Not mine!
The Diadem
Part Four
*Jocelyn! Can you hear me at all?*
He'd been trying to reach her, both verbally and telepathically, ever since he grasped the situation. When he shouted, she ignored him. When he threw a telepathic message, his mind crashed against a mental wall that felt impregnable.
Every time he tried, he felt a new shiver of icy fear.
What if she's not there anymore?
Matthew knew nothing about whatever evil acted through his friend's body. Who knew the implications of this… possession? Did the parasite consciousness only take dominance over Jocelyn, or did it… remove her?
The Green Enforcer looked up, and slipped out of the way from a particularly heavy looking boulder.
He waved his thanks to Tamara, who floated over to him. "Snap out of it, Matt! That could've really hurt you."
His teeth gnashed in helpless frustration. "Wh... what if she's gone, Tammy?"
Yellow gazed at him a long moment. "Now's not the time to worry about that. We have to restrain her, without hurting her. Then we can figure out our next move."
"But it should've-"
He bit his tongue, but Tamara knew exactly what was plaguing him.
"It shouldn't have been you. It shouldn't have been any of us. The best thing you can do to help her is to help us stop her!"
Easier said than done.
If she didn't push me out of the way… I would've been swallowed by the goop. I would've been turned evil.
He clearly saw her, lying on his lap, completely inert. When he'd reversed the transformation through the emergency belt-button, her skin was almost gray, as if it had lost its pigment…
He grinned. *Guys! I have an idea! If one of us can get close enough, we can un-Sync her with the button on her belt!*
*Brilliant!* Rachel cheered, *Without her powers, she won't be a threat to anyone. Then we can restrain her easily!*
*But won't she just Sync again?* Tamara wondered.
*Maybe she can't,* Matthew answered. *That evil didn't take over Jocelyn's body until right after she Synced. It might not know how to do it!*
She turned around, and watched an exchange between Keith and Jocelyn. *Keith! Try and get a decent hit in! If we can daze her, we can reach her belt!*
Purple floated upwards, nearing the one on one confrontation.
"I don't know how you managed to destroy the Phlegnin," Orange sighed. "I suppose you got supremely lucky. But how long do you think that luck will last, Humans?"
A solid kick, enhanced by a cocoon of orange energy, plowed into Keith's kidney. He screamed at the sharp pain, and lost his control over gravity.
Tamara and Matthew moved quickly to catch him before he hit the ground; dazed, but conscious.
"Spectra has involved you in a war you cannot win. The Empire is enormous…its resources dwarf the Council of Light, and all their allies! Did she ever tell you the planet we destroyed right before we came to yours?"
She planted her hands on her hips, taking on a superior posture. "The planet Fesp, children. The most powerful planet in the sector… and we laid waste to its forces. Stole their knowledge, murdered their king, enslaved the survivors. What chance do a handful of Humans have against a force that great?"
"What would you suggest we do?" Rachel countered. "Lay down and die?"
"You don't have to." She tossed her hair back with one hand, and held the other out. "The Diadem is somewhere on this planet. Bring it to me, and I swear on my forefathers I will leave Earth alone."
She floated closer to Rachel. "You are clearly the leader of this group. Their lives… and the lives of the people of Earth… fall upon you."
Purple closed the distance further, slowly approaching until the two were an arm's length apart. "How can I trust you? You've stolen the body of my teammate…"
Her fist erupted in violet flame. "…and we're taking it back!"
Orange was unprepared for the punch. She took it square in the jaw, the magnified strength of the energy it carried sending her catapulting into the air.
She would have flown much further, had the Red Enforcer not caught her. His arms lanced beneath hers, locking her in a grip that would not give way.
She could do nothing but sputter in outrage as Green appeared in front of her, and moved for her belt.
Suddenly, she felt the power drain out of her body all at once.
* * *
The swirling orange and white atmosphere of Jupiter flooded the view screen, yet Spectra had no time to consider the gas giant's unique beauty.
She sat at the control of the small vessel, pink eyes narrow as she searched for the turbulent Great Red Spot.
Then suddenly, out of nowhere, a thick white dust poured over the edges of her vision, whisking her consciousness thousands of light-years away.
This time, she was already seated, and let her mind follow the insistent plea.
She could feel the urgency, tingling her mind from the one who sent the message. Hanging in a vibrant sky, high over the tree line, floated the Red, Yellow, Orange, Green, and Purple Enforcers.
She watched in astonishment as the team wrestled Jocelyn, inexplicably forcing her to release the transformation.
How odd… why would they fight one another?
Her eyes widened when she considered the possible cause. Unless, she has been enchanted!
Frowning deeply, her fingers hovered over the Hyperspace Portal transmitter, just waiting for the large cyclonic storm to come into view.
* * *
Craig took no note of the stoic beauty of the granite fortress. He paid no heed to the damaged wall, crushed furniture, or even sparking telecommunications hardware.
His gaze still lingered out the broken aperture through which he could see his teammates.
I can't help them like this, he reminded himself, stepping away from the hole. I can only hope Spectra will arrive soon.
Until then… he had a mission to fulfill.
After assuring that he was too distant from the wide hole to be seen, Craig carefully shirked the heavy cloaking mantel from his shoulders. Once folded neatly, he stuffed it into the nearest crevice. Slowly, he lifted his stone heavenward.
"Spectrum Sync!" he commanded, his voice soft yet firm.
No sooner did the warping energy bathe him did a sudden sensation tug at his mind. Once his vision cleared, his head turned toward the staircase leading into an encroaching darkness.
The Diadem! he realized, his smile returning. Mashal was right! It called to me as soon as I was Synced!
Wasting no further time, a vibrant aura erupted around his uniform, letting him fly through the stairwell at breakneck speed. He followed the signal as if it were a physical cord, urgently pulling him to his goal.
He emerged from the stairwell at its peak, and tore through the hallway. His aura brightened the cavern, the light reflecting off the soft gray rock to create a near-blinding reflection. Yet he didn't need visual acuity to find an open chamber, one of many along the seemingly endless hall.
He slipped inside, and set his feet upon the ground. Tightening his fist, he magnified the light he manifested, letting it seep into every corner of the spacious, nearly empty room.
His face folded in consternation as he laid eyes upon the barren podium. "Dammit… someone got to it first!"
Only… that couldn't be true. The Diadem had to be there; it had summoned him to this exact spot!
No… not this exact spot. Somewhere nearby…
Craig closed his eyes, and let that mental bond pull his face in the right direction. Then, he opened his eyes, and stared at the fireplace that stood against the wall.
He approached, kneeling beside the small opening. Ashes dirtied his gloves, and created a dark layer of soot against the base of the fireplace.
His eyes narrow, Craig just barely managed to slip his head and shoulders into the fireplace.
"There's no opening," he realized, staring upward. "What kind of fireplace doesn't have an opening for the smoke?"
Something clicked in his mind. "Unless, this isn't meant to be a fireplace!"
Smirking smugly at his observation, Craig looked again at the base of the fireplace. Slowly, he felt the soot-covered plane with both hands, until he found what he was looking for.
A latch.
The Blue Enforcer let out a whoop of pride as he pulled the bottom out of the fireplace, revealing a dark, tight tunnel.
After carefully setting the trap door against the back wall, the athlete wiggled his broad shoulders into the hole. He gradually descended into the darkness until his feet touched solid stone.
Lifting his arms forward, he illuminated the void. The light stretched in all directions, revealing walls of piled granite slabs divided into a myriad of unfathomable tunnels.
Craig released a huff of annoyance. "Looks like I'm just getting started."
He pressed forward into the staggering maze, taking comfort in the persistent tug of direction that guided him to the Diadem.
* * *
"Jocelyn" sat idly within a sphere of swirling colored energy. She was truly trapped… the Spectrum Force was clever to assume she couldn't activate the powers of Light herself.
She couldn't… she didn't know how.
Still, she smiled devilishly, and made herself comfortable on the cool grass of Edenia. She still had the upper hand. The humans had absolutely no idea what to do next.
The four remained in full uniform, each standing outside the sphere. The lingering silence proved they were involved in a telepathic discussion… yet she was unable to eavesdrop. When transformed, the humans had enough telepathic ability to shield their thoughts from unwelcome visitors.
*You know we're screwed, right?* Keith thought, keeping his careful glare on the captive. *We can't force her to let go of Jocelyn, and we can't take her with us. If we do find the Diadem, she'll probably alert the other Denebians to come take it.*
*But she can't sit there forever!* Tamara pointed out.
*Neither can we.* Rachel contributed. *We're the ones on the clock. We can't even be sure she hasn't already summoned help. There could be an entire ocean of those black things on their way right now.*
*We could hide out in Gaius' place.* Matthew suggested.
*No can do,* Keith answered, shaking his head. *She was already inside, and she knows exactly where the entrance is. We have to assume everything she knows, the other Denebians know. The last thing we want to do is give them even more information, even by accidentally showing her something that should've been a secret.*
*Then we'll contact Spectra. It's all we can do.*
"Jocelyn" watched as the Purple Enforcer pulled a small sphere from her belt. "I suggest you don't try anything."
Rachel paused. "What are you going to do about it?"
She answered with a smug smirk. "I can do plenty of things. I can command my ship to detonate this entire planet. It is small enough to be blown to oblivion by conventional means. I can send my Shadows back, and swallow you all whole. Or… I can even kill this body, right before your eyes."
Silence fell.
*She's bluffing…* Keith said. *She has to be!*
*Yeah,* Tamara agreed. *If she hurts Jocelyn while she's in there, it might hurt her too!*
*We don't know that!* Matthew pointed out. *And we can't take the chance! We're talking about Jocelyn's life!*
"You can't hurt her," Rachel spoke aloud. Her voice was more confident than she truly felt. "You have no weapons."
"You humans are very fragile," she countered. She rose to her feet, relishing the at-ready stances the Spectrum Force took at her slightest movement. "and my hold on your Orange friend is absolute. I can will her heart to stop beating, or her lungs to stop inflating. That's all it would take, isn't it?"
Matthew's fists clenched. "Release our friend now, or else-!"
*Matt, stay cool,* Keith advised.
"You are in no position to make threats… Matt, isn't it?"
He snarled. "We'll destroy your ship. Your body is somewhere on it, right? Well, how'd you like not having a body to go home to?"
She strode toward him until mere inches of space separated them. "How very vicious of you, Matt."
He teeth gnashed furiously beneath his mask.
"Still, I find it hard to believe you have the power to destroy a Denebian warship."
"We'll find a way," Matthew answered, "If you've done your research well, you'd know Humans are very resourceful."
"And I am living proof that Denebians are even more so."
*Spectrum Force!* a telepathic voice declared. The entire team jumped in surprise, searching the skies around them.
*Spectra!* Tammy cheered.
*Where are you?* Rachel demanded.
*How'd you know we needed you?* Keith wondered.
*Can you help Jocelyn?* Matthew begged.
"Jocelyn" watched as the Force disregarded her completely. Her triumphant grin collapsed.
She glared at the white-clad form that casually approached on foot. "Spectra. I knew you couldn't keep away for long."
The Force all stared in shock at Jocelyn.
"Dissolve the shield," Spectra instructed, "This is my fight."
The team mutely complied, and made way for their teacher and friend.
Phaedra's confident air returned. "Believe it or not, I'm glad you showed up. You can find me the Diadem."
Spectra chuckled. "And why would I do that, Demoness?"
"Because Gaius is aboard my ship."
Pink eyes narrowed. "I know. I saw you take him."
"He lives… for now."
"I won't give you the Diadem. He refused you, and I will not sacrifice the power he would trade his life for." She smiled. "You've lost."
Jocelyn's face folded into a vicious snarl. "If you do not cooperate, Gaius will not just die. He will suffer… more than any other 'hero' before him. The Blight has already descended upon him."
Phaedra basked in the glow of Spectra's horrified shock. The Spectrum Force watched her reaction curiously.
Finally, Spectra recovered herself. "You lie, Witch. There is no Blight any longer."
"I would be more than happy to show you exactly how much he suffers, at this very moment." Her smile was hideous in its evil. "The last Denebian to be infected lingered for months before he was finally put out of his misery."
Spectra's hand shot forward, and clasped the collar of Jocelyn's T-shirt. She lifted the shorter girl until they glared evenly into each other's eyes. "You lie," she repeated, her voice firm, "I do not believe you even capable of harming him in such a way. I know it would hurt you far too much."
Phaedra hissed.
"Now," Spectra declared, her free hand lighting up, "I banish you from this body!"
The energy stretched into a foot-long blade, and with a mighty thrust, Spectra drove the light into Jocelyn' stomach.
Jocelyn released a wordless scream, her hands flying to the site of her injury.
The Spectrum Force stood completely petrified.
Slowly, the shrill scream tapered off, and Spectra removed the blade. She gently lowered Jocelyn to the ground, kneeling beside the girl as she began shaking violently.
The Force slowly recovered from their shock.
"Wh… what…" Rachel stammered.
"Phaedra has infected Jocelyn with her Seed. So long as it dwells within her, Phaedra can exert her will upon Jocelyn at any time. The purge is painful, but only for a short while."
The group gathered around Jocelyn, who folded into a fetal position.
Matthew rubbed her trembling back tenderly. "Phaedra… she's done this before?"
Spectra nodded. "Once she infected the Red Star Rider. The Star Riders are a team such as yourselves, with very similar powers. When she meditates, she can see through the eyes, and hear through the ears of the infected person without the infected person's knowledge. She lingered in him for months, slowly learning how the powers of the Light operated." She sighed. "After a while, she had gathered enough knowledge, and attacked us all. We developed a method to permanently remove the Seed, and she'd never used it again."
Tamara bit her lip, clinging to Keith as Jocelyn began to heave. "Now what's she doing?"
"I have killed the Seed, but only she can expel it."
The Force watched in grotesque fascination as Jocelyn rose to her hands and knees, and vomited a small, black slug-like creature.
"Ugh," Tamara grunted, turning away.
Matthew glared at the vile creature, his fist lighting up. He released a single beam of energy from his finger, vaporizing the thing instantly.
* * *
Phaedra's eyes slid open, glowing in frustrated anger. She'd been yanked from the Orange Enforcer's body quite ungently, and without either truly harming the humans, or securing the Diadem.
Yet victory wasn't completely out of reach. Perhaps Spectra's arrival could be manipulated to her benefit.
So she doesn't think I would harm Gaius? she reflected, a cold smirk spreading her lips. Won't she be surprised?
She rose to her feet, carefully smoothing out the wrinkles of her sweeping gown. She then straightened her back, and marched purposely out of her chambers, and into the hallway.
It only took a few moments for her to come into hearing range of something… terrible.
Something inside her twisted as she realized the source. The cries of torment, of blinding pain that could never be duly described.
The Blight was tearing him apart, but so slowly, he would linger for months before Death took him.
She shivered… she had no idea his cries would be so loud! She was two full decks away from the cell, and yet-!
She whirled around, casting her terrifying glare at the peon who dared raise his voice in her presence.
The man, one of Mor'se's assistants, bowed at the hip. "F…forgive me, Majesty," he pleaded.
She snarled. "What do you want?"
"Th… the noises made by the traitor are… very disconcerting, Majesty. His wails can be heard from all ends of the ship."
She huffed impatiently. "So?"
The soldier's jaw trembled. "Perhaps the Empress is not opposed to moving the prisoner? He is in no shape to attempt escape, so a lower security, more remote hangar may suffice?"
"Don't be a fool," she hissed, leaning forward. "No other room has the telepathic dampeners. His screams may be bad, but the ravages of his mind will be far more 'disconcerting.'"
She noted the embarrassment that crossed the young man's face, and scoffed. "Out of my way!"
He stepped aside, watching as the Empress marched through the halls. As always, passing crewmembers lined the walls as she passed, all casting lingering glances of curiosity at the back of their unsettled monarch.
By the time she reached heavy door of the cell, her sure-footed steps had slowed to a subdued crawl.
The hallway had been abandoned for several dozen yards. Since she had given the guard the order to make himself scarce after she first introduced the Blight, there was no one obligated to remain.
Though, as the wailing pierced her ears, Phaedra wondered if any sane soldier would stand his ground, even if ordered to do so.
Her muscles tensing, she unlatched the door and pushed it open. Forcing herself forward, soon the darkness of the cell swallowed the Empress whole.
True to her prediction, the swell of emotions his dazed agony released stifled her. Within the cell, the dampeners had no effect… and the flood of gruesome pain forced the proud woman to lean against the wall for the strength to simply stand erect.
Something heavy and foreign sat in her stomach. Dismayed, she understood that nothing in her life… none of the purges, none of the bloody conquests; not even the dazzling hope of unearthing the famed Diadem… could steel her enough to face his torment unaffected.
Her voice was soft, though steady. It projected into the consuming darkness, but the fevered screams were far louder.
She tried a different approach. *Gaius…*
Mor'se had told her Stage One did not yet effect his mind. Somewhere within that stubborn man was the ability to respond… to surrender.
*Save yourself, Gaius!* she commanded. *You can end this… I can restore you to health! I swear it!* Her tone grew… oddly pleading. *Submit to me and you will be forgiven. Your lands returned, your title restored… I will even spare Spectra.*
His mind was still obstinately closed, proving the power he still had to either offer or withhold information.
Phaedra's eyes squeezed closed, the sickness within weakening her knees. *You tie my hands!* she accused, fists trembling as she wrestled for composure.
Still… no response.
More agitated than she could ever recall feeling, Phaedra marched toward him, nostrils flaring. "I will not be denied!" she screamed, her shrill voice overwhelming his moans. Roughly, her hand reached for his forehead, fingers burying themselves in his smooth hair.
The heat radiating from his skin burned her cool fingers, but she refused to pull back. Instead, she concentrated, using every ounce of her formidable skills to push passed the resolute walls of his mind.
Slowly, the solid wall gave way, revealing swirling, hazy visions that raced through his consciousness.
"Show me the Diadem," she urged, "Let me end this…"
At that moment, his hand lanced to hers, squeezing her wrist with bruising force. Startled, Phaedra pulled against his tenacious grip.
His thoughts slowly organized into a readable impression, and as his eyes struggled open, a glare colder than the Denebian wastelands pierced her.
Her focus gave way as she surrendered to the message he was desperate to relate. She waited, daring to hope for final victory, as the image took form.
She staggered, horrified, at the impression he related to her.
It was her… as he saw her. A brutal, horrible monster. The kind of beast that haunted young children's dreams, striking fear into the souls of all to meet its eye. Hideous in its iniquity… so repulsive no one could ever care for it.
At that moment, he launched his final attack into her mind. He saw her as his own personal devil, intent upon destroying everything he held dear. A devil he despised… with more passion than can ever be put into words.
His spite and hatred traveled through the mental connection like an electric current. Dizzily, with eyes peculiarly moist, Phaedra managed to wrench herself from his grip, stumbling on her own heels and falling to the cold, cold floor.
Never, in all her existence, did she feel so sharp a pain. It was something she couldn't even describe… something that would haunt her for all her days.
And the worst of it was… the pain wasn't merely a reflection of Gaius' physical suffering. The pain stemmed from within her… reacting to his hatred of her.
Appalled by his feelings, and equally appalled by her shameful response to them, Phaedra rubbed her bruised wrist. Clouds darkening her eyes she struggled to her feet, and made a solemn, binding vow.
Never again…will I let anyone make me so weak!
To think that she had practically begged him to let her save him. That she risked so much to try and show mercy! She had even been willing to risk incurring her husband's wrath by blatantly caring for a worthless traitor!
Never again will anyone stand in my way!!
From that point forward, she resolved to make her heart just as cold and monstrous as Gaius… the man she had once loved more than any other… thought it to be.
And she knew just how to begin.
* * *
Jocelyn finally opened her eyes, and began blinking furiously. Slowly, her blurry vision cleared, allowing her to make out the green form hovering over her. "Matt," she whispered, "How long was I asleep?"
Keith frowned, trading worried looks with Tamara before speaking. "Asleep?"
She sat down on her legs, and rubbed her head. "I was helping Matt read Gaius' computer, and I guess I nodded off." She looked up, feeling the quizzical stares of her friends. "Or… not?"
"How do you feel?" Spectra asked.
Jocelyn stared at her mentor, confusion written all over her face. "I… I feel good; but when did you get here?"
She smiled. "Just in time, it seems."
Rachel turned her attention from Jocelyn to Spectra. "How'd you know we needed you?"
"When I received Craig's message, I was already approaching Jupiter's orbit. Otherwise it would've taken hours to respond."
The Force retreated into surprised silence.
"Craig… contacted you?" Tamara murmured, thunderstruck. "When?"
"Perhaps half an hour ago," Spectra approximated. "He used the Ireli sphere, and showed me the battle you were engaged in."
Keith scratched his head. "But that doesn't make sense. How could he do that… unless..."
Rachel frowned. "Unless he was here half an hour ago, watching us fight."
"Fight?" Jocelyn repeated. With Matthew's help, she rose to her feet. "What fight?"
"We'll tell you all about it later," Matt promised. He then turned to Spectra. "You saw us fighting. Is there anything else you saw?"
Spectra turned her head to the steep cliff. "According the angle, Craig watched you from the trees, and then ran toward that cliff."
Keith huffed. "But that's impossible! How could he run past us without us even seeing him?"
"The only way we can find out is to check it out," Rachel determined. Following her lead, the entire group made their way back to the cliff, with a gaping hole giving testimony to the battle that had taken place within. She chose to step through the hidden doorway.
Spectra's eyebrow quirked. "What is this place?"
"We figure it's Gaius' hideout," Keith answered.
"Guys!" Rachel called, "Get in here!"
Without wasting a moment, the team leapt into the room. They were all immediately flooded by the faint blue energy that tingled their mental link.
"He's here!" Rachel breathed. Her relief was nearly palpable. "He's okay…"
Spectra hovered near the entrance, a tremor running through her body. She too had felt the presence of the Blue Enforcer, but even more powerful was the sense of the chamber's master.
It was unmistakably Gaius' stronghold. It had been more than that; it had been his home for nearly sixty years…
She cleared her throat, winning the attention of her team. "Let us find Craig, and then-"
Her words were interrupted as a horrible scream tore through her mind. Spectra's own voice erupted into a cry of distress, squeezing her eyes shut and grasping her temples as unending torture ripped through her.
Gods… oh gods… no! she prayed, tears springing to her eyes.
The Spectrum Force watched in horrified panic as Spectra fell heavily to the floor, shaking arms barely keeping her face from the hard granite.
"Spectra," Rachel gasped, kneeling beside her. She watched the tears pour down pale cheeks in rivers. "What's going on?"
Spectra was too shaken to breathe; much less provide a reasonable answer. But the youths were soon informed of the terrifying situation, as a blink of light drew their attention to the forest outside.
As soon as he materialized, wordless howls lanced through the Force's ears. They watched in shock as the stricken man thrashed in the grass, swallowed by a consuming pain that closed his senses to the outside world.
"N…no…" Spectra whispered. She pulled her heavy head upright, wide eyes staring at the man outside. Somehow, she found the strength to pull herself to her feet, and then dashed outside to Gaius' side.
The Spectrum Force hesitated for a moment, before following her. They remained quiet, forming a circle around her.
Keith's arm instinctively found Tamara's shoulders, that began quivering with commiseration.
"This… this is Gaius," the Yellow Enforcer realized, her hands knotting together.
Matthew gulped. "What's wrong with him?"
Spectra drew a shaky breath, one timorous hand hovering over the victim's anguished face. She didn't even hear her friends, so immersed she was in the telepathic anguish she was receiving. "I'm sorry," she breathed, squeezing her eyes shut to block out the nauseating sight.
Just then, the entire Force whirled around at the sounds of slithering.
Jocelyn's eyes widened in fear. "The… the goop's back!"
Sure enough, the viscous waves of evil had crept toward them, hovering at the tree line in an endless, oily blanket.
Rachel's fists clenched. They're playing their last cards…
The waves separated into individual Shadows, all standing with their arms crossed and legs apart. An entire army formed before them, featureless faces and indiscernible eyes staring right at the Spectrum Force.
"You hear him now," Phaedra's voice mocked. Her words seemed to trumpet from the waves of Shadows, echoing in the ears of everyone present. "Now you see his torment. Can you truly leave him in such a state?"
Spectra's hand finally touched Gaius' face. His skin was stretched taut, his eyes screwed shut. His screams still rang in her ears, yet his mental cries throbbed in her mind even more.
*Hush…* she soothed, fighting with all her might to send her comfort. *I will end this. I swear it.*
Her free hand clenched into a tight fist, her knuckles going white with rage. "Witch!!" she screamed into the air, her voice rising above even Gaius' howls.
A chilling laugh. "Take heart, little girl… I can revoke the Blight."
Spectra looked back down at Gaius' face. Shaking fingers brushed sweat-matted hair out of his eyes. All her strength was gone. "Don't mock me, Demoness," she whispered hoarsely. "I am not so gullible. There is… no cure for this."
Her fist tightened again. This time, her energy flared into a silver-tinged blaze, creating a powerful wind that billowed through her disheveled ivory hair. "No cure but death."
"There is a cure. However, there is a catch."
Matthew snarled. "Isn't there always?"
"I know of the Blight," Spectra choked, "There is no cure."
Suddenly, a gilded scroll appeared on the grass beside her.
"Only I can cure him, Spectra. I cast the Blight, so only I can rescind it. If I have the Diadem, I may be persuaded to show mercy."
Spectra swallowed, a glimmer of hope in her peach eyes as she hesitantly grasped the scroll. Long fingers unraveled the parchment, and reddened eyes skimmed over the text.
She saw exactly what Phaedra had alluded to.
"The soul of the condemner"? What does that mean?
While it was vague, it did confirm Phaedra's claim. If anyone could ease Gaius' suffering, it was the vile Empress who condemned him to a fate worse than death.
Demon Empress… Spectra seethed, Your son took my mother from me, and now this??
The parchment was the first mention of a cure Spectra had ever seen. Could it mean that Gaius wasn't doomed? Perhaps… she wouldn't be alone, after all.
"I will give you until twilight to make your decision. But be warned; in darkness or in light, my Shadows will not rest. There is no escape for you or your pet humans. If you refuse me, you can all die together!"
* * *
It felt like hours before Craig's journey finally came to an end. The vein of hallway he'd followed ended abruptly in a dense wall composed of heavy slabs of granite in various shapes and sizes.
Craig sneered in consternation. "How the hell did I go the wrong way??" he shouted into the air.
Frustrated, he turned on his heel, double-backing down the hall toward the last fork he had navigated. "Maybe I'm so worried about the gang I can't think straight," he rationalized, "Or… maybe my sense was just plain wrong."
Before his excuses could even take root, another memory immediately squelched them.
You must have faith in yourself.
You must believe that you are able to complete the mission entrusted to you.
The Blue Enforcer turned around again, his dark eyes sweeping the entire room appraisingly. He knew there was something there… and he refused to doubt his instincts.
You must have faith in yourself…
He closed his eyes and held out his hand, fingers stretching in the direction intuition guided him.
…faith in yourself…
He walked slowly at first, taking each step after cautious consideration. However, his pace soon quickened, as if he could actually see the Diadem glowing before him.
You must believe…
He continued forward, heart pounding with excitement as the energy he sensed set the hairs on his arm on end.
…that you are able…
Gloved fingers brushed against the smooth curvature of one of the granite pieces, spherical in shape.
…to complete the mission…
His fingers traced the stone, spreading out as they came in contact with the surrounding pieces. Without a second thought, he extended his power, carefully chiseling away the grout that bound the wall together.
…entrusted to you.
The perfect sphere fell from the wall with little effort, slipping comfortably into his palm.
For a long moment, Craig stared in stark fascination at the Diadem. On the surface, it looked like nothing more than a stone, smooth as glass and about the size of a softball. Only, it was so much more than a stone. So much more than he had expected.
Without warning, the Diadem came to life, saturating Craig's senses with its energy.
Craig's knees weakened, forcing him to the ground. Beneath his mask, his eyes stared blankly as the Diadem overwhelmed him with its very essence... of the power to ignite stars, to shake planets out of orbit.
The power of nature. Of creation. Of Life, in its most elemental beauty.
Yet, there was more than merely power within the unassuming orb. Craig was struck with a sensation of… intelligence.
Was the Diadem alive? Even conscious?
There was only one way to find out.
"I need your help," he beseeched, his tone reverent. "The Midjinari told me to seek you out, to help us fight the Denebian Empire. My friends and I… our mission is to stop the Denebians from taking over Earth."
He paused, ruminating on the words he had spoken, and on the mission he had outlined. Incredibly, pieces in his mind snapped together, revealing a greater picture than he ever realized. "It's more than that," he murmured. "We must save the universe from the Empire. The Denebians are a threat to everything that exists."
Amazed, he stared at the orb with greater understanding. "You're the key; somehow. We have to keep you safe from them!"
Craig waited, watching the pulsing light radiate from the Diadem. He wasn't quite sure whether to expect a verbal or telepathic reply… but the answer he received made his jaw drop.
Compelled by some subtle force, Craig skimmed the surface of the Diadem with one hand. His fingers grazed a protrusion about two inches in diameter.
Without understanding why, he grasped the protrusion as tightly as he could, and pulled. And as he pulled, an elegant granite staff emerged from the Diadem like Excalibur from the proverbial stone.
Awestruck, Craig stared at the long pole appraisingly. It was divided into six equal segments, each one engraved with an intricate, unique design.
Almost as if… they were six distinct pieces.
The longer he gazed upon the sturdy staff, the more he was awed by the raw power he felt within it… and the power he felt within himself, seething within him as if it longed for release through the staff itself.
And suddenly, Craig Gillis understood just how magnanimous a gift the Diadem had bestowed upon him.
* * *
Rachel stared up at the smaller of the two suns. Due to the rapid rotation of the planetoid, after only twenty minutes, half of the dimming disk had disappeared behind the horizon.
They only had a few minutes left before twilight.
The Purple Enforcer forced her breathing steady, in a valiant effort to keep calm despite their no-win situation. The army of Shadows was limitless; at least, it seemed so. They had fought reasonably well before, but that was hours ago. Now, they were all exhausted, and while Spectra's presence would increase their collective strength, she was obviously too distraught to be counted on. Also, Craig was still absent, and Jocelyn hadn't yet recuperated from her terrifying experience.
Unless a miracle happened, they could never tear through the entire Shadow army, and make good an escape. And even if they did, that would leave Edenia without a protector… what would stop Phaedra from eventually finding the Diadem?
There really was no light at the end of the tunnel.
Rachel sighed deeply, and moved closer to Spectra. Gradually, she had managed to calm Gaius' hellish howls into more subdued murmurs. Still, it was clear from the torture written on his face, and the anguish that clouded hers, that she could do little else.
Unless, she were persuaded to help Phaedra.
Rachel doubted Spectra would do so. After all she'd done to protect Earth, a mere ball of rock floating in the far reaches of space, how could she bring herself to give Phaedra a weapon powerful enough to forever tip the scales of the war?
But she couldn't be completely sure. The way Spectra sobbed for Gaius, shaking with emotions Rachel didn't know the level-headed woman could express, spoke endless volumes.
When Spectra first advised the Force on the situation, she'd described Gaius as an "associate" of hers. It was clear he meant more to her than that.
Much more.
Her tears had dried, and her sobs had eased, leaving her unnaturally quiet and withdrawn. Perhaps she was still in his mind, calming his fears and maybe even numbing some of his pain.
She still managed to hear the Purple Enforcer. "Yes?"
A purple-gloved hand fell to her shoulder, and gripped it gently. "Who is he?"
Rachel noted her friends had all snapped out of their own minds at the question. No doubt they were wondering the exact same thing.
Spectra swallowed, moistening her dry throat. "He is my father."
The following silence was deafening.
Then, Tamara spoke. "Why didn't you tell us?"
Her tone was hurt; as if Spectra had kept a dark secret from them.
They could never understand. How could she tell them the truth? That she hadn't even called him "Father" in thirty years? How her rage over her mother's death and his apparent indifference forced a wedge between them so monumental, they'd hardly spoken in three decades?
She had been so young… barely the equivalent of a human teenager. She didn't understand duty. She didn't understand the Diadem.
She still didn't quite understand it now. It was yet hard to comprehend how one could sacrifice those he loved for a lifeless object, without a second thought. However, now faced with such a gut-wrenching decision, Spectra discovered a surprising amount of insight into her father's mind. And for the first time, she genuinely pitied him for having to make such a decision.
He is my father, but he is only one person. One life. Even if we all die today, that is only eight. Eight lives cannot balance the weight of the Diadem.
She breathed in deeply, saturating her strained body with oxygen. Her skin began to numb as she moved toward a conclusion.
He would not surrender the Diadem for his life. He wouldn't surrender it for mine, either. He knows how precious it is… more than I ever could. This is why you left us behind, isn't it, Father? You didn't want us to make this kind of decisions.
A long silence hung before Spectra finally answered the Yellow Enforcer's question. "I told you he is my ally, and that is true. Whatever else he may be shouldn't matter."
Tamara kneeled beside Spectra, and wrapped her in a compassionate hug. " Maybe it shouldn't… but it does."
Spectra found herself returning the Yellow Enforcer's embrace, and took a small measure of comfort in the simple gesture. She also felt the remaining Force gather around tighter, offering their sympathy and unspoken support.
The humans had heart; more than many of the more sophisticated, "superior" races in the galaxy.
"Your time is up, little girl," Phaedra's voice drawled. One could hear the wicked smirk in her triumphant tone. "What fate have you decided for yourself and your friends?"
They could have exchanged telepathic advice, but they didn't need to. They were of one mind.
"We came to Edenia to protect the Diadem," Spectra declared, rising to her feet. The Force assembled behind her, mimicking her ready stance. "And that is what we shall do."
* * *
It had taken him far less time to wander through the labyrinthine tunnels the second time around. He had arrived in the foyer, the magnificent weapon he knew was called the Dia-Staff secure in his grasp, just in time to see his friends congregate around something just out of his line of sight.
He had intended to join them; but the fierce voice of the Empress froze him in his tracks.
He realized his friends were trapped. If he gave away his position, they'd lose whatever element of surprise he could offer.
Instead, he draped the invisibility cloak over his broad shoulders, and took extra care to hide the Dia-Staff, lest its brilliant inner light give away his position.
He watched everything from beneath the cloak, its magical properties masking him from both visual and telepathic detection. He wandered close enough to hear Spectra's startling confession, as well as Phaedra's chilling offer. He observed the ocean of Shadows encroach upon his friends, mutely awaiting the Empress' final order.
He watched, and he waited for something to happen. And when Spectra rose to her feet, boldly declaring her team would fight to the end, a proud smile stretched his lips.
He would do the same.
The moment the Shadows moved forward, he did as well. He launched himself into the air, hanging above his comrades while still cloaked, and pulled out his weapon.
Let's see what this thing can do!
His hands tightened around one segment, and it flashed in response. The energy seemed to climb along the length of the pole, creating a blazing blue aura that could've blinded any normal human being. Craig squinted instinctively, muscles trembling in reaction to the energies flowing through and around them.
Immediately, a whirlwind of energy erupted from the staff's tip, so powerful it ripped into scores of Shadows, reducing them to puffs of the evil magic that spawned them.
Slowly, his shocked expression pulled into a fierce smile. Wicked…
He hadn't realized the force of the blast tore the cloak from his shoulders, until the remainder of the Spectrum Force joined him in the air.
He grinned sheepishly. "Hey guys… long time, no see."
Rachel flew the closest, leaning forward and planting her hands on her hips. "What the hell happened to you? You've been missing for hours!"
"Well, for starters, I found the Diadem!"
The questions came all at once.
"Are you serious?"
"How'd you find it?"
"Where is it?"
"What does it look like?"
"What does it do?"
Craig was too absorbed in the battle ahead to truly hear his friends' frantic questions. Instead, he gave them a brief summary. "I left the Diadem where I found it, to keep it safe." He held out his long granite staff. "And look at the present it gave us!"
"Us?" Matthew repeated.
Craig nodded. "It's the Dia-Staff. Six sections for six heroes."
He held tightly onto the end segment. "Take your pick!"
The team each gripped one segment of the staff. Once all had taken hold, each segment began to glow in the respective color of its new owner.
Then, it broke apart.
Jocelyn, Matthew, Rachel, Keith, and Tamara marveled as the short staffs stretched to about two feet in size. The sturdy granite weighed securely in their hands, unyielding yet startlingly light.
"Split up, Spectrum Force," Rachel decided, "It's time to try out our presents."
The team separated into six directions. Craig descended to the ground immediately below, and picked up the fallen cloak.
"Spectra," he greeted with a small wave, "Good to see you got my message."
She smiled. "You just may have saved us all, Craig. And to think; you didn't feel you could handle this mission."
He awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck. "So… you could tell, huh."
He shrugged. "Don't worry, though… I feel differently now." He then took the cloak with both hands, and draped it over Spectra's shoulders. "We'll handle this. You've gotta take your old man and get out of here. The cape's big enough to hide both of you, and you won't be detected. You should be able to get back to your ship unseen."
She grasped his hand. "Thank you."
Wasting no more time, she tucked the gilded scroll in her belt. Carefully, she lifted Gaius into her arms, and Craig helped fasten the cloak around her.
He watched her vanish before his eyes, and then lifted off the ground to join the rest of the Force.
* * *
Keith watched clinically as the Shadows gathered their bearings, filling the aisle of smoldering verdure created by Craig's surprise attack.
Blue eyes narrow, he took a few practice swings to grow comfortable with the short alien bo-staff. It's shaped like bo…but it's so short, he reflected, More like… a katana…
Strangely enough, a rich red energy brimmed along the smooth surface of the staff. Staring incredulously, Keith watched the pole shrink until it was less than a foot in length.
What the hell?
Then, without warning, a beam of energy emerged from the tip, glowing and angry red and halting nearly two feet out. Once it had extended, the energy suddenly flattened… into a blade.
Keith blinked, his free hand itching to rub his eyes and induce some sanity to the day's bizarre events.
It… turned into a katana? Did it hear what I was thinking??
Shaking off his confusion, the Red Enforcer expertly flexed his wrist. The blade whistled as it cut through the humid air.
Keith's stupefaction melted into appreciation. Incredible. It's perfectly balanced, lightweight, agile...
Curious, he descended toward the nearest Shadow. The magical creatures nearby all collected around him at once, capitalizing on the opportunity to douse the light he radiated.
They were ill-equipped to do the job.
Keith watched his new weapon cut through them like paper, breaking the magical spell that gave them form. Rather than melting back into the obscure pool, they evaporated into the air.
"I'll be damned…"
* * *
Jocelyn bent backwards, causing the launched fist to sing harmlessly above her head. Yet, however nimble she might have been, it wasn't enough to evade the answering tackle that drew her to the ground.
Her heart quickened, panic rising as the inky black soldiers huddled around her, slowly merging into an amorphous liquid…
"No!" she shrieked, struggling against their grip. She could see the darkness encroach; could feel that sickening seeping of strength and will...
With an animal scream, she wrestled her hand free, slicing the orange Dia-Staff against the nearest Shadow as if she were firing a powerful backhand with her tennis racket.
And suddenly... it was a tennis racket.
The Orange Enforcer couldn't have been more surprised. She rose to her feet, clutching the handle with both hands as the Shadows closed in. She lifted the racket over her shoulder, preparing another brutal smack, when without warning her target began to shimmer with green light.
She watched it dissolve completely, allowing the green weapon that had stabbed it from behind to fall to the ground.
Almost immediately after touching the cool grass, the weapon came to life, flying to its master's open hand.
"Jocie! You okay?" Matt demanded, racing to her side. The two teenagers stood back to back, weapons at the ready as the Shadows regrouped.
"Yeah," she murmured, though her weighted tone said otherwise.
Matthew scowled, his own anger brewing anew as he considered what had happened to Jocelyn in the last battle. "Don't worry," he assured her, "These things don't stand a chance now. Check this out!"
With a grunt of effort, Matthew tossed his short blade into the air. The weapon streaked forward with pinpoint accuracy, slicing through three Shadows and rendering them all into puffs of putrid magic.
"What is that?" Jocelyn wondered, watching the blade return to the Green Enforcer.
"It's a sai."
"A what?"
"A sai. Some kind of ancient ninja weapon or something. It's so weird... I thought about a sai, and then the staff just... turned into one!"
Jocelyn nodded, glancing again at her mysterious tennis racket. "What on Earth made you think of a sai?"
A sheepish grin crossed Matthew's face. "Well... remember that old cartoon 'Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles'?"
Jocelyn started to giggle. Despite everything that had happened, his bizarre thought process eased much of her tension.
"Anyway," he continued, disregarding her derision, "the staffs Craig gave us made me think of a bo-staff, a ninja weapon. That made me think of Donatello, the Ninja Turtle that used a bo on the cartoon. And then I started thinking about Raphael... remember the one with the red mask?"
"No... but lemme guess: his weapon was a sai."
Matt shrugged, catching the three-pronged blade after another vicious flight. "Hey... at least I'm using a weapon. You couldn't come up with anything more practical than a tennis racket?"
The Orange Enforcer grinned, an idea striking her. She lifted her left hand, drawing a well of energy into her balled fist. Once she had collected enough, she opened her hand, revealing a vibrant orange sphere crackling with power.
She tossed the sphere vertically, her racket arching over her right shoulder. As soon as the sphere descended, she pounded it with the racket.
The sphere flashed with enhanced power, streaking through nearly a dozen Shadows and vaporizing them all.
Matt blinked. "I… take that back."
Jocelyn clenched her fist anew, charging up another 'ball'. "Daddy always said I had a killer serve."
* * *
A form in purple somersaulted over a squadron of Shadows, landing in a deep knee bend. Without a glance behind her, the granite pole extended to twice its length, cutting four Shadows down at the knee.
She straightened. "How're you doing, Tammy?"
The Yellow Enforcer nodded her enthusiasm. "This is much easier than before," she answered, driving the sharp end of her javelin through three Shadows. "These staffs have an energy that seems to repel these things."
Rachel nodded thoughtfully. "Or even dispel these things. They aren't rejoining… they're actually evaporating… like smoke."
She then watched her friend toss her weapon through a half dozen more dark foot-soldiers. "Why a javelin?"
"High school track team. Came in first in the javelin throw in the J.V. county championship once. I kinda figured a javelin was something like a weapon."
Rachel grinned. "You certainly handle it well."
Tamara smiled fiercely at the compliment. "And what about you? Have a secret love for flagpoles? Or were you in the Color Guard?"
Rachel adjusted her grip on the long staff. "When I first met Spectra, she fought the Denebian soldiers with a pole similar to this. It was more than effective; so I thought I'd give it a go."
The leader of the Spectrum Force smirked. Grabbing the pole at the center, she began twirling it rapidly, deflecting a wave of tar-like evil that tried to overwhelm her. Once the liquid separated into individuals, she ceased spinning the staff, clenching it tightly with her hands two feet apart. Pouncing forward, she smashed one Shadow at the base of the neck and another under one knee.
Satisfied with her performance, she twirled the staff again with flourish before setting one end into the ground beside her.
Tamara shook her head in mock reproof. "Showoff!"
* * *
*May I have a moment?*
The soft-spoken telepathic question was so contrary to the surrounding melee that it startled Spectra. She froze in place, consciously tightening her arms around her feverish father as she sought the one that reached out to her.
She decided to respond. *Who are you?*
A ripple of light, and suddenly a short mammalian materialized only a few feet from her. Large amber eyes gazed directly at her, despite the cloak that hid her from view.
Spectra had never laid eyes upon such a being. Yet for some reason, she knew exactly at whom she was gazing.
He nodded. *I am called Nishal. The oldest of the four.*
Nishal approached, paying no heed to the sound of explosions nearly a mile away in the clearing. He reached out one small, four-fingered hand, and touched the sweat-soaked forehead of his fallen comrade.
*Death eats him,* he explained, shaking his head slowly. *It is relentless.*
Spectra felt her stomach flip anew. *Phaedra claimed the Blight can be rescinded. Is it true?*
The boyish face grew thoughtful. *I am unfamiliar with this 'Blight.' However, your High Father may offer you wise counsel on this matter. You must seek him immediately.*
Spectra nodded her agreement.
*When you see Luminus, I ask you to inform him that we have retreated.*
Her jaw visibly dropped. *Where will you go?*
*Until the Bright One returns, we must remain hidden. The Diadem must be protected until then.*
*You can come with me!* Spectra pleaded. *To Lumina City! Phaedra won't find you there.*
Nishal solemnly shook his head. *The combined power of the Diadem and the assembly of Warriors of Light will create a beacon so dazzling, no cloaking device or spell can mask it.*
Spectra turned her burning eyes back to her father, lost in the throes of anguish so completely, he couldn't possibly voice the objection she knew he would feel.
Nishal seemed to sense her thoughts. *Warrior Gaius has done all that can be asked of him. We would not ask him to accompany us, even if he were hale.*
*Then… then I'll go!* she insisted. After all her father had sacrificed to guard the Diadem, she couldn't let his duty lapse!
His arm swept backward, gesturing to the smoking forest. *You have your charges to teach. They are mighty, but they have a great deal to learn if they will prevail against the Empire.* He then smiled, bowing his head. *I bid you farewell, Spectra. May the Light shine on you always.*
Spectra was so surprised, she nearly forgot to bow in return. *How do you know who I am?*
She watched as he slowly pulled on his cloak, gradually vanishing from view. *Your father spoke of you often.*
And then he was gone.
Spectra stared at the spot where her disappeared. Despite all the horrors that had happened in the past few hours, she found a small smile.
* * *
It will never be this easy again…
The thought crept into his consciousness, penetrating the haze of astute concentration that always fell over the skilled athlete's mind during a heated competition.
He had touched the Diadem, creating an inexplicable rapport that gave him insights his teammates did not have. He understood their situation more clearly than the others, and the knowledge made the Blue Enforcer pause.
The Dia-Staffs and our Spectrum Stones work in harmony, the staff focusing and amplifying our own powers. But the staffs directly reflect the power of the Diadem. Since we're so close to it now, the power the staffs manifest is at its peak; but when we return to Earth… thousands of light years will separate us from the Diadem. The Dia-Staffs won't be nearly as strong.
After a mere twenty minutes of battle, the six heroes had whittled the great army of Shadows down by nearly a quarter. Resilient as they were against the Spectrum Stones alone, the creatures had no defense against the power of Life and Light, flooding through the arcane magic that formed them and dispersing the darkness.
But next time… the Force wouldn't be so lucky.
Unbidden, the voice of Teddy Mackenzie flowed through Craig's mind.
"Press your advantage."
One of the most fundamental rules in competitive sports. Since there is never an assurance of victory, one must always take advantage of any opportunity that arises.
Craig stole a glance at his gleaming ax, shaped by his memories of chopping down trees in his grandmother's yard over the summer. He had needed a weapon to consolidate his physical and magical strength, and the Dia-Staff had bent to his will.
We're wasting time, he decided. He inclined his head, staring up into the sunrise. Clearly visible was a black spot, hovering over them all like a bad omen.
The Denebian warship.
There're bigger fish to fry…
* * *
The rage bubbled like a volcano preparing to rain deadly fire upon some hapless village.
Phaedra stood on the bridge of the warship… so rare an occurrence the bridge crew was set on edge by her mere presence. With blazing eyes, she stared at the small globe floating innocently in space.
Despite the serene appearance, she knew full well of the fierce battle that raged below. She stretched her perception through her Shadows, watching grimly as her personal armies were plowed down by six humans. Six members of a weak, short-lived species dared to stand against her… with success!
Her plan had backfired. Instead of disheartening Spectra and her team by revealing the consequences of opposing the Empire, she had fueled their resolve and self-righteousness.
And somehow, they discovered a power formidable enough to reduce her mighty Shadows to cannon fodder.
Curse them all! They found the Diadem! That is the only explanation!!
Oh… but they wouldn't win the day. She still had the power to wrench victory from the hands of defeat.
"Captain!" she snapped. She had never bothered to learn the officer's name, nor was she interested. She glanced dismissively at his stalwart posture and decorated armor. "Does this ship have the firepower to detonate Edenia?"
The question surprised the captain. Even though his vessel was technically a warship, it had been dedicated to exploration throughout his tenure. "With time, and a few strategic hits, we should be able to destroy a planet this small."
"Then open fire."
The command caused the entire bridge crew to look up from their respective tasks.
"Majesty," the captain bravely objected, "we can't open fire blindly. In order to determine which targets would cause a destructive chain reaction, we will need to perform a careful seismologic analysis."
Phaedra slid her glare to the captain. "How long will that take?"
"Twelve hours."
She folded her arms. "In that time, the entire Spectrum Force will have already left the planet," she hissed. "Begin your study, but open fire on the humans now."
The captain knew not to argue, and turned on his communicator. "Weapons ready!" he bellowed.
* * *
After making sure Gaius was as comfortable as possible, Spectra hurried to the small cockpit of the Starglider 30 and activated its engines. As it was primarily designed to serve as an escape pod, a great deal of effort was invested into making the ship virtually invisible to Denebian warships.
So Spectra dared to lift off, cutting through the heavy atmosphere of Edenia into the vacuum of space.
She programmed the navigation to take her to the Hyperspace Portal, and had begun making adjustments on the portal remote to take her directly to Lumina City, when an alarm beeped to life. She jumped, turning to the sensor.
"Phaedra's ship is charging weapons," she murmured, her eyes widening, "Did she detect me?"
Nervous fingers flew over the keys, commanding the computer to estimate the trajectory. "The cannons are aimed for Edenia!"
Her fear escalating, she relayed an urgent call to the six brave humans that were blissfully unaware of the emergency.
* * *
*Spectrum Force! The warship orbiting Edenia is preparing to fire on your location!*
The Force immediately stopped their fierce fighting, and as one launched into the air to regroup.
"We've got to stop them!" Tamara decided, "What if they blow up the planet?"
"The Midjinari and the Diadem are still down here!" Craig added.
Keith stared up at the small black spot that marred the perfect blue sky. "Think we can unite our powers? Like we did against the monster-worm?"
"I don't think it'll be powerful enough to do major damage," Jocelyn noted. "If it were, we could've blasted Phaedra's ship orbiting Earth."
"Then maybe we should unite these," Matt proposed, lifting his sai. At his will, the weapon converted back to the Dia-Staff. "They were one big pole to begin with, right?"
Rachel turned to Craig. "Think it'll work?"
Craig relaxed, listening for any additional insights the Diadem might offer. After a few moments, a clear image formed in his head.
He knew exactly what to do.
"Follow me!" he called. The Force watched, startled, as the Blue Enforcer rocketed into space.
"You heard the man," Keith said. Together, the five remaining Enforcers took off into the heavens.
The team reconvened in the uppermost atmosphere, hovering in a circle. Only mere kilometers away, the foreboding warship floated, two barrels glowing with angry, rolling plasma.
*Dia-Staffs up!* Craig relayed.
The team lifted their staffs in synchrony.
Craig then lowered his, pointing directly at Rachel, who floated across from him. *Now, we link them to create the Dia-Star.*
*Dia-Star?* Matt repeated, brow furrowed.
Rachel nodded with understanding, and lowered her own staff. Tendrils of energy stretched between the tips as she drew her staff closer to Craig's. The moment it touched, the tendrils climbed up and down the pole, weaving over both Enforcers' gloves with no harm.
*A six-pointed star, huh?* Keith realized, setting his staff into place. Tamara, Jocelyn, and Matthew followed suit.
The moment the sixth staff joined the others, the colored flashes of light were instantly replaced by a thick, bright web of blinding white light.
The six hovered around the Dia-Star, watching the powerful energy infuse the giant, six-pronged weapon.
*So now what?* Tamara wondered.
In response, Craig grabbed hold of the Dia-Star from one prong. He floated away from the team, closing in on the warship.
*Now… it's the last few seconds of the fourth quarter,* he answered. *The opposing team is two points ahead… but I'm open for a three-pointer.*
Without further explanation, he tossed the Dia-Star like a frisbee. The magical weapon spun so rapidly, to the naked eye it looked like a glowing disc.
The disc tore through the airless void, right on target.
* * *
The officer manning the sensors blinked his ruby eyes, but the bizarre phenomenon continued its rapid approach.
"Empress!" he shouted urgently, "Captain! There's someth-!"
Before he could finish his warning, the entire warship rocked as the unidentified energy force tore through its very center.
* * *
Instinct alone drove the Spectrum Force to retreat to a safe distance. They watched in astonishment as the shower of sparks, fire, and smoke lit the sky. In eerie silence, explosion after explosion burst from the gargantuan vessel, now cleaved in half.
Moments later, the six Dia-Staffs reformed in each Enforcer's hand.
*My God…* was the only thought Jocelyn could process.
Tamara's free hand pressed against her heart. *All those people!*
Keith watched the spray of metal clinically. *They were willing to blow up an entire planet. It serves them right.*
He winced as his girlfriend punched his shoulder. Hard. *How could you think such a thing!* she shrieked into his mind. *Murder is never justified!*
Keith turned to Rachel, clearly seeking support. The Purple Enforcer folded her arms, pinching her chin in thought. *You're right, Tammy,* she decided, *murder is never justified. But blowing up that ship isn't really murder. It was defense… of ourselves, of the Midjinari, and of the Diadem. If Phaedra destroyed us, Earth would be an open target, and billions of innocent lives would be lost. And if she succeeded in destroying the Diadem, then all its power would've been erased, and the forces of Light would be at an enormous disadvantage.*
She watched Tamara, waiting for an argument. None came… though it was evident the Yellow Enforcer had not been appeased.
A sudden excitement swelled Matt's heart. *Then… it's over! We defeated Phaedra for good!*
Craig stared at the larger chunks of debris through narrowed eyes. He wasn't quite so optimistic.
* * *
*The battle has been won,* Nishal reported. He turned back to wall, where the three other Midjinari congregated around the dislodged Diadem.
*Now we can depart,* Pashal, the second-oldest, announced.
The youngest nodded, though her cherubic face was solemn. *May I please alert the Blue Enforcer? He must know we have retreated, lest he conclude that he failed to protect the Diadem.*
Nishal smiled. *I have already informed the daughter of Gaius of our plans, Mashal. Yet if you so choose, you may speak to him.*
*Be brief,* Quashal instructed, his tone urgent. *We must focus all our power to Phase to safety.*
Mashal nodded, a smile spreading over her face as she reached out for her newest friend.
* * *
The Spectrum Force landed upon the trodden grass of the clearing. The flattened verdure and pot-marked earth were evidence of the fateful battle that had occurred on that very spot only minutes ago, yet all the Shadows had disappeared.
Yet they were far from safe. The rich blue sky burned with angry debris, some of which crashed into the forest like wrathful meteorites.
"Let's get the Diadem, and get out of here," Rachel decided. "Craig, where is it?"
The Blue Enforcer shook his head. "We've gotta find the Midjinari first. Then we can get the Diadem, and high-tail it."
"Where are these 'Midjinari' anyway?" Matt wondered.
Craig frowned, turning back to the dense forest before him, already smoking with fire. "I… don't know," he confessed. "I wasn't really paying attention to landmarks or anything when we came here."
The team lifted off the ground, preparing to explore the dense jungle, when a sudden flicker of light manifested directly in front of them.
Keith dodged backward, gripping his Dia-Staff tightly. "Sure; why not?" he grumbled, "Let's just add 'ghosts' to the list of weird things I've seen today!"
Craig hovered closer, a grin lighting up his face. "Mashal! Is that you?"
*Listen well, Warriors of Light,* the projection urged, her soft voice echoing in everyone's mind. *We cannot thank you enough for your diligence. Your efforts have saved the Diadem from evil hands… but not for long.*
Matt sneered. "So Phaedra did survive…"
*The Empire is vast and powerful… for now, the Diadem must be hidden until the One who can manifest its true power arrives. Until then, we shall travel the universe, keeping the Diadem safe from darkness.*
"Wait!" Craig shouted, leaning forward, "Mashal, we can use the Diadem! The power it gave us sank Phaedra's ship!"
*That is but one ship… and there are many more in the fleet. The Diadem must be preserved, or all is lost.*
She bowed deeply. *Your strength is forged by many influences. By your resolve. By your unity. By your confidence. May you continue to grow in the Light, and may the Light shine on you… and within you… always.*
With those parting words, she vanished.
Matt stared at the point where she had disappeared, utterly mystified. "So… what does all this mean? Did we come all the way out here just to lose the Diadem?"
Before anyone could answer, a shrill whistling sound burst from behind. The six whirled around, just in time to see a bolt of bright light pierce the cliff that housed Gaius' sanctuary. It paused for less than a second, and then launched into the deep reaches of space.
Goodbye, Mashal… Craig mused, waving to the speck of light that quickly faded from sight. Thanks for… everything.
Silence reigned for a full minute, as each Enforcer digested the jarring events of the day individually. Finally, the solemn quiet was broken… Keith's rumbling stomach.
The Red Enforcer felt the startled gazes of his friends, and shrugged. "Hey… I said I was hungry hours ago! At least I haven't been complaining."
Tamara smiled with laughter. The sheer comic absurdity of it all managed to shake her from her deeper thoughts... for the moment, at least.
She wound her arm through Keith's. "Let's go home," she suggested, "before he tries to eat the local plant-life again."
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About Me

- De Chao
- Live Long and Prosper! I am an eccentric. I like Jewish/Hebrew music, focusing on whatever special interests I have, especially if it concerns my friends. Quintessentially, I love my gifts from God. I dislike it when people dislike the lives of their own children, and torture them in the name of training and treatment. My dreams for the future are to become a Professor, writer, wife and mum. May the Force be with you!
Blog Archive
- The sorting hat says...
- The Apostle's Creed
- Myself, my Life, and Autism
- I Am Dopamine!
- How LOTR Knowledgeable Am I?
- Lol. Greek God. Athena.
- Could I Rule the World?
- Spectrum Force on Valentine's Day
- Spectrum Force Chapter Seven
- Spectrum Force Chapter Six
- Spectrum Force Chapter Five
- Spectrum Force Chapter Four
- Spectrum Force Chapter Three
- Spectrum Force Chapter Two
- Spectrum Force Chapter One
- My cousin's/siblings' B-day present. And, no, not ...
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