89. Kirk once taught an emotionless female android how to love. Then he broke up with her, the heel.

90. Kirk’s evil twin womanized and swilled brandy, which is what he usually does anyway.

91. Picard once defended an emotionless male android IN COURT. And won.

92. Kirk never dressed in green tights and pretended to be Robin Hood, and if he had, someone would have paid for it. Picard wore his with style, and was only as impatient with Q as usual, in all likely hood.

93. Do women swoon when they hear "Beam me up, Scotty?" No? How about "Make it so?" See the difference?

94. Picard can walk the walk.

95. Picard can talk the talk.

96. Kirk can do neither without seeming like an ape.

97. Picard has a multi-ethnic ship.

98. Picard stayed on the Enterprise.

99. Kirk has not exactly aged well, and is a horrendous singer. Picard has aged beautifully.

100. Picard can actually speak to an android of high intelligence and be moderately understood.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Cathal the Non Sue OC.

She is of my gender.

She and I have the same hair color, skin color, or physical type (height, weight, and/or build).

We share a religion, political platform, ethical stance, or strongly-held set of beliefs.

More than one set of beliefs.

All her beliefs echo mine.

She has an unusual eye, skin, or hair color, eyes which change color depending on her mood, or is remarkably tall/short.

More than one of the above.

Cathal has a masculine name or nickname.

Cathal chose her own name.

Cathal chose her own name.

Cathal suffers terrible guilt for something she did in the past.


Cathal is only a little like you. She isn't really very cool: she blends into crowds, she hangs out on the fringes at parties, and wearing shades after dark makes her run into things. There's never been anything special about her that she could see; boy, is she in for a surprise. She's got no emotional scars to speak of. And you've been sparing with the free handouts: whatever she gains, she's worked for.

In general, you care deeply about Cathal, but you're smart enough to let her stand on her own, without burdening her with your personal fantasies or propping her up with idealization and over-dramatization. Cathal is a healthy character with a promising career ahead of her. 

Score Breakdown
I Love Her, I Let Her Go 9
You Mean Plaid Is Out? 9
Plain Jane 2 Healthy as a Horse 1 Spare the Rod and Spoil the Child 7 
Total: 28 

Cathal is only a little like you. She isn't really very cool: she blends into crowds, she hangs out on the fringes at parties, and wearing shades after dark makes her run into things. She may have sometimes thought that she was special, or destined for greater things, but probably dismissed the idea as a fantasy. She's got no emotional scars to speak of. And she's gotten no slack from you.

In general, you care deeply about Cathal, but you're smart enough to let her stand on her own, without burdening her with your personal fantasies or propping her up with idealization and over-dramatization. Cathal is a healthy character with a promising career ahead of her.

Score Breakdown I Love Her, I Let Her Go 9 You Mean Plaid Is Out? 6 I'm Destined For What? 3 Healthy as a Horse 2 Momma HATES Her! 0

Cathal is only a little like you. She may be popular, or she may not, but no matter what she's impossible to ignore; she stands out... just the way you always wanted to. She may have sometimes thought that she was special, or destined for greater things, but probably dismissed the idea as a fantasy. She's come in for her share of hurt, but gotten off with minor damage. And she's gotten no slack from you.

In general, you care deeply about Cathal, but you're smart enough to let her stand on her own, without burdening her with your personal fantasies or propping her up with idealization and over-dramatization. Cathal is a healthy character with a promising career ahead of her.

Score Breakdown
I Love Her, I Let Her Go 7
Yo! 13
I'm Destined For What? 4
Can't Complain 3
Momma HATES Her! 0
Total: 27 

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

About Me

My photo
Live Long and Prosper! I am an eccentric. I like Jewish/Hebrew music, focusing on whatever special interests I have, especially if it concerns my friends. Quintessentially, I love my gifts from God. I dislike it when people dislike the lives of their own children, and torture them in the name of training and treatment. My dreams for the future are to become a Professor, writer, wife and mum. May the Force be with you!
