Tuesday, December 29, 2009

A Nosy Survey

1. What is your childhood nickname?


2. how old were you when you had your first crush?


3. who was he/she?

Sherlock Holmes.

4. who was your first kiss?


5. how old were you?

Really Young.

6. who is your crush right now?

Jon... Eh, none of your business!

7. what size of shoe do you wear?


8. what is inside your notebook on the first page?

Japanese Characters.

9. on the last page?

A kitsune.

10. how many text messages in your phone are from your crush?


11. what does one of them say?


12. post one of your enemies phone numbers here....

Phone: (212) 252-8584, (609) 228-7310, and (323) 549-0500.

13. what is your enemies name?

Autism Speaks. They like to sue the people they claim they want to help.

14. would you care if someone prank called them?

I would, but only if the caller got sued. Yell "Neurodiversity Forever" in the answering machine's ear for me.

15. what size of pants do you wear?

I don't wear pants. I wear skirts.

16. would you kiss chris brown?

Definitely not.

17. how old are you?


18. how old do you tell people you are


19. is your crush older than you?


20. does your crush know you like him/her?


21. if the president saw you in a state of undress, what would you tell him?

I'm so embarrassed, but the things you said about Autism are the only things I've liked coming from you.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Facebook Quiz Results.


You are a very high energy person. You fear nothing and are ruthless. You try your hardest at everything and almost never fail. You have a slight pride issue and you think you are very attractive. You have a few select friends, but everyone wants to be like you. You are feared by most and you are very athletic. Try and soften up a little...

Suzaku completed the quiz "THE INNER NATIONALITY QUIZ: WHAT ARE YOU REALLY?" with the result You are Japanese. .
You are good-natured and shy, interested in anything and everything that is exquisite, fine, detailed and highly cultivated. You put a lot of store in forms and formality, but that doesn't stop you from having a very poignant longing for ecstatic self-dissolution, which you sometimes achieve in groups, and sometimes through aesthetic appreciation on your own. You are much more comfortable behaving in public exactly like your peers, but when you are alone you pursue activities that are sometimes almost freakishly idiosyncratic. You make friends easily because of your gentility, but you will only be truly intimate with a very small group of them.

Suzaku completed the quiz "WHAT IS YOUR PURPOSE IN LIFE?" with the result You are an Angel in Human form..
“Just your presence is a blessing to those around you, your positive attitude is implacable and radiates change for the better in everything you do and to those around you but everything in its time thus although you may not immediately be aware of your gift everything you do, have done and are about to do is destined to enrich you in a multitude of ways. You have been put on this earth to make a difference use your gift wisely.”


Pablo Picasso

Suzaku completed the quiz "Dr. Phil's Personality Test" with the result The Careful Plodder.
Your friends see you as painstaking and fussy. They see you as very cautious, extremely careful, a slow and steady plodder. It would really surprise them if you ever did something impulsively or on the spur of the moment, expecting you to examine everything carefully from every angle and then, usually decide against it. They think this reaction is caused partly by your careful nature..
Suzaku completed the quiz "Which Disney character are you?" with the result Princess Jasmine.
You are Jasmine. You are clever and strong-willed but may need a little help when times are tough. You are a bright person with a love for life. You take things seriously but also know how to laugh things off and have a good time.

Suzaku completed the quiz "What breed of dog are you?" with the result German Shepherd.
The breed that best describes you is the German Shepherd. You are loyal, strong in heart, and faithful until the end. Even if you do not have a lot of friends, the ones you have you would do anything for. You are bold and confident. You are usually more serious then you are silly. You enjoy working and take pride in what you do. You love being around family and close friends, but you are wary of strangers and may take time to warm up to them..

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Of Japanese Nicknames and Prefixes.

     I think I've just discovered a really cute general nickname for 

neurotypicals! "Shinkei-tayou-janai-desu-san." Basically, it means 

something like, "Mr. Non-Neuro-diverse-guy."

     Now, let's take her apart."Shinkei," 神経, "of the nerves or nervous 

system," "Tayou," 多様, "diverse," "Janai desu," "isn't," "san," Addresses 

everyone that isn't cute or utterly close, a boy's age and gender, your upper-class 

man, teacher, Professor, captain, or over your station in life.

      Just in case you're befuddled by my use of "san," I have written the following 

on Japanese suffixes."Kun," is attached to a boy's name, "chan" is 

attached to either a girl, a girlfriend, or a very small boy, "senpai" is 

how you address your upper classman, "Sensei" addresses either a 

Teacher, a person w/a doctorate degree, or a master of any given 

profession, "Sama," addresses important people, "Dono," addresses 

the master of at least a moderately large house, and "Tono," I strictly 

use for prayer.

     Oh, "Taichou" addresses captain, btw.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Love, Reciprocals, and Hurt

I have loved my best friend too much....

You see, I have learned that emotions and mental states have reciprocals. You get what you pay for.

The Reciprocal for knowledge of a person in great detail and LOVING THEM is this: Great, sometimes immense joy!

If you multiply by the great negative of setting up such a person to receive hurt, then you will hurt greatly, and sometimes immensely. WHY DID I HAVE TO DO THAT!!! WHY!!!!!

Man, my life has hit the floor!

Man, my life has hit the floor!

Man, my life has hit the floor!

Man, my life has hit the floor!

1, something's wrong with this!*

2, something's wrong with this!

3, something's wrong with this!

4, something's wrong with this!

Man, my life has hit the floor!

Man, my life has hit the floor!

Man, my life has hit the floor!

Man, my life has hit the floor!

1, something's got to give!

2, something's got to give!

3, something's got to give!

4, something's got to give!

1, something's wrong with this!

2, something's wrong with this!

3, something's wrong with this!

4, something's wrong with this!

1, something's got to give!

2, something's got to give!

3, something's got to give!

4, something's got to give!

*When I say that something's wrong with this, I mean the fact of the Autistic trait of special interest leading me to pour such love into my people, my special people is helping depression because of the separation. You say this obsession is never good, or Autism is diseasing me? Tell that to Daniel Tammet, Bill Gates, and any one who's seen the works of Stephen Wiltshire! Tell that to Temple Grandin! Tell that to Winston's family! Tell that to MY OTHER BEST FRIEND, MY SISTER. She's been on the receiving end of my strong, intense love. Tell it to her...

Stimming in Church, Ep 2.

I stimmed in church this morn....

It was just like I was praising God; I don't believe anyone noticed.

Oh, wait, I was praising God! I think no one saw me either! I got to have myself a good rockin' in Jesus name! I mean it! I was praisin' the Lord, and actin' just plain weird.

And I believe that it worked as PRAISE!

Basically, I resembled an Autistic Apostolic. Short hand for, rocking back and forth, (as opposed to clapping), and arm flapping. I honestly believe God accepted all that as praise.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Disorders, Disability, and the Human Condition.

One person said:

"I'm not saying that if you genuinely suffer from a mental disorder that you should be ashamed of it."

I Replied:

If you actually are disordered mentally and do not suffer, then it is a human condition to be proud of, perhaps.

If you suffer from a disorder, it hurts, and the suffering part/s needs to go.

Suffering ain't cool, but being disorderedly different in a potentially handy fashion is.

My sister is ADHD. Does she suffer from it? No, it helps her multitask.

I am likely enough to be Autistic and am ADHD. I love my brain, when it doesn't overload me. I'm also on a depression med. Life hurts because of my mood. THAT'S incapacitating. That, and what the @#$%&^*!!! stimulant does for my anxiety and paranoia. :howls:

BTW, have you ever suffered socially? Answer that question and think about it before reading further.
________________________________________ ________________________________________ ____________

You could've obsessed with social communication, and made it much less easy for misunderstandings to happen. But the obsessive special interest's an Aspie trait. You suffer from Neurotypicalism, just as much as some of those other people you named suffer from their mental disorders. Some mental disorders are actually disabling, and others are just human conditions. You get it?

Thursday, December 17, 2009

How well would I survive in someone else's Fantasy World?

Your result for The Would You Survive In My Magic And Mobster Book/Game Setting? Test...

You scored 60Survival, 61 Moxy, 78 Mojoand 73 Cursed!

Thanks for taking this test. Feel free to contact me if you are interested in learning more about my story or game. :) Suvival measures how well you would handle living in this world. Moxy measures not only your courage but also your gritty style. Mojo measures how well you understand and can work true magick. Cursed measures your bad luck and consequences. Working and Walking the Way isn't easy. There is always a cost.
Take The Would You Survive In My Magic And Mobster Book/Game Setting? Test at HelloQuizzy

Trailer for Avatar

If I go crazy....

Quiz Stuff

You love listening to music, driving fast cars, you are mysterious, polite, have mood swings, and you especially don't want anyone to get her base on hard choices you have to make to make things work.You might have trouble finding true love, while looking for your true soul mate, if you haven't found her already! And most important, you are very dedicated to protect the ones you love from anything!


Suzaku completed the quiz "Are You A Vampire or Werewolf?" with the result Werewolf.

You are part of the pack! You are warm, fast and able to become a wolf in an instant. Whether you chose to help the vampires is completely up to you.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Not altogether certain

Your result for The Could You Survive My Family Test...

Long lost sibling?

You scored 67 Survival Skills!
Far out and groovy even! You likely have better fashion sense than dad, you're not quite as nasty as the brothers, and you very well know that mom is hot. Are you my long lost sibling? Because you fit right in with my weird family. Maybe we're not so weird after all! Maybe it is everyone else that is weird, and they're just a bunch of dillusional freaks who can't accept responsibility for being called different so they call everyone else different instead! Yeah normals, chew on THAT! Oh...I mean, good job on the test. You survive, and you have fun doing it! Congratulations on not taking life too seriously and finding happy moments in otherwise mundane or humiliating experiences. Go you!
Take The Could You Survive My Family Test at HelloQuizzy

This Household really is weird....

Woohoo.... Undefinite.

Your result for End of the World Test!!...

Nerd-Lord Deluxe!

7% Smarts, 0% Hardcore, 0% Ruthless and 1% Sappy!
You're the Nerd-Lord! Deluxe edition! You solved the many challenges and confrontations of the world after doomsday with some sassy smarts. When you see lakes of boiling nuclear waste and horrible ghoulish little children with eyes on their tongues, you think to yourself "this isn't poke out your eyes terrifying! it's an opportunity!" That lake became a hydro-power station! Those children, with the addition of 11 herbs and spices, became a fantastic family-friendly fast food snack! Now that's some nerdilicious innovation! Finger-lickin good!
Take End of the World Test!! at HelloQuizzy

I Am The Nerd Queen!

Your result for End of the World Test!!...

Nerd-Lord Deluxe!

7% Smarts, 0% Hardcore, 0% Ruthless and 1% Sappy!
You're the Nerd-Lord! Deluxe edition! You solved the many challenges and confrontations of the world after doomsday with some sassy smarts. When you see lakes of boiling nuclear waste and horrible ghoulish little children with eyes on their tongues, you think to yourself "this isn't poke out your eyes terrifying! it's an opportunity!" That lake became a hydro-power station! Those children, with the addition of 11 herbs and spices, became a fantastic family-friendly fast food snack! Now that's some nerdilicious innovation! Finger-lickin good!
Take End of the World Test!! at HelloQuizzy

Woohoo!!!! Yay!

Your result for The survive being thrown into a fantasy game Test...


You scored 11% Bravery, 14% Wits, 15% Leadership!
You jumped across the gorge and entered the door-way, leading back to home sweet home... but wait!
Why do you have to go back to the original world anyway? Are you not more suited in that fantasy world where your bravery and wits are appreciated and people would respect you for saving the world!? Well, in the end, you are the one makes the choices...
Well done! You scored well for all 3 variables. You demonstrated that you can think in a tight spot, sometimes even by utilizing the strength of others, but know when to get down and dirty if the situation needs it. Remember, even every day life is filled with little adventures...
Okay, now I feel like I'm being too nice. Look at the other endings if you want to know what you missed out :D
Take The survive being thrown into a fantasy game Test at HelloQuizzy

Why am I single?

Your result for The Why Are You Single Test...

'Net Bf/gf

You scored 48 despair, 75 relationship potential, 100 feelings, and 75 patience

You're an internet boyfriend-girlfriend. You probably like someone who lives far away, too bad you're too poor to afford a ticket. get a job!
Take The Why Are You Single Test at HelloQuizzy

My knowledge of Pidgin, AKA, how well can I research?

Your result for Da Pidgin Test!!?!...

The Malahine

74% Local and 27% Haole

You scored 74% Local and 27% Haole.  Nice job.  You are either new to Hawaii, haven't been there in a while, are good at guessing or need to brush up on you Pidgin English...  Maybe reading Pidgin to the Max might help! 

But don't worry, I'm sure you'll pick up what you don't understand very quickly!
Take Da Pidgin Test!!?! at HelloQuizzy

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Stimming and emotion

You know, due to having my own personal little fun... I've kinda hypothesized that the reason that some Apostolics rock is because they have an over abundance of a wonderful subconscious emotion, that cannot be captured in mere facial expressions. Stimming, which is what rocking is a form of, is something that can be used to either express emotion, or make the emotion that one is expressing. I express my pain in a way I wish wasn't pathologized: Stimming. Because of this, I wonder if smiling would be considered a stim in a world more populated by ASD type people.

Now, one person has said, "I do not hold such view. Stimming and destructive behavior are not communication. An autistic does not communicate with anyone this way, not even with another autistic. These form a pathological behavior which has a neurological underpinning and it doesn't form a medium of information exchange - hence, no communication."

In the end, I believe that both our kinds do have non verbal communication, but there is a language barrier. Non Autistics SAY, or at least, imply, that we know less about communication than do they. Um, hey, Mr., Mrs., and Ms. Non Autistic, how long did you say you've gone without misunderstanding, or being misunderstood? How 'bout losing your temper? That's always but always but always a mistake. I thought you'd say something like what you're likely enough to say...

Let's try some real empathy, people! Ask others what mean before you potentially make a mistake! Be sensitive for once!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Your result for The Southern-ness Test...

Dixie Royal

You are 90% true Southern!

You are pure belle or gentleman! You know your Jones Soda, Nehi and RC colas, your Moon Pies and sweet potato pie; you'd absolutely die without air conditioners in the summer, and you've seen Steel Magnolias and Fried Green Tomatoes (or read the book!). Your grandmother lives in an antebellum home and has a cook who makes the best fried chicken and asparagus casserole and summer squash and everything else in the world. And you know the taste of honeysuckle and the feel of grass between your toes. You are blessed.

Take The Southern-ness Test at OkCupid

In which I blog on Lisa Jo Rudy's "Autism and the Neurodiversity Movement - What's Your Opinion?"

"Some parents and self-advocates will insist that autism is both a challenge and a gift. Others will argue that it’s a scourge that should be eliminated from the world.

In my opinion, both are right."-- Lisa Jo Rudy

"Not all Autistics are mentally deficient. In fact, I have raised up some noted geniuses. Daniel Tammet, the man who computed Pi better than a computer, and learned Icelandic in seven days..Bill Gates, of course, of Microsoft fame. Unfortunately, not all of us get to be savants or geniuses. This is another example of my spectrum hood."--My Informative Speech, from the point of view of an anthropomorphic Autism.

The main thing about the term Autism is that it's from the Greek “Autos,” which means "By oneself, or alone." It refers, of course, to the communication differences, always nonverbal and sometimes affecting verbal skills. The only thing that one should remove from Autism is the Aloneness.-- Paraphrasing my persuasive speech.

"I believe that if the shoe, the word, and the metaphor fits, you should wear it. If it hurts, then kick it for all it's worth. One could retain the special interest, the causes, and choose to kick the butt of the classic conditioning that forcibly tricked you into believing that you couldn't communicate. What is the scientific basis for believing that an autistic can't learn communication? Science is always fallible.Among monozygotic (identical) twin pairs the concordance rate for autism ranges from 36% to 91%, with 60% being a widely accepted number (as far as I can tell, e.g. Bailey et al 1995 ). Obviously, if the twins were both being exposed to the same things, there must be something about personal development, like special interest.

Do the fixative not belong in the same group, no matter how they communicate?

Do we deserve to be alone because of our mannerisms? NO!!!

--Previous blogging.

Thus, I should like to say, Autism mayn't necessarily be the best name for our people.. Maybe Summic-Perspicacious (Summic is related to the term for summit; it means the highest point, main idea, thesis statement, etc), but not self bound. Not alone. IF IT AIN'T WORTH KEEPING, THEN KICK IT!

That's my idea on the statement.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Stuff about me

Favorite Authors
JRR Tolkien, Jack Lewis, Frank Peretti, Temple Grandin, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Charles Dickens, Shakespeare....
Favorite Genres
Guess. Action/Adventure/Fantasy, Certain types of Biographies, Mystery, Spiritual, and Drama!
Favorite Characters
Gandalf, Aragorn, Arwen, Elrond, Luthien, Lucy, Peter, Edmund... Naturally, Aslan, of course, Tal, Guilo, Nathan, Triskal, Krioni, Armouth, Sherlock Holmes, Watson, Mycroft, Scrooge, Isabella, the Cratchits, Angels 1 and 2, and Fred.
Favorite Quotes
"The hands of a King are the hands of a healer, and so shall the rightful King be known."

"Now, you are Lioness, and now, all of Narnia shall be renewed."

"But for your praying saints..."

"It is simplicity in itself."

"Come in, and know me better, man!"

"He did it all, and infinitely more; and to Tiny Tim, who did not die, he was a second father. He became as good a friend, as good a master, and as good a man, as the good old city knew, or any other good old city, town, or borough in the good old world."

My real age...

Your result for The What is your REAL age Test...

You are 36 years old!!

Take The What is your REAL age Test at OkCupid

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Modern Cool Nerd

Your result for The Nerd? Geek? or Dork? Test...

Modern, Cool Nerd

65 % Nerd, 61% Geek, 48% Dork

For The Record:

A Nerd is someone who is passionate about learning/being smart/academia.
A Geek is someone who is passionate about some particular area or subject, often an obscure or difficult one.
A Dork is someone who has difficulty with common social expectations/interactions.
You scored better than half in Nerd and Geek, earning you the title of: Modern, Cool Nerd.

Nerds didn't use to be cool, but in the 90's that all changed. It used to be that, if you were a computer expert, you had to wear plaid or a pocket protector or suspenders or something that announced to the world that you couldn't quite fit in. Not anymore. Now, the intelligent and geeky have eked out for themselves a modicum of respect at the very least, and "geek is chic." The Modern, Cool Nerd is intelligent, knowledgable and always the person to call in a crisis (needing computer advice/an arcane bit of trivia knowledge). They are the one you want as your lifeline in Who Wants to Be a Millionaire (or the one up there, winning the million bucks)!


Also, you might want to check out some of my other tests if you're interested in any of the following:

Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Professional Wrestling

Love & Sexuality


Thanks Again! -- THE NERD? GEEK? OR DORK? TEST

Take The Nerd? Geek? or Dork? Test at OkCupid

What's Your Signature Weapon Test

Your result for The What's Your Signature Weapon Test...

Hand and a Half Blade

You preferred a weapon with 51% power over speed and 13% range over melee.

You use a Hand and a Half Blade.

The Hand and a Half Blade is potent and adaptable. It can be used with one or both hands, and its heft and power are fearsome in a skilled opponent. You are a fearsome sight when you draw your great blade, and your opponents run in terror.

Take The What's Your Signature Weapon Test at OkCupid

Your result for The Mythological God Test...


Indeed, you are 75% erudite, 75% sensual, 67% martial, and 63% saturnine.

The God Lug certainly cut an impressive image. Lug was a mighty hero, often portrayed as a blond muscle-man, all decked out in magnificent armour complete with helmet and shield of gold.

As the story goes, Lug came to the glorious palace of The Dagda expecting to be welcomed as a full fledged member of the "God Fraternity" right there on the spot, no questions asked. But the palace guard did question him. In order to take a seat among the immortal Gods, one had to possess a skill not already covered by one of the deities. When the guard asked Lug to name his unique specialty, the mighty hero declared that he was particularly competent in the art of war. The guard shook his head. They already had a War God. Lug then called out several of his many expert abilities. Could they use a God of healing? Nope. A Water God? Nope. How about a God of magic? Of music? Commerce? Nope, nope, and nope. Finally reaching his wits end, Lug lashed out at the guard and demanded to be admitted since none of the Gods were masters of all skills like he was. This worked. Soon he became the greatest of all the Celtic Gods.

The Fifteen Gods

These are the 15 categories of this test. If you score above average in …

…all or none of the four variables: Dagda. … Erudite: Thoth. … Sensual: Frey. … Martial: Mars. … Saturnine: Mictlantecuhtli. … Erudite & Sensual: Amun. … Erudite & Martial: Odin. … Erudite & Saturnine: Anubis. … Sensual & Martial: Zeus. … Sensual & Saturnine: Cernunnos. … Martial & Saturnine: Loki. … Erudite, Sensual & Martial: Lug. … Erudite, Sensual & Saturnine: Coyote. … Erudite, Martial & Saturnine: Hades. … Sensual, Martial & Saturnine: Pan.

Take The Mythological God Test at OkCupid

:) The Autistic Subtype Test ...

Your result for The Autistic Subtype Test ...

You scored 26 Autism, 63 Asperger, 24 Rett and 33 Heller!

Whichever you scored highest in is what you're most likely to be. If two are very close together, you may be either. If you're neurotypical, chances are you scored around 30 for all of them except Asperger, which is probably around twice that.

Your Analysis (Vertical line = Average)

  • Autism Distribution

    You scored 26% on Autism, higher than 23% of your peers.

  • Asperger Distribution

    You scored 63% on Asperger, higher than 44% of your peers.

  • Rett Distribution

    You scored 24% on Rett, higher than 20% of your peers.

  • Heller Distribution

    You scored 33% on Heller, higher than 46% of your peers.

About Me

My photo
Live Long and Prosper! I am an eccentric. I like Jewish/Hebrew music, focusing on whatever special interests I have, especially if it concerns my friends. Quintessentially, I love my gifts from God. I dislike it when people dislike the lives of their own children, and torture them in the name of training and treatment. My dreams for the future are to become a Professor, writer, wife and mum. May the Force be with you!
