Tuesday, February 1, 2011

I guess it's okay for me to reproduce.

Your result for The Should You Really Have Kids? Test...

Should have kids

You scored 73 % Parent Material!
Your high score suggests that you would be an excellent parent. Not only are you willing to put in the time and effort (and believe me, having kids is going to take plenty of both!)into raising children, but you are also willing to make necessary sacrifices. On top of that, you are patient and loving where children are concerned, and you might even have some good insights about raising them. You would have them for the right reasons (not because you feel obligated, and not so that they can take care of you, but because you really do love childen).

If you scored this high and don't want children, don't worry-nobody is going to force you to have any if you really don't want to, and you are not a "bad" person. Go ahead and read what I wrote to people who scored "shouldn't have kids," and you'll see what I mean. That being said, maybe you'd be ideal for charity work with children, like Big Brothers/Big Sisters or tutoring? Just some food for thought.
Take The Should You Really Have Kids? Test at HelloQuizzy

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About Me

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Live Long and Prosper! I am an eccentric. I like Jewish/Hebrew music, focusing on whatever special interests I have, especially if it concerns my friends. Quintessentially, I love my gifts from God. I dislike it when people dislike the lives of their own children, and torture them in the name of training and treatment. My dreams for the future are to become a Professor, writer, wife and mum. May the Force be with you!
