Saturday, August 29, 2009

I Made Suzaku!!!!

Your result for The Which Holy Beast are You? Test...


You scored 7 Blue Dragon, 40 Red Phoenix, 27 White Tiger, and 20 Black Tortoise!

You are Suzaku the Red Phoenix. You live in good fortune. Suzaku protects the South, and corresponds to summer, life, the element fire, red, and knowledge. Suzaku appears in times of great change and fortune. The Phoenix is said to appear only when a time of peaceful and prosperity is about to begin, and leaves when the era is about to end. It is debated whether the Phoenix causes the changes. Suzaku is often paired with Seiryu. You are a lucky person; you are very intelligent and manage to get by even when most would not.

Take The Which Holy Beast are You? Test
at HelloQuizzy


Your result for What Planet are You From? Test...

You are from Uranus!

27% Uranus

Well, how about that? You are from Uranus!

Uranus is a bit unusual in that it kind of tilts to its side. They think that might be because it was involved in some kind of collision with another planet or huge asteroid at some time. Uranus also has nine rings. It was discovered in 1871 and is the third largest planet in our solar system.

Uranus was named after the Greek father of the sky. It is said that he come to the planet to mate with Gaia, but he hated the children that she bore. Hmmm. Does that mean that you don’t like very many humans?

What does this say about you?

Well, it means that you have a very strong personality. You like being different. You are just one of those people that are hard to describe. You like to make people think because you realize that life is always changing.

You have lots of ideas and could possibly be an inventor. You enjoy learning about new things and trying things out. You are definitely a doer and a creator. Give you a rubber band, a paper clip, and a ball point pin and I’m sure you could manage to do something very interesting and unusual with it.

Intelligence becomes you!

Take What Planet are You From? Test
at HelloQuizzy

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Monday, August 17, 2009

No matter what our neurological orientation is, JESUS LOVES US!

Jesus loves the little children;
All the children of the world.
Whether mostly
Grey or white,
Our brains are precious in His sight.
Jesus loves the little children
Of the world.

Jesus died for all the children;
All the children of the world.
Whether mostly
Grey or white,
Our brains are precious in His sight.
Jesus died for all the children
Of the world.

Jesus rose for all the children
All the children of the world
Whether mostly
Grey or white
Our brains are precious in His sight.
Jesus rose for all the children
Of the world.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

An Extremely Controversial Post

A Message to Ken Bruce

From Suzaku Williams


Your article about Autism

Sir, I am an Pro-Neurodiversity Aspie. I believe that your article was well written, and actually rather nice. Seriously, though, I have a hypothesis about Autism. You see, I have had a surprising and difficult situation for a very long time that basically stole my capacity and part of my desire for communication. Sound familiar?

A baby would have a shorter attention span, but we all know how Autistics just love things that they haven't prepared for. Or, well, not. I suspect that some receive their hopes, partially, and turn out to be Aspies. Others got several more specific types of wishes and become PDD-NOS. The traits could've been made to be completely invisible, if a person was simply taught differently. I've discovered a few of the greatest possibilities due to a very few people, recently enough, get everything they need to keep the traits considered much less important overlooked, and the main most traits are practically there in ways the diagnostic officials would never take note of, let alone look for without prompting.

The very best thing I understand to do is to embrace the strengths, and the person. Understand what resonates with them, and tug on that to develop them into a fully developed, understanding character of a human being. This is the best thing, to have a fair, honest, loving, possibly even expressive (depends on the interest), hopeful fighter child. Do Autistics belong in the same Neurofamily as those who have the mastery of most all, or near all, or to any degree more fully, communication's rules? YES! YES, FOR HEAVEN'S AND ALL OUR SAKES! YOU DON'T DESERVE THE EXPENSES, AND WE ALL DON'T DESERVE THE LACK OF UNDERSTANDING AND JOY! Would the Autism Spectrum as it is currently described, in all it's hopelessness fit us all? NO!

Please, sir, if you're the least bit hopeful about my hypothesis, MESSAGE ME BACK. We both understand how significant this might wind up becoming. Thank you, sir.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Wow! Interesting.

Your result for The Are You An Indigo Child Test...


You scored 70 Generation and 82 The Checklist!

You were born in the right generation and scored very high on the checklist criteria. You're almost definitely an indigo child! I probably don't have to tell you much about what that means, because you're driven and have a passion to do something important in this world, you're in touch with yourself and you're in touch spiritually . You were born with purpose and will be part of global change. I hope you like the results, many indigos seem to find solace in finally knowing why they are different from the general population and in knowing they are not completely alone.

Take The Are You An Indigo Child Test
at HelloQuizzy

Your result for The Evolution versus Design Test...

Intelligent Design

You are 59% scientific!

You support the Intelligent Design movement. Essentially, you believe that evolution occurs on a small-scale (adaptation or micro-evolution), but that it cannot account for certain complex structures--which therefore necessitates that these structures were designed by a being with intelligence. In all likelihood, your knowledge of scientific methodology is highly lacking, most notably because the "theory" of intelligent design isn't even remotely scientific. You seem to think that merely pointing out perceived "holes" in evolution proves that biological structures are the result of intelligent design. However, attempting to falsify evolution would not validate design, anymore than falsifying the theory of gravity would validate the theory of magical fairies that cause things not to float into the air. Of course, the people who support the Intelligent Design movement can't adequately provide evidence in favor of their theory because it's predicted observations are simply too broad. Unlike evolution, Intelligent Design would not specify any specific observations we could expect to find in biological systems. Where evolution predicts vestigial structures, bodily and genetic similarities, and an evolutionary progression in the fossil record, Intelligent Design would account for virtually any biological observation, because it does not make any specific predictions and thus isn't falsifiable. It can't be tested because any observation would fit the framework. It is important to realize that the mere explanation of facts is not enough for a scientific theory. It also has to take predictive risks and set itself up for being potentially falsified. Is there an observation we could make that would "prove" it must not have been designed by an intelligent power? Not really. An intelligent power could feasibly design anything we perceive, including things that do not appear complex or purposeful at all. Because there is no way to falsify the theory, there is no way to test it.

As a result of this, the Intelligent Design movement relies on a lot of misinformation about evolution in order to defeat it. They may emphasize that evolution is only a "theory", trying to imply that it isn't justified by any evidence, when in a scientific context the word "theory" implicitly implies that the idea has much evidence on its side and contains multitudes of facts that fit its framework. They also tend to point out areas that evolution has not been fully explained at the moment, saying this is evidence for design. However, every scientific theory has unexplained areas, and we can't expect theories to fill every hole. This is a reflection of our epistemic limitations as human beings, not a reflection of the validity of evolution! The fact that evolution does not explain everything is not a criticism, nor does this wipe away the wide array of facts it DOES explain. Furthermore, an unexplained observation is not a falsification of the theory. Potentially, an unexplained phenomenon could one day be shown to falsify the theory--but merely pointing out our ignorance of the explanation does not falsify anything. It is just as possible that it could fit the framework.

As a supporter of the Intelligent Design movement, you should definitely study scientific methodology to learn why your position is not even remotely scientific. On a philosophical level, as well, your position is highly untenable. The teleological argument (which is what Intelligent Design is based upon) runs thus:

1. Complex, purposeful structures show evidence of intelligent design.
2. Biological structures are complex and purposeful.
3. Therefore, biological structures were intelligently designed.

Now, the argument does indeed follow, but what of the designer? Is not the designer complex and purposeful? The designer of such structures would necessarily be complex and purposeful. Therefore, following the premises of the argument:

1. Complex and purposeful things were intelligently designed.
2. The designer implied by the teleological argument is complex and purposeful.
3. Therefore, the designer was intelligently designed.

This creates an infinite regress of designers. The regress cannot be stopped unless one denies the very premises of the argument. Therefore, the idea is incompatible with monotheism, and anyone who thinks it justifies an inference of a single all-powerful God is fooling himself.

In short, Intelligent Design is neither scientifically nor philosophically tenable. It makes no specific predictions and relies wholly on criticizing the "holes" in evolution--despite the fact that all theories have "holes" in knowledge and these gaps do not falsify the theory, nor do these gaps wipe away the abundant evidence in favor of evolution. I highly recommend that you read about all the evidence in favor of evolution. When you realize how many facts in all kinds of different biological fields fit the evolutionary framework, you will realize how truly magnificent and wonderful the theory really is.

However, you can find solace in the fact that you are not a creationist. Your arguments are a little more intelligent, sophisticated, and cunning than the average creationist, even though they are, in the long run, just as flawed.

If you feel that gaps in the fossil record or the second law of thermodynamics contradicts evolution, please click here, as these arguments are addressed and assessed there and shown to be lacking.


The other possible categories:

Creationism / Social Darwinism / Evolution

In case you're interested, and you're probably not, you may want to check out my blog for more assaults on religious silliness and defenses of science and right thinking. Here it is, silly gooses: Saint Gasoline

(And yes, I know that the plural of goose is geese. I just like to bleep the system.)

Take The Evolution versus Design Test
at HelloQuizzy

I REALIZE that faith can't be proven. But it's representatives can possess knowledge. Therefore, Faith is half scientific!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Ryoshi Passed the Mary Sue Test!

Ryoshi is only a little like you. He may be popular, or he may not, but no matter what he's impossible to ignore; he stands out... just the way you always wanted to. He may have sometimes thought that he was special, or destined for greater things, but probably dismissed the idea as a fantasy. He's come in for his share of hurt, but gotten off with minor damage. And he's gotten no slack from you.

In general, you care deeply about Ryoshi, but you're smart enough to let him stand on his own, without burdening him with your personal fantasies or propping him up with idealization and over-dramatization. Ryoshi is a healthy character with a promising career ahead of him.

Score Breakdown
I Love Him, I Let Him Go 10
Yo! 10
I'm Destined For What? 10
Can't Complain 9
Momma HATES Him! 3
Total: 42

About Me

My photo
Live Long and Prosper! I am an eccentric. I like Jewish/Hebrew music, focusing on whatever special interests I have, especially if it concerns my friends. Quintessentially, I love my gifts from God. I dislike it when people dislike the lives of their own children, and torture them in the name of training and treatment. My dreams for the future are to become a Professor, writer, wife and mum. May the Force be with you!
